Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : freenx: xdm notwendig zum Anmelden ?

23.12.07, 15:11
Hallo zusammen,

ich versuch gerade auf meinem Server FreeNX zu konfigurieren.
Ist alles installiert, Schlüssel auf Client übertragen, Auth funktioniert auch schon.

Allerdings hab ich auf dem Server weder KDM, GDM noch XDM.
Als Windowmanager verwende ich Fluxbox.
Server fährt ohne X hoch - nur Konsolen-Ebene (soll auch so bleiben).
Bei Bedarf starte ich dann X mit Fluxbox manuell mit "startx".

Im NXclient ist unter "Desktop" folgendes eingetragen:
Unix => XDM

Allerdings ist der XDM ja garnicht auf dem Server installiert (wie gesagt, ich will ja trotzdem nur auf Konsolenebene booten !!).

Kann mir einer evtl. weiterhelfen, was ich hier zur Konfiguration einstellen muss ??

Ich hab schon auf Custom umgestellt und unter "Run a command => /usr/bin/fluxbox" eingetragen.
Wollt dann aber auch nicht.

Ich erhalte immer die Fehlermeldung "unix-xdm-session not supported".

Danke und Gruß

23.12.07, 15:15
Normalerweise sollte es ausreichen wenn du im nxclient

Unix / Custom
einstellst und unter Settings

run the default X client script on Server

23.12.07, 15:29
Hallo heatwalker,

danke für Deine schnelle Antwort.
Einstellungen hab ich so übernommen, wie Du gesagt hast.

Dann erhalte ich aber folgende Fehlermeldung :

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 3617
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL)
NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 1.4.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 1.4.0
NX> 105 login
NX> 101 User: andreas
NX> 102 Password:
NX> 103 Welcome to: server user: andreas
NX> 105 listsession --user="andreas" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1280x1024x24+render" --type="unix-default"
NX> 127 Sessions list of user 'andreas' for reconnect:

Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name
------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: andreas
NX> 105 startsession --virtualdesktop="1" --link="lan" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --media="0" --session="server" --type="unix-default" --cookie="******" --geometry="1024x768+768+104" --kbtype="pc105/de" --screeninfo="1024x768x24+render"

NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL)
NX> 700 Session id: server-1001-46B97D57A12D3A68CE02550F14137DB5
NX> 705 Session display: 1001
NX> 703 Session type: unix-default
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 18687b7174b027d684213eac30bc1cf4
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: 734d74da4c91eb5f444a62898f9131cc
NX> 704 Session cache: unix-default
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
/usr/lib/nx/nxserver: line 880: 15066 Beendet ( sleep $AGENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT; exit 1 )
NX> 105 NX> 504 Session startup failed.
NX> 1004 Error: nxagent failed to start with: Unrecognized option: 1
NX> 1001 Bye.
NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15

Als Konfiguration in der Datei node.conf hab ich unter 'unix-custom' folgendes eingestellt:


Sind die Einstellungen so richtig ?
Kannst Du mir sagen, warum ich im Log trotzdem keine 'gültige' Session angezeigt bekomme ?

Danke und Gruß

23.12.07, 16:35
Hmmmh, hab das jetzt bei mir mal so umgestellt.

Funktioniert bei mir auch nicht. :rolleyes:

Aber mal zurück zum Anfang.

Hab jetzt eben erst gelesen, das du überhaupt keinen XServer am laufen hast.
Hast du mal versucht "/usr/bin/startx" als commando einzutragen?

23.12.07, 16:44
Nee, mag er auch nicht, ähnliche Meldung wie oben.
Brauch ich denn einen gestarteten Xserver ?

23.12.07, 16:57
Das kommt darauf an, was du machen willst.

Wenn du mit dem nxclient auf eine XSession zugreifen willst, muss (nach meinem Kenntnisstand) ein Xserver laufen.

Du kannst zwar auch mit dem nxclient per console zugreifen, was aber (vermutlich)
keinen Sinn macht, weil du das ja auch per ssh lösen könntest.

23.12.07, 17:36
D.h. ich muss XDM installieren und einen Xserver (quasi) dauerhaft gestartet haben ?
Oder kann ich den Xserver-Start vom Boot-Vorgang des Servers abkoppeln ?

