Ich habe mich vor kurzem per Neuinstallation von Mandriva 2006 verabschiedet und bin auf Mandriva 2007 gekommen.

Das Problem, was ich jetzt aber habe: DVDs, die ich vorher ohne Probleme abspielen konnte, funktionieren jetzt nicht mehr. Leider weiß ich einfach nicht mehr, was ich damals alles verändert und / oder nachinstalliert habe, damit das ganze läuft.

Wenn ich per "xine --verbose dvd://1" die DVD abspielen möchte erscheint folgende Meldung:

libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 1.1.2 from http://xine.sf.net
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access
libdvdread: Can't stat //1
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
libdvdnav: vm: faild to open/read the DVD
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 1.1.2 from http://xine.sf.net
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there is a DVD in the drive, and that you have used the correct device node.
libdvdcss debug: could not check whether the disc was scrambled
libdvdcss debug: using CSS key cache dir: /home/gurke/.dvdcss//STROMBERG2DVD2-0000000000000000-0000000000/
libdvdcss debug: cannot open /dev/rdvd (Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)
libdvdcss error: failed to open raw device, but continuing
libdvdnav: DVD Title: STROMBERG2DVD2
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: c7bc1620
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): STROMBERG2DVD2
libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/gurke/.dvdnav/STROMBERG2DVD2.map'
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd0000. Regions: 2

libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient

libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x0000013f
libdvdcss debug: title key found in cache 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB at 0x00006aa6
libdvdcss debug: cracking title key at block 27302
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: read error at block 27302, resorting to secret arcanes to recover
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: end of title reached
libdvdcss debug: successful attempts 0/0, scrambled blocks 0/0
libdvdcss debug: title key is 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB (0x00006aa6)
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x00025fc3
libdvdcss debug: title key found in cache 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB at 0x00329174
libdvdcss debug: cracking title key at block 3314036
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: read error at block 3314036, resorting to secret arcanes to recover
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: end of title reached
libdvdcss debug: successful attempts 0/0, scrambled blocks 0/0
libdvdcss debug: title key is 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB (0x00329174)
libdvdread: Elapsed time 1
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x0032f8be
libdvdcss debug: cracking title key at block 3340478
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: read error at block 3340478, resorting to secret arcanes to recover
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: end of title reached
libdvdcss debug: successful attempts 0/0, scrambled blocks 0/0
libdvdcss debug: title key is 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB (0x0032f8be)!!
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB at 0x003c83c2
libdvdcss debug: cracking title key at block 3965890
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: read error at block 3965890, resorting to secret arcanes to recover
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: end of title reached
libdvdcss debug: successful attempts 0/0, scrambled blocks 0/0
libdvdcss debug: title key is 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB (0x003c83c2)!!
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 3 VTS's
libdvdread: Elapsed time 1
libdvdnav: ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed
libdvdnav: get_PGCN failed. Was trying to find pgcN in domain 2
libdvdnav: chapter NOT FOUND!
xine: Demultiplexer-Plugin gefunden: DVD/VOB demux plugin
av_offset=0 pts
spu_offset=0 pts
audio_decoder: Fehler, unbekannter Puffertyp: 02000000
libdvdnav: get_PGCN failed. Was trying to find pgcN in domain 2
libdvdnav: chapter NOT FOUND!
audio_decoder: Fehler, unbekannter Puffertyp: 04000000
audio_decoder: Fehler, unbekannter Puffertyp: 01060000
libdvdcss debug: cracking title key at block 3965890
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: read error at block 3965890, resorting to secret arcanes to recover
libdvdcss debug: opening target `/dev/dvd'
libdvdcss debug: using libc for access
libdvdcss error: read error
libdvdcss debug: end of title reached
libdvdcss debug: successful attempts 0/0, scrambled blocks 0/0
libdvdcss debug: title key is 00:00:00:00:00
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
libdvdcss error: read error
input_dvd: Fehler beim Lesen des nächsten Blocks von DVD (Error reading NAV packet.)

---------------------- (ERROR) ----------------------
 (Error reading NAV packet.)
------------------ (END OF ERROR) -------------------

---------------------- (ERROR) ----------------------
 (Error reading NAV packet.)
------------------ (END OF ERROR) -------------------
MPlayer sagt mir folgendes(gibt es da auch eine art --verbose?):
Spiele dvd://1.
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access
Es sind 7 Titel auf dieser DVD.
Es sind 2 Kapitel in diesem DVD-Titel.
Es sind 1 Kameraeinstellungen diesem DVD-Titel.
libdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_01_0.IFO).
Kann die IFO-Datei für den DVD-Titel 1 nicht öffnen.
Datei nicht gefunden: '1'
Konnte 'dvd://1' nicht öffnen.
An den Rechten von /dev/dvd kann es nicht liegen:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root             8 Nov  4 14:46 dvd -> /dev/hdc
brwxrwxrwx 1 gurke cdrom     22,    0 Nov  4 12:43 hdc

Hat jemand vielleicht einen Lösungsvorschlag für mich?
Grüße Tobias