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Thema: phpsysinfo @ slack9 will nich

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2002

    phpsysinfo @ slack9 will nich

    ich hab zusammen mit meinem Obermieter gestern in 9std. Arbeit meinen neuen Server auf Slack9 in Betrieb genommen.
    Nun wollte ich heute PHPsysinfo draufschnallen, jedoch zeigt er mir nich die "sysinfo" sondern was ganz anderes an

    'phpsysinfo-dev' ); include('../'); } else { define('PHPGROUPWARE', 0); } define('APP_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); // check to see if we have a random template first if (isset($template) && $template == 'random') { $dir = opendir('templates/'); while (($file = readdir($dir))!=false) { if ($file != 'CVS' && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $buf[] = $file; } } $template = $buf[array_rand($buf, 1)]; $random = True; } // figure out if we got a template passed in the url if (!((isset($template) && file_exists("templates/$template")) || $template == 'xml')) { // default template we should use if we don't get a argument. $template = 'classic'; } define('TEMPLATE_SET', $template); // get our current language // default to english, but this is negotiable. if (!(isset($lng) && file_exists('./includes/lang/' . $lng . '.php'))) { $lng = 'en'; // see if the browser knows the right languange. if(isset($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) { $plng = split(',', $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE); if(count($plng) > 0) { while(list($k,$v) = each($plng)) { $k = split(';', $v, 1); $k = split('-', $k[0]); if(file_exists('./includes/lang/' . $k[0] . '.php')) { $lng = $k[0]; break; } } } } } require('./includes/lang/' . $lng . '.php'); // get our language include // Figure out which OS where running on, and detect support if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/os/class.' . PHP_OS . '.inc.php')) { require('./includes/os/class.' . PHP_OS . '.inc.php'); $sysinfo = new sysinfo; } else { echo ' Error: ' . PHP_OS . ' is not currently supported '; exit; } require('./includes/common_functions.php'); // Set of common functions used through out the app require('./includes/xml/vitals.php'); require('./includes/xml/network.php'); require('./includes/xml/hardware.php'); require('./includes/xml/memory.php'); require('./includes/xml/filesystems.php'); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= "\n\n"; $xml .= created_by(); $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= xml_vitals(); $xml .= xml_network(); $xml .= xml_hardware(); $xml .= xml_memory(); $xml .= xml_filesystems(); $xml .= ""; if ($template == 'xml') { // just printout the XML and exit print $xml; } else { // If they have GD complied into PHP, find out the height of the image to make this cleaner if (function_exists('getimagesize') && $template != 'xml') { $image_prop = getimagesize(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET . '/images/bar_middle.gif'); define('BAR_HEIGHT', $image_prop[1]); unset($image_prop); } else { // Until they complie GD into PHP, this could look ugly define('BAR_HEIGHT', 16); } // Store the current template name in a cookie, set expire date to one month later // Store 'random' if we want a random template if ($random) { setcookie("template", 'random', (time() + 2592000)); } else { setcookie("template", $template, (time() + 2592000)); } if (PHPGROUPWARE != 1) { require('./includes/'); // template library } // fire up the template engine $tpl = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET); $tpl->set_file(array( 'form' => 'form.tpl' )); // print out a box of information function makebox ($title, $content) { $t = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET); $t->set_file(array( 'box' => 'box.tpl' )); $t->set_var('title', $title); $t->set_var('content', $content); return $t->parse('out', 'box'); } // Fire off the XPath class require('./includes/XPath.class.php'); $XPath = new XPath(); $XPath->importFromString($xml); // let the page begin. require('./includes/system_header.php'); $tpl->set_var('title', $text['title'] . ': ' . $XPath->getData('/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname') . ' (' . $XPath->getData('/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr') . ')'); $tpl->set_var('vitals', makebox($text['vitals'], html_vitals(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('network', makebox($text['netusage'], html_network(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('hardware', makebox($text['hardware'], html_hardware(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('memory', makebox($text['memusage'], html_memory(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('filesystems', makebox($text['fs'], html_filesystems(), '100%')); // parse our the template $tpl->pparse('out', '
    was nu? Wie gesagt, benutze Slackware 9 und den apache, der beim Setup dabei ist.

    Edit: viel mir gerade auf:

    Error: ' . PHP_OS . ' is not currently supported

    was versucht er mir da mitzuteilen?

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2001
    Eine Ausgabe des Quelltextes heißt, dass PHP entweder nicht installiert oder so konfiguriert ist, dass man den Scriptbereich nicht mit <? einleiten kann (short_open_tag).

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2002
    hat mich zwar gewundert, aber hab php nun installiert und nu gehts. Bisher war ich SuSE verwöhnt *g*

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Berufspenner
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2002
    Original geschrieben von theWireless
    hat mich zwar gewundert, aber hab php nun installiert und nu gehts. Bisher war ich SuSE verwöhnt *g*
    Aber auch da musst du das Packet mod_php extra installieren bzw. auswählen.


  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2002
    öhm... weis ich nimmer genau, da war YaSt mein Freund *g*

  6. #6
    Suse 9.1
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2001
    hab mit der version 2.3 von phpsysinfo ähnlihce probleme.

    erhalte immer folgende fehlermeldung:
    XPath error in XPath.class.php:1692 In importFromString(): XML error in given string on line 61 column 79. Reason:not well-formed (invalid token)
       XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Kernel' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distroicon' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distro' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Uptime' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Users' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Vitals/LoadAvg' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Network' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Percent' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Free' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Used' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Free' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Used' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/Swap/Total' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
     XPath error in XPath.class.php:5283 The supplied xPath '/phpsysinfo/FileSystem' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.Not unique xpath-query, matched 0-times.
    seht hier:

    folgende konfig ist auf dem server vorhanden:
    - Redhat 9.0
    - php 4.2.2
    - Apache 2.0.40

    any ideas? hab so ziemlihc alle pakete die was mit XML zu tun haben könnten schon installiert...
    MfG Raphi

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2004

    folgende konfig ist auf dem server vorhanden:
    - Redhat 9.0
    - php 4.2.2
    - Apache 2.0.40

    any ideas? hab so ziemlihc alle pakete die was mit XML zu tun haben könnten schon installiert...
    php (ab 2.4)/apache 2.x installieren und dann die httpd.conf editieren! mehr braucht man nicht zu sagen - der rest steht in der doc'u!
    hab' s unter slack 9.1 und jetzt uner 10.0 am laufen - gabs keine problem!
    | Slackware Linux 12.0 :: kernel 2.6.22 :: KDE 3.5.7 :: Athlon XP 2000+ :: 512 DDR 2700 Inf :: Asus V9280TD Ti4200 64 MB :: Pioneer DVR-110D DVDRW :: 1x60gb 2x80gb|

  8. #8
    Suse 9.1
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2001
    wie du siehst ist httpd 2 und php 4.2 schon installiert. auch ist die php.ini bereits angepasst...
    MfG Raphi



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