Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : PHP - Memory Size Error

24.12.08, 13:10
Hey Leute,

also ich hab bei einem PHP Skript immer folgenden Fehler:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /var/www/trackmania/includes/objects/rcp_maniafwk.class.php on line 272

Also hab natürlich schon gegoogelt und alles und hab in der PHP.ini folgendes eingestellt:

max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 128M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (16MB)

Aber der Fehler kommt immernoch obwohl ich das Memory Limit auf 128Mb umgestellt habe.

Was hab ich falsch gemacht?

Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten.
Lg Paddy

24.12.08, 13:53
Was steht denn hier:

/var/www/trackmania/includes/objects/rcp_maniafwk.class.php on line 272

Das sollte uns hier weiterhelfen ^^

24.12.08, 14:26
* remoteCP 4
* ütf-8 release
* @package remoteCP
* @author hal.sascha
* @copyright (c) 2006-2008
* @version
define('ML_STATIC' , 3);
define('ML_MAXIMIZED', 2);
define('ML_MINIMIZED', 1);
define('ML_CLOSED' , 0);

class rcp_maniafwk
public $hidden;
public $windows;
public $httppath;
public $time;
public $colors;
private $customui;

public function __construct($httppath, $time, $colors)
$this->hidden = false;
$this->windows = array();
$this->colors = $colors;
$this->httppath = $httppath;
$this->customui = array(
'notice' => 'true',
'challenge_info' => 'true',
'chat' => 'true',
'checkpoint_list' => 'true',
'round_scores' => 'true',
'scoretable' => 'true',
'global' => 'true'

public function __destruct()
foreach($this->windows AS $key => $window)
$this->windows[$key] = NULL;

* Updates framework time
* @author hal.sascha
public function updateTime()
$this->time = time();

* Returns the xml of the whole framework
* @author hal.sascha
public function getXml()
return false;

return false;

$body = '';
foreach($this->windows AS $key => $window)
$xml = $window->getXml();
$body .= $xml;

if($body) return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><manialinks>".$this->parseColors($body).$this->getCustomUi()."</manialinks>";
return false;

* Adds a new Window to the framework
* This method will return a window-object if successfull
* @param string $name
* @param string $title
* @param int $posx
* @param int $posy
* @param int $width
* @author hal.sascha
public function addWindow($name, $title, $posx, $posy, $width)
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->windows))
$this->windows[$name] = new rcp_maniawindow($this, count($this->windows)+1, $name, $title, $posx, $posy, $width);
return $this->getWindow($name);
return false;

* Returns a window-object for the specified windowname
* @param string $name
* @author hal.sascha
public function getWindow($name)
if(array_key_exists($name, $this->windows))
return $this->windows[$name];
return false;

* Gets an array of callbacks if the submitted action was available
* @param int $action
* @author hal.sascha
public function getAction($action)
return false;

foreach($this->windows AS $key => $window)
$result = $window->getAction($action);
return $result;
return false;

* Closes all windows respecting it's closestatus
* If $id is specified the window with this id will be remain as open
* @param int $id
* @author hal.sascha
public function closeWindows($id)
foreach($this->windows AS $key => $window)
if($window->id != $id && $window->status == ML_MAXIMIZED)

* Changes the status of the tm custom_ui
* @param string $element
* @param boolean $value
public function setCustomUi($element, $value = true)
if(!array_key_exists($element, $this->customui)) return false;
$this->customui[$element] = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
return true;

* Returns xml for the tm custom_ui
public function getCustomUi()
return "<custom_ui>
<notice visible='{$this->customui['notice']}'/>
<challenge_info visible='{$this->customui['challenge_info']}'/>
<chat visible='{$this->customui['chat']}'/>
<checkpoint_list visible='{$this->customui['checkpoint_list']}'/>
<round_scores visible='{$this->customui['round_scores']}'/>
<scoretable visible='{$this->customui['scoretable']}'/>
<global visible='{$this->customui['global']}'/>

