Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Geany 0.15 - schlanker leistungsfähiger Crossplattform Editor zum Programmieren

07.11.08, 03:41
Geany ist ein GTK2-Basierender Texteditor mit einfachen IDE-Funktionen.


Syntax-Highlighting für diverse Sprache (C, C++, Python, Perl, PHP, etc.)
Code-Folding http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-Faltung
Bracket matching
Auto indentation
Auto completion
Text folding
Compiler integration
Unicode UTF-8 w/o usw.
Text Shell integration (nur unter Unix/Linux)
NewLine Support (CR/LF, CR, LF)
Regex Find & Replace
Enconding Conversion
Newline conversion
Multiple undo/redo
Rectangular block selection
Open Source (GPL)
Crossplatformfähig (Windows, Linux etc.)
Symbol List (für Variablen, Funktionen etc.)
Auto-closing of XML and HTML tags
Code navigation
plugin Interface
klein und schnell (zumindest gilt das, wenn GTK 2 schon geladen ist)
verschiebbare Tabs

Im großen und ganzen ein richtig geiles Teil und IMO deutlich besser als der einfache Gedit aus Gnome. Zumal er sich hervorragend auch in eine Gnome Umgebung einfügt. Das Look & Feel ist nämlich Gedit sehr ähnlich, nur kann er viel mehr.


Geany 0.15 (October 19, 2008)

* Add Previous Message, Previous Error commands (thanks also to Beau
* Add 'Close Other Documents' File menu command (#1976724).
* Add Find Document Usage popup menu command & keybinding.
* Check that the current file is still on disk (as well as checking the
modification time).
* Add support for custom file templates (found at startup) in the
~/.geany/templates/files directory, shown underneath filetype templates
in the New with Template menu.
* Make socket open command support filename:line:column syntax.
* Add filetypes.* [build_settings] key 'error_regex' to support custom
error message parsing using a GNU-style extended regular expression.
* Allow loading projects from command line (#1961083).
* Add alternative build system: Waf.
* Add Tools menu item to reload configuration data without a restart.
* Add support to use template wildcards in snippets.
* Increase LSB compliance.

* Make disk check timeout configurable (zero disables disk checks).
* Add search pref: 'Use the current file's directory for Find in Files'

* Make keyboard shortcuts dialog non-modal (#1999384).
* Add a debug messages window to easily view debug messages/warnings.

* Update Scintilla to version 1.77 (includes many fixes).
* Add basic Line Breaking option in the Document menu and 'Line breaking
column' editor pref (for now only works when typing characters past
the line breaking column number).
* Don't colourise any documents until they need to be drawn (this
should make opening a session faster for filetypes that support typename
* Make Ctrl-click on a word perform Go to Tag Definition.
* Add 'Max. symbol name suggestions' autocompletion pref.
* Show ellipsis (...) item when there are too many symbol names for
* Highlight matching brace indent guides (thanks to Jason Oster;
* Show brace indent guides on empty lines when appropriate (thanks to
Jason Oster; #2105982).
* Add 'Tab key indents' pref, on by default.
* Implement soft tabs support (#1662173). There's now a 'Tabs & Spaces'
Indent Type, and separate Width, Hard Tab Width indent prefs. (Thanks
to Joerg Desch for explaining how it needed to work).
* Auto-update the line margin width as lines are added (thanks to Jason
Oster; #2129157).
* Add "Replace spaces by tabs".

* Install plugins into lib/ not into plugins/.
* Install Geany's message catalogs into share/locale rather than
lib/locale as GTK does since 2.12.2.

* Add Go to Start/End of Line keybindings (#1996175).
* Add 'Switch to Compiler' keybinding (useful when checking build
* Add keybindings for Line wrapping, Line breaking, Toggle fold and
Replace Spaces by tabs, Previous/Next word part.

* Add OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) filetype (thanks to Colomban
Wendling; #2060961).
* Add R language filetype (thanks to Andrew Rowland; #2121502).
* Split filetype Fortran into Fortran 77 and Fortran 90.
* Add Gettext translation filetype (#2131985).
* CSS improvements, thanks to Jason Oster.

Embedded Terminal:
* Fix hang when restarting the VTE (#1990323) with VTE 0.16.14.
(Note that with VTE 0.16.14 the reset sometimes leaves a blank
terminal, but pressing enter makes it then behave as normal).

* Add Split Window plugin (should work OK for viewing; full editing
support is not implemented yet).
* Merge InstantSave, AutoSave and BackupCopy plugins into the new
plugin 'Save Actions'.

* Add Tips and Tricks appendix.
* Updated Installation section.
* Update 'Build system' for custom error regexes.
* Add a section for internal plugins.

Plugin API:
* Many changes; see the API documentation (make api-doc) and the
geany-devel list archives.
* Deprecated: plugin_fields, plugin_info symbols.

* New translations: ko, tr.
* Updated translations: be, ca, de, en_GB, fi, hu, it, ja, pl,
ro, ru, sv, zh_CN




Geany im Vergleich zu anderen Editoren:

08.11.08, 11:41
Ich verwende Geany nun seit etwa einem Jahr und code damit Tcl/Tk. Ich bin davon sehr begeistert und kann es nur empfehlen.
Leider its die neue Version immer noch nicht in den openSUSE Repos gelandet. Hoffentlich tut sich da bald was.


14.11.08, 01:14
Ach das liebe ich halt an den Jungs vom openSUSE Buildservice, man frägt nett nach und zack gibts ein neues Paket. :)

Geany 0.15 für openSUSE 11.0 (http://software.opensuse.org/search?baseproject=openSUSE%3A11.0&p=1&q=geany)