Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : AOLserver ist nich im Listenstatus, Port 8000 [Allgemeines Problem]

17.10.02, 21:34
Hallo zusammen,

ich hoffe ich bin nicht der einzige der mit diesem Webserver spielt ;) ich bringe ihn nicht zum laufen. Er verbindet mich einfach nicht mit dem localhosts :(

so starte ich ihn:
./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
[root@compaq bin]# [17/Oct/2002:21:46:10][26314.1024][-main-] Notice: config.tcl: starting to read config file...
[17/Oct/2002:21:46:10][26314.1024][-main-] Warning: config.tcl: nsssl not loaded -- key/cert files do not exist.
[17/Oct/2002:21:46:10][26314.1024][-main-] Notice: config.tcl: finished reading config file.

das ist mein Configfile:
# $Header: /cvsroot/aolserver/aolserver/nsd/Attic/sample-config.tcl,v 2002/09/17 23:52:03 jgdavidson Exp $

# sample-config.tcl -- The AOLserver Startup Script
# This is a Tcl script that is sourced when AOLserver starts up.
# A detailed reference is in "doc/config.txt".

ns_log notice "config.tcl: starting to read config file..."

# Set some Tcl variables that are commonly used throughout this file.

set httpport 8000
set httpsport 8443

# The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
set hostname [ns_info hostname]
set address [ns_info address]

set servername "server1"
set serverdesc "Server Name"

set homedir [file dirname [ns_info config]]
set bindir [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]

set pageroot ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/pages
set directoryfile index.adp,index.html,index.htm

set ext .so

# nsssl: Only loads if keyfile.pem and certfile.pem exist.
#set sslmodule nsssl${ext} ;# Domestic 128-bit/1024-bit SSL.
set sslmodule nsssle${ext} ;# Exportable 40-bit/512-bit SSL.
set sslkeyfile ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/keyfile.pem
set sslcertfile ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/certfile.pem

# nscp: Uncomment the sample password and log in with "nsadmin", password "x",
# type "ns_crypt newpassword salt" and put the encrypted string below.
set nscp_port 9999
set nscp_addr
set nscp_user ""
set nscp_user "nsadmin:t2GqvvaiIUbF2:" ;# sample user="nsadmin", pw="x".

# Global server parameters
ns_section "ns/parameters"
ns_param home $homedir
ns_param debug false

# Thread library (nsthread) parameters
ns_section "ns/threads"
ns_param mutexmeter true ;# measure lock contention
#ns_param stacksize [expr 128*1024] ;# Per-thread stack size.

# MIME types.
# Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME types, but in
# case something is missing you can add it here.
ns_section "ns/mimetypes"
ns_param default "*/*" ;# MIME type for unknown extension.
ns_param noextension "*/*" ;# MIME type for missing extension.
#ns_param ".xls" "application/vnd.ms-excel"

################################################## ##########
# Server-level configuration
# There is only one server in AOLserver, but this is helpful when multiple
# servers share the same configuration file. This file assumes that only
# one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable.
# Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.

ns_section "ns/servers"
ns_param $servername $serverdesc

# Server parameters
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}"
ns_param directoryfile $directoryfile
ns_param pageroot $pageroot
ns_param globalstats true ;# Enable built-in statistics.
ns_param urlstats true ;# Enable URL statistics.
ns_param maxurlstats 1000 ;# Max number of URL's to do stats on.
ns_param enabletclpages false ;# Parse *.tcl files in pageroot.

# Scaling and Tuning Options
# Note: These values aren't necessarily the defaults.
#ns_param connsperthread 0 ;# Normally there's one conn per thread
#ns_param flushcontent false ;# Flush all data before returning
#ns_param maxconnections 100 ;# Max connections to put on queue
#ns_param maxdropped 0 ;# Shut down if dropping too many conns
#ns_param maxthreads 20 ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param minthreads 0 ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param threadtimeout 120 ;# Idle threads die at this rate

# Directory listings -- use an ADP or a Tcl proc to generate them.
#ns_param directoryadp $pageroot/dirlist.adp ;# Choose one or the other.
#ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist ;# ...but not both!
#ns_param directorylisting simple ;# Can be simple or fancy.

# ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/adp"
ns_param map "/*.adp" ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's.
#ns_param map "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped.
ns_param enableexpire false ;# Set "Expires: now" on all ADP's.
ns_param enabledebug false ;# Allow Tclpro debugging with "?debug".

# ADP special pages
#ns_param errorpage ${pageroot}/errorpage.adp ;# ADP error page.

# ADP custom parsers -- see adp.c
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/adp/parsers"
ns_param adp ".adp" ;# adp is the default parser.