* Parses all framework related colors
* @param string $string
* @author hal.sascha
private function parseColors($string)
$string = str_replace('!df!', (string) $this->colors->chat->default, $string);
$string = str_replace('!hl!', (string) $this->colors->chat->highlight, $string);
$string = str_replace('!si!', (string) $this->colors->chat->subitem, $string);
$string = str_replace('!fhl!', (string) $this->colors->ml->fonts->highlight, $string);
$string = str_replace('!fsi!', (string) $this->colors->ml->fonts->subitem, $string);
return $string;

class rcp_maniawindow
private $base;
public $id;
public $name;
public $status;
private $title;
private $posx;
private $posy;
private $width;
private $margin;
private $actions;
private $header;
private $bg;
private $static;
private $close;
private $timeout;
private $timeoutt;
private $options;
private $icon;
private $rendered;
private $lheight;
private $frames;
private $cframe;
private $cline;
private $styleregions;

public function __construct(&$base, $id, $name, $title, $posx, $posy, $width)
$this->base =& $base;
$this->id = $id;
$this->name = $name;
$this->title = $title;
$this->posx = $posx;
$this->posy = $posy;
$this->width = $width;
$this->margin = 0.5;
$this->frames = NULL;
$this->cframe = 0;
$this->cline = 0;
$this->styleregions = array(
'label' => array('halign', 'valign', 'textid', 'url', 'autonewline', 'textcolor', 'textsize'),
'quad' => array('bgcolor', 'image', 'imagefocus', 'style', 'substyle', 'url', 'manialink', 'maniazone', 'addplayerid'),
'entry' => array('textsize', 'halign', 'valign', 'name', 'default'),
'fileentry' => array('textsize', 'halign', 'valign', 'name', 'default'),
'audio' => array('data', 'play', 'looping'),
'music' => array('data'),
'include' => array('url')

// Default options
$this->status = ML_CLOSED;
$this->icon = 'Forever';
$this->actions = array();
$this->header = true;
$this->bg = 'main';
$this->static = false;
$this->close = true;
$this->timeout = false;
$this->timeoutt = false;
$this->rendered = true;
$this->options = array('icon', 'title', 'timeout', 'static', 'close', 'header', 'bg', 'width', 'posx', 'posy', 'lineheight');
$this->lheight = 0;
$this->lineheight = 3;

public function __destruct()
$this->base = NULL;

* Changes the specified window option to a new value
* It's not possible to add new window options with this function
* @param string $option
* @param mixed $value
* @author hal.sascha
public function setOption($option, $value)
if(in_array($option, $this->options) && isset($this->{$option}))
$this->{$option} = $value;
return true;
return false;

* Refreshes the window
* @author hal.sascha
public function Refresh()
//mark as "has to be rendered" oO
$this->rendered = false;

//window is static (possibly with timeout) or maximized
if($this->static || $this->timeout)

//Timeout time
$this->timeoutt = $this->timeout ? $this->base->time + $this->timeout : false;

//Close other window(s)
if($this->status == ML_MAXIMIZED)

* Resets and refreshes the window
* @author hal.sascha
public function Reset()
$this->xml = '';
$this->frames = NULL;
$this->frames = array();
$this->cframe = 0;
$this->cline = 0;

* Sets the status of the window
* @author hal.sascha
private function setStatus($status)
$this->status = $status;

* Checks the window for timeout
* @author hal.sascha
private function getTimeout()
if(!$this->timeout || !$this->timeoutt) return false;
return ($this->timeoutt < $this->base->time) ? true : false;

* Returns an array of actions or executes the default closeaction
* @author hal.sascha
public function getAction($action)
if(array_key_exists($action, $this->actions))
if($this->actions[$action]['call'] == 'on'.$this->name.'Close')
return $this->Close();
return $this->actions[$action];
return false;

* Creates a new unique actionid
* @author hal.sascha
private function createActionId()
return $this->id.count($this->actions);

* Flags the window as closed
* This window will respect the close-option.
* @param boolean $behavior
* @author hal.sascha
public function Close($behavior = false)
if($behavior && $this->close || !$behavior)
$this->timeoutt = false;
$this->rendered = false;
return true;
return false;

* Returns the xml for this window
* @author hal.sascha
public function getXml()
return false;

if($this->status == ML_CLOSED)
return false;
elseif($this->status == ML_MINIMIZED)
$this->rendered = true;
return "<manialink id='{$this->id}'></manialink>";

//Send predefined xml
$this->rendered = true;
return $this->xml;

//Send generated xml
return false;

$this->xml = "<manialink id='{$this->id}'><type>default</type>";
$this->xml .= "<frame posn='{$this->posx} {$this->posy} 0'><format". $this->applyStyles('format') ." />";
$this->xml .= $this->getHeader();
$this->xml .= $this->getFrames();
$this->xml .= $this->getBg();
$this->xml .= "</frame>";
$this->xml .= "</manialink>";