23.12.07, 20:38
Du brauchst kein XDM für den nxserver.

Mit folgenden Einstellungen sollte es laufen:

Desktop: Unix / Custom

Dann auf Settings:

Run the following command (anklicken)
Kommandoeintrag = /usr/bin/fluxbox
Options = New Virtual Desktop (anklicken)

Falls du nichts gravierendes in den Conigdateien geändert hast,
funktioniert es so.

Hab es eben getestet.

Ansonsten guckst du hier:

24.12.07, 15:31
Echt komisch. Die von Dir oben gepostete Zusammenstellung hatte ich in der Client-Config schon ausprobiert.

Was ich in der Config geändert habe, kann ich Dir im Moment nicht sagen, da der Server wo anders steht und ich grad keinen Zugriff darauf habe.
Kann Du evtl. den relevanten Teil aus der node.conf von Dir mal bitte posten ?

Werd selbiges machen, sobald ich wieder am entspr. Rechner sitze.

Danke und schönes Fest,

25.12.07, 11:01
Anbei der Teil der node.conf-Konfiguration aus der Sektion "Path directives" :

(um Kommentierungszeilen gekürzt)

# /etc/X11/Sessions/Xsession or /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
#DEFAULT_X_SESSION=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession => orginal-einstellung

Wie man sieht, es ist eigentlich nur die Zeile für die X-Session aktiv und das er einen alten X-Server abschiesst bzw. nicht verwendet.

Muss ich mehr aktivieren ?


25.12.07, 12:37
Ich bin jetzt irgendwie verwirrt.

Ich habe in meiner node.cnf nichts geändert. Alle Zeilen sind

Deine Einträge finde ich da nun überhaupt nicht. :confused:

Wir reden doch von der node.cnf welche auf dem Server liegt?

26.12.07, 13:17
Ja, wir sprechen über die node.conf im Verzeichnis /etc/nxserver.

Ich poste mal die ganze Config:

# node.conf
# This file is provided by FreeNX. It should be placed either into
# /etc/nxserver/node.conf (FreeNX style) or /usr/NX/etc/node.conf
# (NoMachine NX style).
# It is mostly compatible with NoMachine node.conf. The most important
# difference is that no spaces are allowed when assigning values (eg
# "A=value" is allowed, "A = value" is NOT).
# This file is sourced by bash, so you can do some fancy stuff here if you
# want to, but be aware that it is sourced 3 times per connection. If you
# want autostart stuff, set NODE_AUTOSTART instead!
# You surely are aware that FreeNX is based on the fantastic results that
# the hard work by NoMachine.com has achieved. NoMachine.com released the
# core NX libraries under the GPL. The installation of these libs are the
# precondition for all FreeNX scripts to work. If you are installing this
# software with the help of one of the package management tools of your
# Linux distribution, you can assume that this dependency is taken care of
# by the tool.
# You have questions about the inner workings of the NX technology?
# Then you are recommended to first check out the rich and very detailed
# NoMachine documentation and their online Knowledge Base at
# http://www.nomachine.com/kb/
# Other sources of information are the NoMachine mailing lists
# (nxusers@nomachine.com and nxdevelopers@nomachine.com):
# http://www.nomachine.com/mailinglists.php
# The FreeNX (freenx-knx@kde.org) list is here:
# https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx
# CVS: $Id: node.conf.sample,v 1.35 2005/08/02 15:39:32 fabianx Exp $

################################################## #######################
# General FreeNX directives
################################################## #######################

# The host name which is used by NX server. It's should be used if it's
# different than the default hostname (as returned by `hostname`)

# The port number where local 'sshd' is listening.

################################################## #######################
# Authentication / Security directives
################################################## #######################

# Authentication directives

# This adds the usermode to the possible authentication methods
# Usermode means that a user can start the nxserver as his shell
# and connect directly to the right server via a custom client.

# This adds the passdb to the possible authentication methods

# This adds SSH to the possible authentication methods. For it to work sshd
# must be set up at localhost accepting password authentication.

# This adds SU to the possible authentication methods. For it to work the
# "nx" user must be in the wheel (RedHat, Fedora) or the users group (SUSE)
# and the user logging in must have a valid shell that accepts the -c
# parameter.

