Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : NFS4: RPC: AUTH_GSS upcall timed out.

02.01.14, 21:15

ich habe einen Debian Wheezy Server eingerichtet (VM mit KVM). Nach dem durchwühlen verschiedener Tutorials für NFS4 habe ich es auch mehr oder minder hin bekommen. Das mounten auf dem Client braucht aber ~15s und im log taucht folgendes auf:

RPC: AUTH_GSS upcall timed out.
Please check user daemon is running.

Ich verwende kein Kerberos somit habe ich gss deaktiviert.

/etc/default/nfs-common (server)

# If you do not set values for the NEED_ options, they will be attempted
# autodetected; this should be sufficient for most people. Valid alternatives
# for the NEED_ options are "yes" and "no".

# Do you want to start the statd daemon? It is not needed for NFSv4.

# Options for rpc.statd.
# Should rpc.statd listen on a specific port? This is especially useful
# when you have a port-based firewall. To use a fixed port, set this
# this variable to a statd argument like: "--port 4000 --outgoing-port 4001".
# For more information, see rpc.statd(8) or http://wiki.debian.org/SecuringNFS

# Do you want to start the idmapd daemon? It is only needed for NFSv4.

# Do you want to start the gssd daemon? It is required for Kerberos mounts.

/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server (server)

# Number of servers to start up

# Runtime priority of server (see nice(1))

# Options for rpc.mountd.
# If you have a port-based firewall, you might want to set up
# a fixed port here using the --port option. For more information,
# see rpc.mountd(8) or http://wiki.debian.org/SecuringNFS
# To disable NFSv4 on the server, specify '--no-nfs-version 4' here

# Do you want to start the svcgssd daemon? It is only required for Kerberos
# exports. Valid alternatives are "yes" and "no"; the default is "no".

# Options for rpc.svcgssd.

/etc/default/nfs-common (client)

# If you do not set values for the NEED_ options, they will be attempted
# autodetected; this should be sufficient for most people. Valid alternatives
# for the NEED_ options are "yes" and "no".

# Do you want to start the statd daemon? It is not needed for NFSv4.

# Options for rpc.statd.
# Should rpc.statd listen on a specific port? This is especially useful
# when you have a port-based firewall. To use a fixed port, set this
# this variable to a statd argument like: "--port 4000 --outgoing-port 4001".
# For more information, see rpc.statd(8) or http://wiki.debian.org/SecuringNFS

# Do you want to start the idmapd daemon? It is only needed for NFSv4.

# Do you want to start the gssd daemon? It is required for Kerberos mounts.


05.01.14, 12:03
Ich habe die Lösung des Problems.

Es muss folgendes in /etc/default/nfs-common beim Client gesetzt sein:

# Do you want to start the gssd daemon? It is required for Kerberos mounts.
Der Kommentar sugeriert etwas anderes, da ich kein Kerberos einsetze. Beim Server bleibt NEED_GSSD weiter auf no.