//Parse actions
$this->actions = array();
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('!\{ca:(.[^\}]*),pl:(.[^\}]*),pa:(.[^\}]*)\}!is', $this->xml, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

foreach($matches as $match)
$id = $this->createActionId();
$params = explode('|-|', $match[3]);
$this->actions[$id] = array(
'call' => ($match[2]) ? array($match[1], $match[2]) : $match[1],
'param' => (count($params) < 2) ? $params[0] : $params
$this->xml = str_replace('{ca:'.$match[1].',pl:'.$match[2].',pa:'.$match[3].'}', $id, $this->xml);

$this->rendered = true;
return $this->xml;

* Returns the background-xml for this window if bg-option available
* @author hal.sascha
private function getBg()
if(!$this->bg) return '';
return "<frame posn='0 0 0'><quad posn='-{$this->margin} 0 0' sizen='". ($this->width + ($this->margin*2)) ." ". (abs($this->lheight)+$this->margin) ."'". $this->applyStyles($this->bg, 'quad') ." /></frame>";

* Returns the header-xml for this window if header-option available
* @author hal.sascha
private function getHeader()
if(!$this->header) return '';
$xml = "<frame posn='0 0 9'>";
$xml .= "<quad posn='-{$this->margin} 0 0' sizen='". ($this->width + ($this->margin*2)) ." 3'". $this->applyStyles('header', 'quad') ." />";
$xml .= "<quad posn='-0.25 -0.3 1' sizen='2.5 2.5' style='Icons128x128_1' substyle='{$this->icon}' action='{ca:on{$this->name}Close,pl:0,pa:0}' />";
$xml .= "<quad posn='". ($this->width-2) ." -0.4 1' sizen='2 2' style='Icons64x64_1' substyle='Close' action='{ca:on{$this->name}Close,pl:0,pa:0}' />";
$xml .= "<label posn='2.5 -1.25 1' sizen='{$this->width} 0' text='{$this->title}'". $this->applyStyles('header') ." />";
$xml .= "</frame>";
return $xml;

* Opens a new frame
* @param string $name
public function Frame($posx = false, $posy = false, $width = false, $styles = false, $mla = false)
$this->cframe = count($this->frames) + 1;
$this->frames[$this->cframe] = array(
'posx' => ($posx) ? $posx : 0,
'posy' => ($posy) ? $posy : 0,
'width' => ($width) ? $width : $this->width,
'lines' => array(),
'styles' => $styles,
'action' => $this->getActionAttribute($mla)

* Adds a new line to the window
* @param array $line
* @author hal.sascha
public function Line($styles = false, $mla = false)
//Check if at least default frame is available, else create it
if(!$this->cframe) $this->Frame();

$this->cline = count($this->frames[$this->cframe]['lines']) + 1;
$this->frames[$this->cframe]['lines'][$this->cline] = array(
'cells' => array(),
'customxml' => false,
'styles' => $styles,
'action' => $this->getActionAttribute($mla)

* Adds a new cell to a line
* Cell($text, $width/$height[as array if height specified], $action/$param[as array if param specified], $attributes[as array]);
* @param array $cell
* @author hal.sascha
public function Cell($text, $size, $mla = false, $attributes = false)
$this->frames[$this->cframe]['lines'][$this->cline]['cells'][] = array(
'text' => specialchars($text),
'size' => $size,
'action' => $this->getActionAttribute($mla),
'attributes' => $attributes

* Adds custom XML code to the window
* If height isset, the system will respect the height and each later line will be use the new position offset
* @param string $xml
* @param int $height
* @author hal.sascha
public function CustomXML($xml, $height = false)
$this->frames[$this->cframe]['lines'][$this->cline]['customxml'] = array($xml, $height);

* Returns the xml for the window frames
* @author hal.sascha
private function getFrames()
//Get Frames
$fxml = '';
foreach($this->frames AS $keyf => $frame)
$fx = $frame['posx'];
$fy = $frame['posy'];
$fw = $frame['width'];
$fh = 0;