# Require all users to be in the passdb, regardless of authentication method

# If enabled forces the user to use encryption. This will bail out
# if the user does not have encryption enabled.

# Refuse the NX client connection if SSHD does not export the
# SSH_CONNECTION and SSH_CLIENT variables in the environment
# passed to the NX server.
# 1: Will check the remote IP and will not accept the
# connection if it can't be determined.
# 0: Will accept the connection even if the remote IP
# is not provided.

################################################## #######################
# Restriction directives
################################################## #######################

# The base display number from which sessions are started.

# The maximum number of contemporary sessions that can be run on FreeNX

# The maximum number of contemporary sessions that a single user can run
# on FreeNX. Defaults to the value of SESSION_LIMIT.

# The number of displays reserved for sessions, it has to be greater or equal
# to the maximum number of contemporary sessions that a server can run.

# User for which sessions should be persistent. Either the keyword "all" or a
# comma-separated list of usernames or groups in the @groupname syntax.

# Users and groups for whom persistent sessions should be disabled.
# Especially useful if ENABLE_PERSISTENT_SESSION="all"

################################################## #######################
# Logging directives
################################################## #######################

# This directives controls the verbosity of the server-wide log.
# 0: No Logging
# 1: Errors
# 2: Warnings
# 3: Important information
# 4: Server - Client communication
# 5: Information
# 6: Debugging information
# 7: stderror of some applications

# By setting this to 0 the nxserver might be a bit faster, but passwords can be found in the log files.

# Before turning logging on, please make sure that NX_LOGFILE is
# writeable for the "nx" user

# This directive controls if the temporary session directory
# ($HOME/.nx/C-<hostname>-<display>-<session_id>) should be kept after a
# session has ended. A successfully terminated session will be saved as
# T-C-<hostname>-<display>-<session_id> while a failed session will be saved
# as F-C-<hostname>-<display>-<session_id>.
# The default is to cleanup the directories.

# Amount of seconds nxserver is to keep session history. The default of 2592000
# is equivalent to 30 days. If this is 0 no session history will be kept
# and a negative value denotes infinity.

################################################## #######################
# Forwarding directives
################################################## #######################

# FreeNX with ENABLE_SERVER_FORWARD="1" will automatically forward all
# connections to the host specified in SERVER_FORWARD_HOST with the
# secret key SERVER_FORWARD_KEY.
# This allows to have a "chain" of NX Servers. Note that you will need to
# use "SSL encryption" for all connections.


# FreeNX with ENABLE_NOMACHINE_FORWARD_USER="1" will automatically forward all
# connections to the commercial NoMachine nxserver installed on the same
# machine. This feature is introduced to enable the usage of FreeNX and
# NoMachine NX side by side on the same machine without conflicts.
# To make a connection to the FreeNX server, just use 'freenx.<user>' as
# username (where <username> is the existing Unix username. (You do not
# need to create a user named 'freenx.<user>'!)
# To make a connection to the NoMachine nxserver, use the unmodified
# '<user>' username.


# To just forward connections to the NoMachine server, which connect to a
# certain port enable the following two directives.
# Note: You need to let SSHD listen to several ports to make use of this
# directive.


################################################## #######################
# Services directives
################################################## #######################

# FreeNX with ENABLE_ESD_PRELOAD="1" will automatically try to setup
# the sound with the help of the esd media helper.
# Currently ESD will be used just by the Windows NX Client.
# Be sure that $ESD_BIN_PRELOAD is in your path, does exist and work
# before enabling this directive.


# FreeNX with ENABLE_ARTSD_PRELOAD="1" will automatically try to setup
# the sound with the help of the artsd media helper.
# Currently ARTSD will be used just by the Linux NX Client.
# Be sure that $ARTSD_BIN_PRELOAD is in your path, does exist and work
# before enabling this directive.


# FreeNX with ENABLE_KDE_CUPS="1" will automatically write
# $KDE_PRINTRC and put the current used port into it.
# $KDE_PRINTRC is automatically calculated if its not set.


################################################## #######################
# Path directives
################################################## #######################

# USER_FAKE_HOME is the base directory for the .nx directory. Use this
# parameter instead of the users home directory if $HOME is on a NFS share.
# Note that this directory must be unique for every user! To accomplish this
# it is recommended to include $USER in the path.

