ich hab von meine alten HD mein .wine auf die neue gespielt und will jetzt wieder CS starten.
allerdings kommt bei wine steam.exe das :

peter@linux:~/Steam> wine steam.exe
Line 80: Malformed value '"Temp" = "c:\\Windows\\Temp\"'
Could not stat /floppy (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A:
Could not stat /cdrom (No such file or directory), ignoring drive M:
Invalid path L"c:\\WindowsC:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM" for L"temp" directory: does not exist.
Perhaps you have not properly edited or created your Wine configuration file,
which is (supposed to be) '/home/peter/.wine/config'.

den pfad gibts ja, das is das problem!

meine config is als anhang drin.

plz help(SUSE 9.0, aktuelle Wine)