//Get Lines
$lxml = '';
$lx = 0;
$ly = $this->header ? -$this->lineheight : -0.5;
$lw = $fw;
$lh = $this->lineheight;
foreach($frame['lines'] AS $keyl => $line)
//Get Cells
$cxml = '';
$cx = 0;
$cy = 0;
$cw = 0;
$ch = 0;
$hch = 0;
$cxml = $line['customxml'][0];
$ch = ($line['customxml'][1] !== false) ? $line['customxml'][1] : 0;

foreach($line['cells'] AS $keyc => $cell)
//Calc size
$cw = !empty($cell['size'][0]) ? $lw/100*$cell['size'][0] : 0;
$ch = !empty($cell['size'][1]) ? $cell['size'][1] : $lh;
$cw = !empty($cell['size']) ? $lw/100*$cell['size'] : 0;
$ch = $lh;
$ch = ($hch < $ch) ? $ch : $hch;

//Set Defaults
$cell['attributes']['valign'] = !empty($cell['attributes']['valign']) ? $cell['attributes']['valign'] : 'center';

//Create quad attributes
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'quad', $cell['attributes']);
if($attributes || !empty($cell['action']))
$cxml .= "<quad posn='{$cx} 0 1' sizen='{$cw} {$ch}'{$cell['action']}". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

//Element attributes
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'label', $cell['attributes']);
$nx = $this->getPosX($cx, $cw, $cell['attributes']['halign']);
$ny = $this->getPosY(0, $ch, $cell['attributes']['valign']);
$cxml .= "<label posn='{$nx} {$ny} 1' sizen='{$cw} {$ch}' text=' {$cell['text']} '". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

case 'entry':
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'entry', $cell['attributes']);
$nx = $this->getPosX($cx, $cw, $cell['attributes']['halign']);
$ny = $this->getPosY(0, $ch, 0);
$cxml .= "<entry posn='{$nx} {$ny} 1' sizen='{$cw} {$ch}'". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

case 'fileentry':
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'fileentry', $cell['attributes']);
$nx = $this->getPosX($cx, $c, $cell['attributes']['halign']);
$ny = $this->getPosY(0, $ch, 0);
$cxml .= "<fileentry posn='{$nx} {$ny} 1' sizen='{$cw} {$ch}'". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

case 'audio':
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'audio', $cell['attributes']);
$ny = $this->getPosY(0, $ch, 'center');
$cxml .= "<audio posn='{$cx} {$ny} 1' sizen='{$cw} {$ch}'". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

case 'music':
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'music', $cell['attributes']);
$cxml .= "<music". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

case 'include':
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'include', $cell['attributes']);
$cxml .= "<include". implode('', $attributes) ." />";

//Next cell position
$cx = $cx + $cw;
$hch = $ch;

//Cells XML generated
//Generate Line XML
$lh = $hch;
if(is_array($line['styles']) || !empty($line['action']))
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'quad', $line['styles']);
$cxml .= "<quad posn='0 0 0' sizen='{$lw} {$lh}'{$line['action']}". implode('', $attributes) ." />";
$lxml .= "<frame posn='0 {$ly} 1'>{$cxml}</frame>";
//Next line position
$ly = $ly - $lh;

//Lines XML generated
//Generate Frame XML
$fh = abs($ly-$this->margin);
$this->lheight = $ly;
if(is_array($frame['styles']) || !empty($frame['action']))
$attributes = $this->applyStyles(true, 'quad', $frame['styles']);
$lxml .= "<quad posn='0 0 0' sizen='{$fw} {$fh}'{$frame['action']}". implode('', $attributes) ." />";
$fxml .= "<frame posn='{$fx} {$fy} 1'>{$lxml}</frame>";

//Frames XML generated
//Return Frames XML
return $fxml;

* Returns a parsable action attribute string
* @param mixed $mla
* @author hal.sascha
private function getActionAttribute($mla)
//Check if action has params
$action = $mla[0][0];
$plugin = $mla[0][1];
$action = $mla[0];
$plugin = 0;
$params = is_array($mla[1])? implode('|-|', $mla[1]) : $mla[1];
$action = $mla;
$plugin = 0;
$params = 0;
$params = empty($params) ? 0 : $params;
return !empty($action) ? " action='{ca:{$action},pl:{$plugin},pa:{$params}}'" : '';

* Returns the x position for a label respecting it's align
* @param int $posx
* @param int $width
* @param string $align
* @author hal.sascha
private function getPosX($posx, $width, $align)
if($align == 'center')
return $posx + ($width / 2);
elseif($align == 'right')
return $posx + $width;
return $posx;

