Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Mozilla: Schriftarten von Windows und Startup Script

19.01.03, 18:59
Truetype fonts for mozilla:


/ TrueType
pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");
// if libfreetype was built without hinting compiled in
// it is best to leave hinting off
pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", false);
pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", false);
// below a certian pixel size anti-aliased fonts produce poor results
pref("font.antialias.min", 6);
pref("font.embedded_bitmaps.max", 1000000);
pref("font.scale.tt_bitmap.dark_text.min", 64);
pref("font.scale.tt_bitmap.dark_text.gain", "0.05");
// sample prefs for TrueType font dirs
pref("font.directory.truetype.1", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF");
pref("font.directory.truetype.2", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype");

Click Edit on toolbar> Preferences> Appearence> Fonts, make the following changes
Fonts for: Western
Proportional: Serif, Size: 16
Serif: Agfa Mono-times new roman-iso8859-1
Sans-Serif: Mono-arial-iso8859-1
Cursive: Mono-arial-iso8859-1
Fantasy: Monotype-bookman old style-iso8859-1
Monospace: adobe-courier-iso8859-1, Size: 12
Minimum font size: None
Check Allow document to use other fonts
Display resolution: System setting

des sind meine Einstellungen, falls jemand bessere hat oder noch andere oder weiss was jede einzelne zeile bewirkt dann postet es doch :)

Startup Script:

19.01.03, 21:15

die windows schriftarten gibts unter


20.01.03, 14:46
Sollte man das evt. mit diesem Thema zusammenführen?

14.04.03, 23:13
nachdem ich wieder ewig getüftelt habe, hab ich wieder bessere einstellungen entdeckt ;)

und hier sind sie:

// TrueType
pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");
// if libfreetype was built without hinting compiled in
// it is best to leave hinting off
pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", true);
pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", true);
// below a certian pixel size anti-aliased fonts produce poor results
pref("font.antialias.min", 6);
pref("font.embedded_bitmaps.max", 1000000);
pref("font.scale.tt_bitmap.dark_text.min", 64);
pref("font.scale.tt_bitmap.dark_text.gain", "0.1");
// sample prefs for TrueType font dirs
//pref("font.directory.truetype.1", "/u/sam/tt_font1");
//pref("font.directory.truetype.2", "/u/sam/tt_font2");
//pref("font.directory.truetype.3", "/u/sam/tt_font3");
pref("font.directory.truetype.1", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF");
pref("font.directory.truetype.2", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype");
pref("font.FreeType2.printing", true);

gruss gladiac