Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : policyd-weight gibt warnungen aus

10.09.09, 18:28
Hallo Forum!

Ich habe ein Mailserver auf Debian 5 bestehend aus postfix, dovecot und policyd-weight eingerichtet.

Aber policyd-weight gibt diese warnungen aus, die ich egal was ich tat nicht lösen konnte:

Sep 10 19:13:07 server postfix/policyd-weight[1980]: warning: could not open RBL Lookup Socket to IO::Socket::INET: connect: Network is unreachable Network is unreachable
Sep 10 19:13:07 server postfix/policyd-weight[1981]: policyd-weight 0.1.14 beta-17 started and daemonized. conf:/etc/policyd-weight.conf; GID:107 107 EGID:107 107 UID:105 EUID:105; taint mode: 0
Sep 10 19:13:07 server postfix/policyd-weight[1981]: warning: cache_query: $csock couln't be created: connect: No such file or directory, calling spawn_cache()
Sep 10 19:13:07 iksn-s1 postfix/policyd-weight[1982]: cache spawned

Was bedeuten diese Fehlermeldungen? Und wie kann ich sie lösen?

Danke für hinweise im vorraus!

Grus procmail

10.09.09, 18:35
Wie sieht denn die "/etc/policyd-weight.conf" aus?

10.09.09, 19:53
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# policyd-weight configuration (defaults) Version 0.1.14 beta-17
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

$DEBUG = 0; # 1 or 0 - don't comment

$REJECTMSG = "550 Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your Mail/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed from DNSBLs";

$REJECTLEVEL = 1; # Mails with scores which exceed this
# REJECTLEVEL will be rejected

# A space separated case-sensitive list of
# strings on which if found in the $RET
# logging-string policyd-weight changes
# its action to $DEFER_ACTION in case
# of rejects.

$DEFER_ACTION = '450'; # Possible values: DEFER_IF_PERMIT,
# 4xx response codes. See also access(5)
# DEFAULT: 450

$DEFER_LEVEL = 5; # DEFER mail only up to this level
# scores greater than DEFER_LEVEL will be
# rejected

$DNSERRMSG = '450 No DNS entries for your MTA, HELO and Domain. Contact YOUR administrator';

$dnsbl_checks_only = 0; # 1: ON, 0: OFF (default)
# If ON request that ALL clients are only
# checked against RBLs

@dnsbl_checks_only_regexps = (
# qr/[^.]*(exch|smtp|mx|mail).*\..*\../,
# qr/yahoo.com$/
); # specify a comma-separated list of regexps
# for client hostnames which shall only
# be RBL checked. This does not work for
# postfix' "unknown" clients.
# The usage of this should not be the norm
# and is a tool for people which like to
# shoot in their own foot.
# DEFAULT: empty

$LOG_BAD_RBL_ONLY = 1; # 1: ON (default), 0: OFF
# When set to ON it logs only RBLs which
# affect scoring (positive or negative)

## DNSBL settings
@dnsbl_score = (
'pbl.spamhaus.org', 3.25, 0, 'DYN_PBL_SPAMHAUS',
'sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org', 4.35, -1.5, 'SBL_XBL_SPAMHAUS',
'bl.spamcop.net', 3.75, -1.5, 'SPAMCOP',
'dnsbl.njabl.org', 4.25, -1.5, 'BL_NJABL',
'ix.dnsbl.manitu.net', 4.35, 0, 'IX_MANITU'

$MAXDNSBLHITS = 2; # If Client IP is listed in MORE
# DNSBLS than this var, it gets
# REJECTed immediately

$MAXDNSBLSCORE = 8; # alternatively, if the score of
# DNSBLs is ABOVE this
# level, reject immediately

$MAXDNSBLMSG = '550 Your MTA is listed in too many DNSBLs';

## RHSBL settings
@rhsbl_score = (
'rhsbl.ahbl.org', 4, 0, 'AHBL',
'dsn.rfc-ignorant.org', 3.5, 0, 'DSN_RFCI',
'postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org', 0.1, 0, 'PM_RFCI',
'abuse.rfc-ignorant.org', 0.1, 0, 'ABUSE_RFCI'

$BL_ERROR_SKIP = 2; # skip a RBL if this RBL had this many continuous
# errors

$BL_SKIP_RELEASE = 10; # skip a RBL for that many times

## cache stuff
$LOCKPATH = '/var/run/policyd-weight/'; # must be a directory (add
# trailing slash)

$SPATH = $LOCKPATH.'/polw.sock'; # socket path for the cache
# daemon.

$MAXIDLECACHE = 60; # how many seconds the cache may be idle
# before starting maintenance routines
# NOTE: standard maintenance jobs happen
# regardless of this setting.

$MAINTENANCE_LEVEL = 5; # after this number of requests do following
# maintenance jobs:
# checking for config changes

# negative (i.e. SPAM) result cache settings ##################################

$CACHESIZE = 2000; # set to 0 to disable caching for spam results.
# To this level the cache will be cleaned.