# Add the nx libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting nx agents.
# WARNING: This will NOT (and should not) affect applications. ONLY Disable
# this if the nx libraries are in a standard system path (such as /usr/lib)!

# The command binary for the default window manager. If set it is run when a
# 'unix-custom' session is requested by the NX Client and an application
# to run is specified. It defaults to empty (ie no WM is run).
# If KILL_DEFAULT_X_WM is set the WM is terminated after the started
# application finishes. Else FreeNX will wait for the WM to complete.

# When a 'unix-default' session is requested by the client the user's X startup
# script will be run if pressent and executable, otherwise the default X
# session will be run.
# Depending on distribution USER_X_STARTUP_SCRIPT might be .Xclients, .xinitrc
# and .Xsession
# Depending on distribution DEFAULT_X_SESSION might be /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession,
# /etc/X11/Sessions/Xsession or /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
#DEFAULT_X_SESSION=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession => orginal-einstellung

# The key that contains the name of the script that starts a KDE session.
# It's run when a 'unix-kde' session is requested by the client.

# The key that contains the name of the script that starts a gnome session.
# It's run when a 'unix-gnome' session is requested by the client.

# The key that contains the name of the script that starts a CDE session.
# It's run when a 'unix-cde' session is requested by the client.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of command name
# 'xterm'. It is run when a unix "xterm" session is requested by the
# client.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of command name
# 'xauth'.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of command name
# 'smbmount'.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of command name
# 'smbumount'.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of the 'netcat' command.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of the 'ssh' and
# 'ssh-keygen' command.

# The key that contains the name of the complete path of the 'cupsd' command.

# The tool to generate md5sums with

################################################## #######################
# Misc directives
################################################## #######################

# When set to 1 this will automatically resume started sessions

# When set to 1 this will automatically resume started sessions
# but only if an older client version is used

# When set to 1 exports NXUSERIP / NXSESSIONID in nxnode

# This can be set to any executable, which is started after session startup
# like: $NODE_AUTOSTART {start|restore}

# When set to 1 will start nxagent in rootless mode.

# If enabled writes entries via the COMMAND_SESSREG program
# into utmp/wtmp/lastlog database.
# Note: You have to make sure that you add the nx user to the
# utmp or tty group or how its called on your system
# before this directive works.

# Extra options sent to the different nx agents. See !M documentation
# for examples of useful parameters.

# The number of seconds we wait for the nxagent to start before
# deciding startup has failed

# The font server the agent will use. If set to "" no font server is used.
# For this to do any good, the client has to have the same font server set
# in /etc/X11/XF86Config

# Disable or enable use of 'tcp nodelay' on proxy. Old versions of Linux
# kernels have problems using this option on sockets that will cause a loss
# of TCP connections. This option is not set by default to allow clients to
# specify whether to enable or disable TCP nodelay. Setting this option to
# the value of "0" NX proxy avoids using 'tcp nodelay' but it will cause a
# loss of interaction in sessions.

# Extra options to nxproxy. See !M documentation for useful parameters.

Könntest Du mir bitte mal Deine Config ebenfalls posten ?

Danke und Gruß

26.12.07, 17:36
Na klar, gerne doch. (-:

# Set config file format version.
ConfigFileVersion = "2.0"

# Set the log level of NX node. NX node logs to the syslog all the
# events that are <= to the level specified below, according to the
# following convention:
# KERN_ERR 3: Error condition.
# KERN_INFO 6: Informational.
# KERN_DEBUG 7: Debug messages.
# Note, anyway, that NX node uses level 6 in the syslog to log the
# event. This is intended to override any setting on the local sys-
# log configuration that would prevent the event from being actually
# logged.
# The suggested values are:
# 6: This is the default value. Only the important events
# are logged.
# 7: Set the log level to debug.
#SessionLogLevel = "6"

# Enable or disable the automatic clean-up of NX session directories
# at the time sessions are terminated:
# 1: Enabled. This is the default value.
# 0: Disabled. Directories are prefixed by 'T-' and left
# for further reference.
#SessionLogClean = "1"

# Enable or disable NX node to log the X client stderr.
# 1: Enabled. The standard error of the X clients is redirected to
# the 'clients' file in the session directory.
# 0: Disabled. The standard error of the X clients is redirected to
# /dev/null.
#ClientLog = "1"

