Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Webmail NOCC sendet keine Mails :-)

14.06.03, 23:29
Guten Abend
wer kennt sich mit NOCC aus?
Ich kann über NOCC nur Mails lesen und löschen, aber nicht versenden.
Mein Mailserver ist Postfix. ( Postfix funktioniert einwandfrei )

Hier das Config File (conf.php) von NOCC: ( vileicht kann mir ja jemand helfen .. )

* $Header: /cvsroot/nocc/nocc/webmail/conf.php.dist,v 2001/11/25 09:43:18 wolruf Exp $
* Copyright 2001 Nicolas Chalanset <nicocha@free.fr>
* Copyright 2001 Olivier Cahagne <cahagn_o@epita.fr>
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

// ################### This is the main configuration for NOCC ########## //

// ==> Required parameters

// Default smtp server and smtp_port (default is 25)
// If a domain has no smtp server, this one will be used
// If no smtp server is provided, Nocc will default to the mail() function,
// and try to use Sendmail or any other MTA (Postfix)
$default_smtp_server = 'mail.meinmailserver.ch';
$default_smtp_port = 25;

// List of domains people can log in
// You can have as many domains as you need

// $domains[0]->domain = 'sourceforge.net';
// domain name e.g 'sourceforge.net'. This field is used when sending message
// $domains[0]->in = 'mail.sourceforge.net:110/pop3';
// imap or pop3 server name + port + protocol (only if not imap)
// [server_name]:[port number]/[protocol]
// ex for an imap server : mail.sourceforge.net:143
// ex for an ssl imap server : mail.sourceforge.net:993/ssl
// ex for an ssl imap server with a self-signed certificate : mail.sourceforge.net:993/ssl/novalidate-cert
// ex for a pop3 server : mail.sourceforge.net:110/pop3
// ex for an ssl pop3 server : mail.sourceforge.net:995/pop3/ssl
// ex for an ssl pop3 server with a self-signed certificate : mail.sourceforge.net:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert
// protocol can only be pop3
// $domains[0]->smtp = 'smtp.isp.com';
// Optional: smtp server name or IP address
// Leave empty to send mail via sendmail
// $domains[0]->smtp_port = 25;
// Port number to connect to smtp server (usually 25)

$domains[0]->domain = 'meinmailserver.ch';
$domains[0]->in = 'mail.meinmailserver.ch:110/pop3';
$domains[0]->smtp = 'mail.meinmailserver.ch';
$domains[0]->smtp_port = 25;

// If you want to add more domainis, uncomment the following
// lines and fill them in

//$domains[1]->domain = '';
//$domains[1]->in = '';
//$domains[1]->smtp = '';
//$domains[1]->smtp_port = 25;

//$domains[2]->domain = '';
//$domains[2]->in = '';
//$domains[2]->smtp = '';
//$domains[2]->smtp_port = 25;

// Default tmp directory (where to store temporary uploaded files)
// This should be something like '/tmp' on Unix System
// And 'c:\\temp' on Win32 (note that we must escape "\")
$tmpdir = 'tmp';

// Preferences data directory
// IMPORTANT: This directory must exist and be writable by the user
// the webserver is running as (e.g. 'apache', or 'nobody'). For
// Apache, see the User directive in the httpd.conf file.
// See README for more about this.
// This should be something like 'profiles/' on Unix System
// or 'prefs\\' on Win32 (note that we must escape "\")
// If left empty, preferences will be disabled.
$prefs_dir = 'profiles/';

// Default folder to go first
$default_folder = 'INBOX';

// ===> End of required parameters
// The following parameters can be changed but it's not necessary to
// get a working version of nocc

// if browser has no preferred language, we use the default language
// This is only needed for browsers that don't send any preferred
// language such as W3 Amaya
$default_lang = 'de';

// How many messages to display in the inbox (devel only)
$max_msg_num = 1;

// let user see the header of a message
$use_verbose = true;

// the user can logout or not (if nocc is used within your website
// enter 'false' here else leave 'true')
$enable_logout = true;

// Whether or not to display attachment part number
$display_part_no = true;

// Whether or not to display the Message/RFC822 into the attachments
// (the attachments of that part are still available even if false is set
$display_rfc822 = true;

// If you don't want to display images (GIF, JPEG and PNG) sent as attachements
// set it to 'false'
$display_img_attach = true;

// If you don't want to display text/plain attachments set it to 'false'
$display_text_attach = true;

// By default the messages are sorted by date
$default_sort = '1';

// By default the most recent is in top ('1' --> sorting top to bottom,
// '0' --> bottom to top)
$default_sortdir = '1';

// For old UCB POP server, change this setting to 1 to enable
// new mail detection. Recommended: leave it to 0 for any other POP or
// IMAP server.
// See FAQ for more details.
$have_ucb_pop_server = false;

// If you wanna make your own theme and force people to use that one,
// set $use_theme to false and fill in the $default_theme to the theme name
// you want to use
// Theme handling: allows users to choose a theme on the login page
$use_theme = true;

// Default theme
$default_theme = 'standard';

// Error reporting
// Display error but no notice
$debug_level = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;

// Display delete button as icon (true) or as an HTML button (false)
$delete_button_icon = true;

// Base URL where NOCC is hosted (only needed for Xitami servers, see #463390)
$base_uri = '';

// ################### Messages Signature ################### //

// This message is added to every message, the user cannot delete it
// Be careful if you modify this, do not forget to write '\r\n' to switch
// to the next line !
$ad = "___________________________________\r\nNOCC, http://nocc.sourceforge.net";

################### End of Configuration ####################
************************************************** *******************
################### Do not modify below this line ###################

$nocc_version = '0.9.5';
$nocc_name = 'NOCC';

session_register('domainnum', 'user', 'passwd', 'server', 'servtype', 'port', 'theme');

if (isset($domainnum))
$domain = $domains[$domainnum]->domain;
$servr = $domains[$domainnum]->in;
$smtp_server = $domains[$domainnum]->smtp;
$smtp_port = $domains[$domainnum]->smtp_port;

if (empty($smtp_server))
$smtp_server = $default_smtp_server;
if (empty($smtp_port))
$smtp_port = $default_smtp_port;
if (empty($servr) && !empty($server) && !empty($servtype) && !empty($port))
$servtype = strtolower($servtype);
if ($servtype != 'imap')
$servr = $server.'/'.$servtype.':'.$port;
$servr = $server.':'.$port;
$domain = $server;

if (!isset($folder))
$folder = $default_folder;
if (!isset($sort))
$sort = $default_sort;
if (!isset($sortdir))
$sortdir = $default_sortdir;
if ($use_theme == true)
if (!isset($theme))
$theme = $default_theme;
$theme = $default_theme;
$php_session = ini_get('session.name');
$action = isset($action) ? $action : '';

// Prevent mangling of uploaded attachments

require_once ('./conf_lang.php');
require ('./themes/'.$theme.'/colors.php');

Besten Dank für eure Hilfe

15.06.03, 16:19
Weiss keiner ne Antwort?

Oder kennt jemand ein vergleichbares Webmailtool?
Mit dem ich über Postfix auch Mails senden kann.

Besten Dank