# Socket driver module (HTTP) -- nssock
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
ns_param port $httpport
ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address

# Socket driver module (HTTPS) -- nsssl
# nsssl does not load unless sslkeyfile/sslcertfile exist (above).
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nsssl"
ns_param port $httpsport
ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address
ns_param keyfile $sslkeyfile
ns_param certfile $sslcertfile

# Control port -- nscp
# nscp does not load unless nscp_user is a valid user.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp"
ns_param port $nscp_port
ns_param address $nscp_addr

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp/users"
ns_param user $nscp_user

# Access log -- nslog
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nslog"
ns_param rolllog true ;# Should we roll log?
ns_param rollonsignal true ;# Roll log on SIGHUP.
ns_param rollhour 0 ;# Time to roll log.
ns_param maxbackup 5 ;# Max number to keep around when rolling.

# CGI interface -- nscgi
# WARNING: These directories must not live under pageroot.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscgi"
#ns_param map "GET /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (GET).
#ns_param map "POST /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (POST).

# Modules to load
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/modules"
ns_param nssock ${bindir}/nssock${ext}
ns_param nslog ${bindir}/nslog${ext}
#ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/nscgi${ext} ;# Map the paths before using.
#ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/nsperm${ext} ;# Edit passwd before using.

# nsssl: Only loads if sslcertfile and sslkeyfile exist (see above).
if { [file exists $sslcertfile] && [file exists $sslkeyfile] } {
ns_param nsssl ${bindir}/${sslmodule}
} else {
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nsssl not loaded -- key/cert files do not exist."

# nscp: Only loads if nscp_user is set (see above).
if { $nscp_user != "" } {ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address
ns_param keyfile $sslkeyfile
ns_param certfile $sslcertfile

# Control port -- nscp
# nscp does not load unless nscp_user is a valid user.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp"
ns_param port $nscp_port
ns_param address $nscp_addr

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp/users"
ns_param user $nscp_user

# Access log -- nslog
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nslog"
ns_param rolllog true ;# Should we roll log?
ns_param rollonsignal true ;# Roll log on SIGHUP.
ns_param rollhour 0 ;# Time to roll log.
ns_param maxbackup 5 ;# Max number to keep around when rolling.

# CGI interface -- nscgi
# WARNING: These directories must not live under pageroot.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscgi"
#ns_param map "GET /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (GET).
#ns_param map "POST /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (POST).

# Modules to load
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/modules"
ns_param nssock ${bindir}/nssock${ext}
ns_param nslog ${bindir}/nslog${ext}
#ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/nscgi${ext} ;# Map the paths before using.
#ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/nsperm${ext} ;# Edit passwd before using.

# nsssl: Only loads if sslcertfile and sslkeyfile exist (see above).
if { [file exists $sslcertfile] && [file exists $sslkeyfile] } {
ns_param nsssl ${bindir}/${sslmodule}
} else {
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nsssl not loaded -- key/cert files do not exist."

# nscp: Only loads if nscp_user is set (see above).
if { $nscp_user != "" } {

if ![string match "" $nscp_addr] {
# Anything but is not recommended.
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nscp listening on ${nscp_addr}:${nscp_port}"
ns_param nscp ${bindir}/nscp${ext}

} else {
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nscp not loaded -- user/password is not set."

ns_log notice "config.tcl: finished reading config file."

mit ps sehe ich das er läuft:
# ps -ef | grep nsd
nsadmin 26096 1 0 21:34 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26097 26096 0 21:34 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26098 26097 0 21:34 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26099 26097 0 21:34 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26314 1 0 21:46 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26315 26314 0 21:46 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26316 26315 0 21:46 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26317 26315 0 21:46 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config
nsadmin 26318 26315 0 21:46 ? 00:00:00 ./nsd -u nsadmin -t config

jedoch auf dem Port hört er (was aber nur das Management GUI ist, was sich aber auch nicht starten lässt weil der Server nicht läuft:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26314/nsd

mit telnet bekomme ich ein Login:
# telnet localhost 9999
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
login: nsadmin
Password: x

Welcome to server1 running at /usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd (pid 26314)
AOLserver/3.5.0 (aolserver_v35_b0) for linux built on Oct 8 2002 at 20:43:18
CVS Tag: $Name: aolserver_v35_b0 $
server1:nscp 1>

die Firewall ist eigentlich auch gut:
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -s $myhost --sport 1024:65535 --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

ich komme auch nicht lokal drauf, obwohl ich loopback freigegeben habe

es kann jeder seinen Input posten auch wenn er noch nie mit AOLserver gearbeitet hat, ich will den einfach zum Laufen bringen... ich glaube das liegt nicht am Webserver...


17.10.02, 22:25

die Firewall ist eigentlich auch gut: iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -s $myhost --sport 1024:65535 --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

in der firewallregel hast du port 80 angegeben, im configfile 8000. hat das nen grund?

Gruß HangLoose

18.10.02, 11:01
Hi HangLoose,

wenn er einmal produktiv läuft dann werde ich ihn zwingen den Port 80 zu benutzen! Zum Testen habe ich einen unpriviligierten Port genommen...

hat aber auf mein Problem keinen Einfluss, da er auch lokal nicht funzt :(


21.10.02, 11:50
keiner nen Input?