# Set the maximum size allowed for the log of the X clients. The node
# will terminate the session if this limit is exceeded. The default
# value is 4194304 bytes (4MB).
#ClientLogLimit = "4194304"

# Set the maximum size allowed for the session log. The node will
# terminate the session if this limit is exceeded. The default value
# is 4194304 bytes (4MB).
#SessionLogLimit = "4194304"

# Enable or disable SSL encryption of all traffic between server and
# node.
# 1: Enabled. Unencrypted connections between the server and
# the node will be allowed.
# 0: Disabled. Forbid the use of unencrypted connections. The
# node will force the server to tunnel the proxy connections
# over the encrypted channel.
# Session negotiation always happens across an encrypted channel.
# Normally the user can specify if the subsequent communication
# must take place through a direct connection between the proxies
# or by tunneling it through SSH. You may uncomment the following
# line and set the value to 0 to increase the security of the node
# host or if NX node is behind a firewall preventing the access to
# the set of ports used by the NX node.
# Unencrypted sessions require that the firewall lets the proxies
# communicate over the TCP ports ranging from:
# to:
# By default the user is allowed to specify if a session will run
# unencrypted, for example when running the session across the same
# LAN or when performance is an issue.
#EnableUnencryptedSession = "1"

# Specify path and name of the client to be run by nxnode, nxcomp
# and nxagent, for example for issuing dialog boxes and messages,
# instead of the default nxclient.
#CommandClient = "/usr/NX/bin/nxclient"

# Specify path and name of the command 'fuser' to identify processes
# using files or sockets.
CommandFuser = "/bin/fuser"

# Specify path and name of the command 'lsof' to list open files.
#CommandLsof = "/usr/sbin/lsof"

# Specify path and name of the command 'xauth' to edit and display
# the authorization information used when connecting to the X server.
#CommandXauth = "xauth"

# Specify path and name of the command 'xdpyinfo' for displaying
# information about an X server.
#CommandXdpyInfo = "xdpyinfo"

# Specify path and name of the command 'xmodmap' to edit and display
# the keyboard modifier map and keymap table.
#CommandXmodmap = "xmodmap"

# Specify path and name of the command starting 'CDE'.
#CommandStartCDE = "cdwm"

# Enable or disable use of 'xkbcomp' command:
# 1: Enabled. Use 'xkbcomp' command.
# 0: Disabled.
#EnableCommandXkbComp = "1"

# Specify path and name of the command 'xkbcomp' to compile XKB key-
# board description.
#CommandXkbComp = "xkbcomp"

# Specify location and file name of the keymap file used by 'xkbcomp'.
#XkbCompKeymapFile = "/etc/X11/xkb/keymap/xfree86"

# Specify the location and file name of the SSH authorized keys.
#SSHAuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys2"

# Specify the font server to be used by NX agent. By default the NX
# agent only uses the X11 system fonts. Uncomment the following line
# to enable use of an X Font Server.
#AgentFontServer = "unix/:7100"

# Specify the path of default X window system startup script.
#DefaultXSession = "/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession"

# Set the default DPI of the X server to the specified value. This
# should normally not be required, but some desktop applications fail
# to set an appropriate value and fall back to 75 DPI, which is the
# value reported by default by the X server.
#DefaultXDPI = "96"

# Specify the path of libraries to be added to the agents environment.
# Be sure that NX libraries are listed first.
#AgentLibraryPath = "/usr/NX/lib"

# Specify the path of libraries to be added to NX proxy environment.
#ProxyLibraryPath = "/usr/NX/lib"

# Specify a list of libraries to be preloaded in X applications. This key
# is only used when running sessions in single application mode without NX
# agent encoding. Starting from version 1.5.0, the node doesn't preload the
# NX X11 libraries.
# The default is an empty list.
# ApplicationLibraryPreload = "/usr/NX/lib/libX11.so.6.2:/usr/NX/lib/libXext.so.6.4:/usr/NX/lib/libXcomp.so.1:/usr/NX/lib/libXcompext.so.1:/usr/NX/lib/libXrender.so.1.2"
#ApplicationLibraryPreload = ""