* Returns the y position for a label respecting it's align
* @param int $posy
* @param int $height
* @param string $align
* @author hal.sascha
private function getPosY($posy, $height, $align, $offset = 0.20)
if($align == 'center')
return $posy - ($height / 2) + $offset;
elseif($align == 'bottom')
return $posy - $height + $offset;
return $posy;

* Returns a style definition from live.xml setting file
* @param string $name
* @author hal.sascha
private function applyStyles($name, $region = 'label', &$attributes = false)
$return = array();

//applies all styles from a styleset
if(array_key_exists($region, $this->styleregions))
foreach($this->styleregions[$region] AS $attribute)
$value = $this->getStyle($name, $attribute);
$return[$attribute] = " {$attribute}='{$value}'";
$attributes[$attribute] = $value;
return implode('', $return);
//applies all styles from a styleset + the delivered external styles and overwrite the class
if(is_array($attributes) && array_key_exists($region, $this->styleregions))
foreach($this->styleregions[$region] AS $attribute)
if(array_key_exists($attribute, $attributes))
$return[$attribute] = " {$attribute}='{$attributes[$attribute]}'";
continue; //jumps over class check, it's like overwriting the class value
$value = $this->getStyle($attributes['class'], $attribute);
$return[$attribute] = " {$attribute}='{$value}'";
$attributes[$attribute] = $value;
return $return;

* Returns a style string by class and attribute
* @param string $name
* @param string $attribute
* @author hal.sascha
private function getStyle($name, $attribute)
return isset($this->base->colors->ml->styles->{$name}[$attribute]) ? (string) $this->base->colors->ml->styles->{$name}[$attribute] : false;

Das steht da drin, bei Zeile 272 ist nur nen Array.

Mfg Paddy

Roger Wilco
24.12.08, 19:18
Aber der Fehler kommt immernoch obwohl ich das Memory Limit auf 128Mb umgestellt habe.
Das Memory Limit pro Skript beträgt laut der Fehlermeldung 16 MB, nicht die in deiner php.ini aufgeführten 128 MB. Du hast entweder die falsche php.ini bearbeitet oder die Einstellung wird an anderer Stelle überschrieben.

24.12.08, 19:40
Bei mod_php Webserver neugestartet?

Ansonsten schau Dir die Info aus phpinfo(); an wo die php.ini liegt.

24.12.08, 19:55

also die PHP.ini liegt in:


Und die hab ich auch bearbeitet. Dann hab ich Apache2 neugestartet.

Wo soll das denn an anderer Stelle überschrieben werden?

Vielen Dank
Lg Paddy

Edit: Bei phpinfo() steht folgendes:

memory_limit 128M 128M

26.12.08, 16:29
So Leute,

also mein Skript ist mir wieder abgeschmiert mit dem Fehler:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /var/www/trackmania/includes/objects/rcp_sql.class.php on line 135

Hab jetzt echt in jeder php.ini die ich finden konnte, 128M eingestellt.

Was soll ich denn noch machen?

Vielen Dank

26.12.08, 17:32
Bei welcher Aktion/In welcher Situation tritt der Fehler auf?

26.12.08, 17:37
Also das Skript, das sind Stats für einen Trackmania Server, und immer wenn so 40 Leute drauf sind kommt der Error.

Mfg Paddy

Roger Wilco
26.12.08, 18:07
Hab jetzt echt in jeder php.ini die ich finden konnte, 128M eingestellt.
In der Apache httpd-Konfiguration auch - sofern du mod_php verwendest?

26.12.08, 18:29
In welcher Config muss ich das dann verändern? Und vorallem was?

In meiner httpd.conf steht nichts drin.

Mfg Paddy

Roger Wilco
26.12.08, 18:32
In welcher Config muss ich das dann verändern?
In der/den Konfigurationsdatei(en) deines Webservers. Welche das genau sind, musst du wissen - es ist dein System.

Du könntest ja einfach mal nach den typischen mod_php-Direktiven (php_value, php_admin_value) suchen. Nur so ein Gedanke...

26.12.08, 18:56
Also ich weiß jetzt nicht ganz welche Config du meinst? Meinst du die /etc/apache2/apache2.conf oder meinst du /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default ?

Lg Paddy

Roger Wilco
26.12.08, 19:40
Ich meine alle.

29.12.08, 10:26
und je nach Konfig des Apache/php kann es auch AFAIK eine .htaccess-Datei sein :-)