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Thema: nodejs 14 unter Armbian 21.02.3 Buster installieren

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2003

    nodejs 14 unter Armbian 21.02.3 Buster installieren

    ich nutze auf einem Cubitruck armbian und dort hab ich nodjs 10.x installiert, allerdings muss ich nun auf nodejs 14.x updaten (aws vorgabe), allerdings bekomme ich es bis jetzt nicht hin.

    Wenn ich es versuch über ein
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -x
    bekomme ich diese Meldung:

     curl -sL | sudo -E bas                                                                                                                     h -x
    + export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    + DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    + SCRSUFFIX=_14.x
    + NODENAME='Node.js 14.x'
    + NODEREPO=node_14.x
    + NODEPKG=nodejs
    + test -t 1
    ++ which tput
    ++ tput colors
    + ncolors=8
    + test -n 8
    + test 8 -ge 8
    ++ tput cols
    + termcols=80
    ++ tput bold
    + bold=''
    ++ tput smul
    + underline=''
    ++ tput smso
    + standout=''
    ++ tput sgr0
    + normal=''
    ++ tput setaf 0
    + black=''
    ++ tput setaf 1
    + red=''
    ++ tput setaf 2
    + green=''
    ++ tput setaf 3
    + yellow=''
    ++ tput setaf 4
    + blue=''
    ++ tput setaf 5
    + magenta=''
    ++ tput setaf 6
    + cyan=''
    ++ tput setaf 7
    + white=''
    + setup
    + script_deprecation_warning
    + '[' X_14.x == X ']'
    + node_deprecation_warning
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\i\o\.\j\s\ \1\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\i\o\.\j\s\ \2\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\i\o\.\j\s\ \3\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \0\.\1\0 ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \0\.\1\2 ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \4\.\x\ \L\T\S\ \A\r\g\o\n ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \5\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \6\.\x\ \L\T\S\ \B\o\r\o\n ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \7\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \8\.\x\ \L\T\S\ \C\a\r\b\o\n ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \9\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \1\0\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \1\1\.\x ]]
    + [[ XNode.js 14.x == \X\N\o\d\e\.\j\s\ \1\3\.\x ]]
    + print_status 'Installing the NodeSource Node.js 14.x repo...'
    + echo
    + echo '## Installing the NodeSource Node.js 14.x repo...'
    ## Installing the NodeSource Node.js 14.x repo...
    + echo
    ++ uname -m
    ++ grep -Eq '^armv6'
    + '[' '!' -e /usr/lib/apt/methods/https ']'
    + '[' '!' -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ']'
    + PRE_INSTALL_PKGS=' lsb-release'
    + '[' '!' -x /usr/bin/curl ']'
    + '[' '!' -x /usr/bin/gpg ']'
    + print_status 'Populating apt-get cache...'
    + echo
    + echo '## Populating apt-get cache...'
    ## Populating apt-get cache...
    + echo
    + exec_cmd 'apt-get update'
    + exec_cmd_nobail 'apt-get update'
    + echo '+ apt-get update'
    + apt-get update
    + bash -c 'apt-get update'
    Holen:1 buster/updates InRelease [65,4 kB]
    OK:3 buster InRelease
    Holen:4 buster-updates InRelease [51,9 kB]
    Holen:5 buster-backports InRelease [46,7 kB]
    Holen:2 buster InRelease [18,4 kB]
    Holen:6 buster/updates/main armhf Packages [351 kB]
    Holen:7 buster-backports/main armhf Packages.diff/Index [27,8 kB]
    Holen:8 buster-backports/main armhf Packages 2021-05-11-1400.52.pdiff [677 B]
    Holen:8 buster-backports/main armhf Packages 2021-05-11-1400.52.pdiff [677 B]
    Holen:9 buster/main armhf Packages [867 kB]
    Holen:10 buster/main armhf Contents (deb) [24,4 MB]
    Holen:11 buster/buster-utils armhf Packages [73,9 kB]
    Holen:12 buster/buster-utils armhf Contents (deb) [12,8 kB]
    Holen:13 buster/buster-desktop armhf Packages [28,4 kB]
    Es wurden 25,9 MB in 3 min 7 s geholt (139 kB/s).
    Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
    + '[' 'X lsb-release' '!=' X ']'
    + print_status 'Installing packages required for setup: lsb-release...'
    + echo
    + echo '## Installing packages required for setup: lsb-release...'
    ## Installing packages required for setup: lsb-release...
    + echo
    + exec_cmd 'apt-get install -y lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1'
    + exec_cmd_nobail 'apt-get install -y lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1'
    + echo '+ apt-get install -y lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1'
    + apt-get install -y lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1
    + bash -c 'apt-get install -y lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1'
    ++ lsb_release -d
    ++ grep 'Ubuntu .*development'
    main: Zeile 206: lsb_release: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    ++ echo 1
    + [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
    ++ lsb_release -c -s
    main: Zeile 212: lsb_release: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    + DISTRO=
    + check_alt SolydXK solydxk-9 Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xsolydxk-9 ']'
    + check_alt Kali sana Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xsana ']'
    + check_alt Kali kali-rolling Debian bullseye
    + '[' X == Xkali-rolling ']'
    + check_alt 'Sparky Linux' Tyche Debian stretch
    + '[' X == XTyche ']'
    + check_alt 'Sparky Linux' Nibiru Debian buster
    + '[' X == XNibiru ']'
    + check_alt 'MX Linux 17' Horizon Debian stretch
    + '[' X == XHorizon ']'
    + check_alt 'MX Linux 18' Continuum Debian stretch
    + '[' X == XContinuum ']'
    + check_alt 'MX Linux 19' 'patito feo' Debian buster
    + '[' X == 'Xpatito feo' ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' maya Ubuntu precise