# Specify a list of directories to be added to the library path of X
# clients when run inside a session in single application mode without
# NX agent encoding.
# The default is an empty list.
# ApplicationLibraryPath = "/usr/NX/lib"
#ApplicationLibraryPath = ""

# Enable or disable TCP_NODELAY setting in NX proxy.
# 1: Enabled. Let NX client choose whether to enable or not TCP_NODELAY
# on proxy socket.
# 0: Disabled. Disable TCP_NODELAY.
# Due to a bug in old Linux kernels, enabling TCP_NODELAY when running
# sessions over PPP links can cause sessions to fail if a serious net-
# work congestion is encountered.
#ProxyTCPNodelay = "0"

# Specify a list of comma-separated options to be added to the
# NX proxy transport. Look at the NX proxy documentation for more
# information about the available options. Options specified in
# 'ProxyExtraOptions' override the parameters set by NX client.
#ProxyExtraOptions = "limit=256k,link=modem"

# Append arguments to the command line used to run the NX agent for
# X (Unix sessions).
# Mutiple parameters can be specified by separating them with a blank
# character. Note that, for security reasons, no shell interpretation
# is made.
#AgentExtraOptions = "-nocomposite -noshpix"

# Specify the default Window Manager to be used when running single
# applications in a virtual desktop.
#DefaultXWM = "twm"

# Specify the domain of the Windows Terminal Server.
#DefaultRDPDomain = ""

# Specify the path of base directory where the NX node has to mount
# shares exported by the user. The default value is $(HOME)/MyShares.
#ShareBasePath = "$(HOME)/MyShares"

# Allow the node to use privileged scripts to manage the shares:
# 1: Enabled. The node will use the suid scripts to mount and
# unmount the client shares using the SMB or CIFS file-
# sharing protocol depending on which protocol is available
# on both client and server side.
# 0: Disabled. The node will forbid any attempt to mount the
# client shares.
#EnableFileSharing = "1"

# Specify the path of the directory holding CUPS binaries (f.e. the
# 'lpoptions' program).
CUPSBinPath = ""

# Specify the path of the directory holding CUPS programs and reserved
# for administrative purposes (f.e. 'cupsd' or 'lpadmin').
CUPSSbinPath = ""

# Enable or disable CUPS support:
# 1: Enabled. Enable CUPS support.
# 0: Disabled. Disable CUPS support.
EnableCUPSSupport = "0"

# Specify the file-sharing protocol to be used for attaching the
# filesystem to the target directory set by the ShareBasePath
# key. The possible values are both, smbfs, cifs or none.
MountShareProtocol = "none"

# Specify the TCP port where the NX node SSHD daemon is running.
#SSHDPort = "22"

# Accept or refuse the NX client connection if SSHD does not export
# the 'SSH_CONNECTION' and 'SSH_CLIENT' variables in the environment
# passed to the NX node.
# 1: Refuse. Check the remote IP and don't accept the connection if it
# can't be determined.
# 0: Accept. Check the remote IP and accept the connection even if the
# remote IP is not provided.
#SSHDCheckIP = "0"

# Enable or disable running nxsensor:
# 1: Enabled.
# 0: Disabled.
# Run the nxsensor daemon in the background. This daemon can be used
# to produce statistics about the node machine. Produced data is to
# be queried and elaborated by the nxstat daemon running on the NX
# server host machine.
#EnableSensor = "0"

# Specify the hostname or IP address where the nxstat daemon, in
# charge of collecting and elaborating data provided by nxsensor,
# will be assumed to run.
#StatisticsHost = ""

# The port where the NX server will contact the nxsensor daemon to
# collect the statistics data. The key is also used by nxsensor to
# find out the network interface where it will listen for incoming
# connections.
#NodeSensorPort = "19250"

# If set, the specified message will be provided to the user if this
# is the first time the user starts a session on this node.
#NodeFirstLoginGreeting = "Welcome to your NX session"

# If set, the specified message will be provided to the user every
# time he/she has started a new session on this node.
#NodeLoginGreeting = "Welcome to your NX session"