$CACHEMAXSIZE = 4000; # at this number of entries cleanup takes place

$CACHEREJECTMSG = '550 temporarily blocked because of previous errors';

$NTTL = 1; # after NTTL retries the cache entry is deleted

$NTIME = 30; # client MUST NOT retry within this seconds in order
# to decrease TTL counter

# positve (i.,e. HAM) result cache settings ###################################

$POSCACHESIZE = 1000; # set to 0 to disable caching of HAM. To this number
# of entries the cache will be cleaned

$POSCACHEMAXSIZE = 2000; # at this number of entries cleanup takes place

$POSCACHEMSG = 'using cached result';

$PTTL = 60; # after PTTL requests the HAM entry must
# succeed one time the RBL checks again

$PTIME = '3h'; # after $PTIME in HAM Cache the client
# must pass one time the RBL checks again.
# Values must be nonfractal. Accepted
# time-units: s, m, h, d

$TEMP_PTIME = '1d'; # The client must pass this time the RBL
# checks in order to be listed as hard-HAM
# After this time the client will pass
# immediately for PTTL within PTIME

## DNS settings
$DNS_RETRIES = 2; # Retries for ONE DNS-Lookup

$DNS_RETRY_IVAL = 2; # Retry-interval for ONE DNS-Lookup

$MAXDNSERR = 3; # max error count for unresponded queries
# in a complete policy query

$MAXDNSERRMSG = 'passed - too many local DNS-errors';

$PUDP = 0; # persistent udp connection for DNS queries.
# broken in Net::DNS version 0.51. Works with
# Net::DNS 0.53; DEFAULT: off

$USE_NET_DNS = 0; # Force the usage of Net::DNS for RBL lookups.
# Normally policyd-weight tries to use a faster
# RBL lookup routine instead of Net::DNS

$NS = ''; # A list of space separated NS IPs
# This overrides resolv.conf settings
# Example: $NS = '';
# DEFAULT: empty

$IPC_TIMEOUT = 2; # timeout for receiving from cache instance

$TRY_BALANCE = 0; # If set to 1 policyd-weight closes connections
# to smtpd clients in order to avoid too many
# established connections to one policyd-weight
# child

# scores for checks, WARNING: they may manipulate eachother
# or be factors for other scores.
# HIT score, MISS Score
@client_ip_eq_helo_score = (1.5, -1.25 );
@helo_score = (1.5, -2 );
@helo_from_mx_eq_ip_score = (1.5, -3.1 );
@helo_numeric_score = (2.5, 0 );
@from_match_regex_verified_helo = (1, -2 );
@from_match_regex_unverified_helo = (1.6, -1.5 );
@from_match_regex_failed_helo = (2.5, 0 );
@helo_seems_dialup = (1.5, 0 );
@failed_helo_seems_dialup = (2, 0 );
@helo_ip_in_client_subnet = (0, -1.2 );
@helo_ip_in_cl16_subnet = (0, -0.41 );
@client_seems_dialup_score = (3.75, 0 );
@from_multiparted = (1.09, 0 );
@from_anon = (1.17, 0 );
@bogus_mx_score = (2.1, 0 );
@random_sender_score = (0.25, 0 );
@rhsbl_penalty_score = (3.1, 0 );
@enforce_dyndns_score = (3, 0 );


$ADD_X_HEADER = 1; # Switch on or off an additional
# X-policyd-weight: header

$DEFAULT_RESPONSE = 'DUNNO default'; # Fallback response in case
# the weighted check didn't
# return any response (should never
# appear).

# Syslogging options for verbose mode and for fatal errors.
# NOTE: comment out the $syslog_socktype line if syslogging does not
# work on your system.

$syslog_socktype = 'unix'; # inet, unix, stream, console

$syslog_facility = "mail";
$syslog_options = "pid";
$syslog_priority = "info";
$syslog_ident = "postfix/policyd-weight";

# Process Options
$USER = "polw"; # User must be a username, no UID

$GROUP = ""; # specify GROUP if necessary
# DEFAULT: empty, will be initialized as

$MAX_PROC = 50; # Upper limit if child processes
$MIN_PROC = 3; # keep that minimum processes alive

$TCP_PORT = 12525; # The TCP port on which policyd-weight
# listens for policy requests from postfix

$BIND_ADDRESS = ''; # IP-Address on which policyd-weight will
# listen for requests.
# You may only list ONE IP here, if you want
# to listen on all IPs you need to say 'all'
# here. Default is ''.
# You need to restart policyd-weight if you
# change this.

$SOMAXCONN = 1024; # Maximum of client connections
# policyd-weight accepts
# Default: 1024

$CHILDIDLE = 240; # how many seconds a child may be idle before
# it dies.

$PIDFILE = "/var/run/policyd-weight.pid";

Das wäre die Config. Das ist die normale standard config. Steckt hier der fehler drin?