Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Half-Life + WineX3 -> Probleme !

15.06.03, 19:14
Ich hab WineX3 CVS nach der HOLARSE NET anleitung installiert. Wenn ich nun Half Life setup starte läuft erstma installshield durch, und dann stürzts wieder ab. In der Konsole steht folgende fehlermeldung:
XIO: fatal IO error 2 (Success) on X server ":0.0"
after 3813 requests (3813 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

Hab mir jetzt ne HalfLife/CS Installation ausm Netzwerk von nem Win REchner gezogen, und wenn ich HL starte macht der folgende Probleme:
err:win32:_EnterSysLevel (0x40bf86f4, level 2): Holding 0x40c9718c, level 3. Expect deadlock!
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
Warning: loading builtin wsock32.dll, but native version already present. Expect trouble.

und es öffnet sich n fenster: "Couldn't load wsock32.dll from System Directory"
Hab schon wsock32.dll in den system ordner geschmissen, hilft nix :(


23.06.03, 21:19
hab das gleiche problem, wer weis wie manes lösen kann?

23.06.03, 22:20
hi möchte ja nichts sagen, aber ihr müsst mal lernen eure config und eure sytem angaben zu posten.
dann kann man sich da auch einarbeiten :).

ist nicht böse gemeint, hilft uns aber :)

23.06.03, 22:32
die config von mir is eiegntlich OK
;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config

;; MS-DOS drives configuration
;; Each section has the following format:
;; [Drive X]
;; "Path"="xxx" (Unix path for drive root)
;; "Type"="xxx" (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network')
;; "Label"="xxx" (drive label, at most 11 characters)
;; "Serial"="xxx" (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number)
;; "Filesystem"="xxx" (supported types are 'msdos'/'dos'/'fat', 'win95'/'vfat', 'unix')
;; This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain
;; directory structure.
;; Recommended:
;; - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32
;; - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended)
;; DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib !
;; "Device"="/dev/xx" (only if you want to allow raw device access)

[Drive C]
"Path" = "${HOME}/.transgaming/c_drive/"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "Dos Drive"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive D]
"Path" = "${HOME}"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "My Home"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive E]
"Path" = "/tmp"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "tmp"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive G]
"Path" = "/"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "root"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

"Windows" = "c:\\windows"
"System" = "c:\\windows\\system32\\"
"Temp" = "e:\\"
"Path" = "c:\\windows\\;c:\\windows\\system32\\"
"GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
; Wine doesn't pass directory symlinks to Windows programs by default.
; Enabling this may crash some programs that do recursive lookups of a whole
; subdir tree in case of a symlink pointing back to itself.
; Note: The WINESHELLLINK Environment variable will override this setting.
; (which is set in the winex startup script)
;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
"ShellLinker" = "/usr/lib/transgaming_winex3/winex/bin/wineshelllink"

# <wineconf>

"DefaultLoadOrder" = "native, builtin, so"

"commdlg" = "builtin, native"
"comdlg32" = "builtin, native"
"oleaut32" = "builtin, native"
"ver" = "builtin, native"
"version" = "builtin, native"
"shell" = "builtin, native"
"shell32" = "builtin, native"
"shfolder" = "builtin, native"
"shlwapi" = "builtin, native"
"lzexpand" = "builtin, native"
"lz32" = "builtin, native"
"comctl32" = "builtin, native"
"commctrl" = "builtin, native"
"advapi32" = "builtin, native"
"crtdll" = "builtin, native"
"mpr" = "builtin, native"
"winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"
"d3d8" = "builtin, native"
"d3drm" = "builtin, native"
"ddraw" = "builtin, native"
"dinput" = "builtin, native"
"dinput8" = "builtin, native"
"dmusic" = "builtin, native"
"dsound" = "builtin, native"
"opengl32" = "builtin, native"
"msvcrt" = "native, builtin"
"rpcrt4" = "native, builtin"
"msvideo" = "builtin, native"
"msvfw32" = "builtin, native"
"mcicda.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciseq.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciwave.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciavi.drv" = "native, builtin"
"mcianim.drv" = "native, builtin"
"msacm.drv" = "builtin, native"
"msacm" = "builtin, native"
"msacm32" = "builtin, native"
"midimap.drv" = "builtin, native"
"wininet" = "builtin, native"
"*" = "native, builtin, so"

; Windows version to imitate. Valid versions are: 'win20', 'win30', 'win31', 'win95', 'win98', 'winme', 'nt351', 'nt40', 'win2000', 'winxp'
"Windows" = "win98"
; DOS version to imitate
;"DOS" = "6.22"

; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
"AllocSystemColors" = "100"
; Number of colors to copy from the default palette
"CopyDefaultColors" = "0"
; Use a private color map
"PrivateColorMap" = "N"
; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
"PerfectGraphics" = "N"
; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
;;"ScreenDepth" = "16"
; Name of X11 display to use
;;"Display" = ":0.0"
; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
"Managed" = "Y"
; Use a desktop window of 640x480 for Wine
;"Desktop" = "800x600"
; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
; (make sure /dev/mem is accessible by you !)
"UseDGA" = "Y"
; Use XShm extension if present
"UseXShm" = "Y"
; Enable DirectX mouse grab
"DXGrab" = "N"
; Use XVidMode extension if present
"UseXVidMode" = "Y"
; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
; (useful to play OpenGL games)
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"

; Code page used for captions in managed mode
; 0 means default ANSI code page (CP_ACP == 0)
"TextCP" = "0"
; Use this if you have more than one port for video on your setup
; (Wine uses for now the first 'input image' it finds).
;; "XVideoPort" = "43"
; Use this to make your X server execute all commands
; sequentially rather than buffering commands. Will make
; everything really SLOW but can be nice for debugging.
;; "Synchronous" = "Y"

"Desktop" = "N"

"AnisotropicTextureFiltering" = "N"
"VertexShaders" = "Y"
"ClipSpaceFix" = "Y"

;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
"Resolution" = "96"
"Default" = "-microsoft-verdana-"

"Pattern0" = "-microsoft-verdana*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"

;; Attempt to make memory allocation more windows like.
;; Not for use with all applications. Best used in app default section.
; "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

"Com1" = "/dev/ttyS0"
"Com2" = "/dev/ttyS1"
"Com3" = "/dev/ttyS2"
"Com4" = "/dev/modem"

"Lpt1" = "/dev/lp0"

"LPT1:" = "|lpr"
"LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
"LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"

;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
; "write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

"Exclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"

;These are all booleans. Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
;Defaults are read all, write to Home
; Global registries (stored in /etc)
"LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "N"
; Home registries (stored in ~user/.wine/)
"LoadHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
"LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "N"
; TRY to write all changes to home registries
"WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
; Save only modified keys
"SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"

;; supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98'
"WineLook" = "Win98"

"Drivers" = "xterm"
;"Drivers" = "tty"
"XtermProg" = "konsole"
;"InitialRows" = "25"
;"InitialColumns" = "80"
;"TerminalType" = "nxterm"

"ClearAllSelections" = "0"
"PersistentSelection" = "1"

; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files

;"1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"
;"2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"
;"3" = "/usr/share/enscript"
;"4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"

"Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"
"WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
"MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"

"UseMMap" = "N"
"FullDuplex" = "N"

;; App default settings

;; Battle Field 1942 settings

"ClipSpaceFix" = "N"

;; Medal Of Honor settings

"MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

"MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

"MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

"Windows" = "win2k"

"MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

;; SimCity 4 settings

[AppDefaults\\SimCity 4.exe\\Version]
"Windows" = "win2k"

;; Warcraft 3

"cmdline" = "-opengl"

;; Civ 3

"Windows" = "win2k"

# </wineconf>

24.06.03, 16:00
nice winex3 hl.exe -- hl.exe -console

24.06.03, 21:02
nice hab ich schon probiert... und es geht hier um setup und nicht um hl.exe (noch nicht... :p)

24.06.03, 22:34
Hhm, dann muss ich wohl passen. Welches System benutzt du? Hast du mal versucht winex mit --enable-pthread zu kompilieren?

Gruss, Patrick

25.06.03, 23:14
probier ma so winex3 -use-pthreads yes cstrike.exe wenn du suse hast

27.06.03, 15:06
Original geschrieben von Kloppke
Ich hab WineX3 CVS nach der HOLARSE NET anleitung installiert. Wenn ich nun Half Life setup starte läuft erstma installshield durch, und dann stürzts wieder ab. In der Konsole steht folgende fehlermeldung:
XIO: fatal IO error 2 (Success) on X server ":0.0"
after 3813 requests (3813 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

Hab mir jetzt ne HalfLife/CS Installation ausm Netzwerk von nem Win REchner gezogen, und wenn ich HL starte macht der folgende Probleme:
err:win32:_EnterSysLevel (0x40bf86f4, level 2): Holding 0x40c9718c, level 3. Expect deadlock!
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_BITMAP_SelectObject stub
Warning: loading builtin wsock32.dll, but native version already present. Expect trouble.

und es öffnet sich n fenster: "Couldn't load wsock32.dll from System Directory"
Hab schon wsock32.dll in den system ordner geschmissen, hilft nix :(


ich hab das gleiche problem, mit dem: "Couldn't load wsock32.dll from System Directory" und dem "Warning: loading builtin wsock32.dll, but native version already present. Expect trouble."
aber ich kriegs net hin!
hast du inzwischen schon eine lösung gefunden?

27.06.03, 20:50
Das gleiche Prob hatte ich unter Win nach einer fehlergeschlagenen DirectX-Installation...

27.06.03, 21:17
achja, ich hab jetzt das problem mit der "wsock32.dll" gelöst!
lesen: http://www.linuxforen.de/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=86746&perpage=10&pagenumber=2