    + '[' X == Xmaya ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' qiana Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xqiana ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' rafaela Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xrafaela ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' rebecca Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xrebecca ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' rosa Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xrosa ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' sarah Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xsarah ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' serena Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xserena ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' sonya Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xsonya ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' sylvia Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xsylvia ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' tara Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xtara ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' tessa Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xtessa ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' tina Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xtina ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' tricia Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xtricia ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' ulyana Ubuntu focal
    + '[' X == Xulyana ']'
    + check_alt 'Linux Mint' ulyssa Ubuntu focal
    + '[' X == Xulyssa ']'
    + check_alt LMDE betsy Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xbetsy ']'
    + check_alt LMDE cindy Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xcindy ']'
    + check_alt LMDE debbie Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xdebbie ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS luna Ubuntu precise
    + '[' X == Xluna ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS freya Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xfreya ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS loki Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xloki ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS juno Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xjuno ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS hera Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xhera ']'
    + check_alt elementaryOS odin Ubuntu focal
    + '[' X == Xodin ']'
    + check_alt Trisquel toutatis Ubuntu precise
    + '[' X == Xtoutatis ']'
    + check_alt Trisquel belenos Ubuntu trusty
    + '[' X == Xbelenos ']'
    + check_alt Trisquel flidas Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xflidas ']'
    + check_alt Trisquel etiona Ubuntu bionic
    + '[' X == Xetiona ']'
    + check_alt 'Uruk GNU/Linux' lugalbanda Ubuntu xenial
    + '[' X == Xlugalbanda ']'
    + check_alt BOSS anokha Debian wheezy
    + '[' X == Xanokha ']'
    + check_alt BOSS anoop Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xanoop ']'
    + check_alt BOSS drishti Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xdrishti ']'
    + check_alt BOSS unnati Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xunnati ']'
    + check_alt bunsenlabs bunsen-hydrogen Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xbunsen-hydrogen ']'
    + check_alt bunsenlabs helium Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xhelium ']'
    + check_alt bunsenlabs lithium Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xlithium ']'
    + check_alt Tanglu chromodoris Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xchromodoris ']'
    + check_alt PureOS green Debian sid
    + '[' X == Xgreen ']'
    + check_alt PureOS amber Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xamber ']'
    + check_alt Devuan jessie Debian jessie
    + '[' X == Xjessie ']'
    + check_alt Devuan ascii Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xascii ']'
    + check_alt Devuan beowulf Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xbeowulf ']'
    + check_alt Devuan ceres Debian sid
    + '[' X == Xceres ']'
    + check_alt Deepin panda Debian sid
    + '[' X == Xpanda ']'
    + check_alt Deepin unstable Debian sid
    + '[' X == Xunstable ']'
    + check_alt Deepin stable Debian buster
    + '[' X == Xstable ']'
    + check_alt Pardus onyedi Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xonyedi ']'
    + check_alt 'Liquid Lemur' lemur-3 Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xlemur-3 ']'
    + check_alt 'Astra Linux' orel Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xorel ']'
    + check_alt Ubilinux dolcetto Debian stretch
    + '[' X == Xdolcetto ']'
    + '[' X == Xdebian ']'
    + print_status 'Confirming "" is supported...'
    + echo
    + echo '## Confirming "" is supported...'
    ## Confirming "" is supported...
    + echo
    + '[' -x /usr/bin/curl ']'
    + exec_cmd_nobail 'curl -sLf -o /dev/null '\'''\'''
    + echo '+ curl -sLf -o /dev/null '\'''\'''
    + curl -sLf -o /dev/null ''
    + bash -c 'curl -sLf -o /dev/null '\'''\'''
    + RC=22
    + [[ 22 != 0 ]]
    + print_status 'Your distribution, identified as "", is not currently supported, please contact NodeSource at if you think this is incorrect or would like your distribution to be considered for support'
    + echo
    + echo '## Your distribution, identified as "", is not currently supported, please contact NodeSource at if you think this is incorrect or would like your distribution to be considered for support'
    ## Your distribution, identified as "", is not currently supported, please contact NodeSource at if you think this is incorrect or would like your distribution to be considered for support
    + echo
    + exit 1
    Was mach ich falsch?

    Intel Quad Core Q6600
    4 GIGABYTE Arbeitsspeicher
    640 MB NVIDIA 8800GTS PCI-E
    OpenSuse10.3 64Bit

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Apr 2009
    nichts, deinem System fehlt lsb_release
    Your distribution, identified as ""...
    ggf. halt was basteln, ausgaben bei mir:
    $ lsb_release -d
    Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    $ lsb_release -c -s
    $ cat /etc/os-release
    PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
    NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
    VERSION="10 (buster)"
    Gruß nopes
    (,,,)---(^.^)---(,,,) /var/log/messages | grep cat

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von drcux
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2003
    apt-get install lsb-core

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