# Specify a different path from the default, i.e. user's home, where
# the .nx directory has to be created to store session files. If it
# doesn't exist yet, NX node will try to create a sub-directory for
# each of the users starting a session there, named as username, and
# will create the .nx under that sub-directory. For example, if this
# key is set to /tmp/nxdir/, when user nxtest runs the first session,
# the node will try to create the /tmp/nxdir/nxtest/.nx directory.
# The directory specifed in the UserNXDirectoryPath key needs to
# have proper ownership and permissions set to ensure that the node,
# running as the user, can access it. I.e. the directory should be
# writeable for all users or alternatively, the administrator should
# create a directory, with proper ownership and permissions, named as
# username, for each of the users who need to start sessions there.
#UserNXDirectoryPath = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session start-up. The script can accept session ID, username
# and session type as its input.
# E.g. UserScriptBeforeSessionStart = "/tmp/nxscript/script.sh"
#UserScriptBeforeSessionStart = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session start-up. The script can accept session ID, username and
# session type as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionStart = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session is suspended. The script can accept session ID and
# username as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionSuspend = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session is suspended. The script can accept session ID and username
# as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionSuspend = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before the
# session is closed. The script can accept session ID and username as
# its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionClose = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session is closed. The script can accept session ID and username as
# its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionClose = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session is reconnected. The script can accept session ID and
# username as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionReconnect = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session is reconnected. The script can accept session ID and user-
# name as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionReconnect = ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# session failure. The script can accept session ID, username and
# session type as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionFailure = ""

# Enable or disable the pulldown dialog, which provides a graphical
# way to suspend or terminate the rootless session:
# 1: Enabled. The pulldown menu is shown when the mouse pointer
# moves near the middle of the top boundary of a window and
# allows the user to suspend or terminate the session by means
# of an icon-click.
# 0: Disabled. The ctrl+alt+T key combination has to be issued
# to get the dialog for suspending or terminating the session.
#EnablePulldownMenu = "1"

Hoffe es hilft Dir weiter.
Ist aber alles komplett Standard.

26.12.07, 17:56
Welches System / welche Distribution ?

Auf jeden Fall schonmal danke !!

26.12.07, 18:00
Sorry, ist Debian 4 (Etch), i386_32

Der NX-Server ist die Version 3.0.x

12.01.08, 10:49
Ich glaub mittlerweile, dass ich ne uralt-version drauf hab (1.5.0).

Wo gibts den Etch-Pakete als Repository für die 3er Version ?
Hab leider noch nix gefunden.

Danke und Gruß

14.01.08, 17:47
So, hab nun die 3er Version installiert, Keys dem Client gegeben.
Nach Authentifizierung erhalte ich ein großes Fenster (1024x768), dass mir erstmal ein Logo zeigt.
Dann bleibt der Bildschirm aber schwarz.

Unter Desktop hab ich "unix=>custom" eingetragen.
Dort dann "run the following command: /usr/bin/startx" und "New virtual desktop".
Floating window geht auch nicht, hab ich auch probiert.
Unix=>XDM scheitert auch, weil kein XDM installiert, ebenso KDE, CDE oder Gnome.

Mit Unix=>custom und "run the console" funktioniert.
Wenn ich dann (als User) "startx" eingebe, erhalte ich die Meldung, dass ich X nicht starten kann.
Das wird auch der Grund dafür sein, dass das autom.Starten einer X-Session nicht geht.

Als root kann ich das ganze nicht testen, das läßt NX nicht zu.

Wie komm ich denn jetzt weiter - welche Dateien muss ich wie modifizieren, dass ich als User eine X-Session starten darf.

Als Window-Manager hab ich Fluxbox installiert.

Danke und Gruß

14.01.08, 19:51
Hast du im Homeverzeichnis des Benutzers die Datei

Wenn nicht leg die mal mi

echo "exec startfluxbox" > ~/.xinitrc

Beim NX Client trägst du ein:

unix = custom

run the following comand = /usr/bin/fluxbox

So muss es laufen, hab das eben noch getestet. (-:

14.01.08, 20:31
Hey, klasse, probier ich morgen gleich mal aus !
Herzlichen Dank !!

15.01.08, 06:55
Also ! Läuft alles nun wunderbar, krieg Fluxbox angezeigt.
Geschwindigkeit ist auch ok, bin jetzt echt noch auf weitere Tests und ein bisschen Feintuning gespannt (z.B. Drucken), dass wird sich aber mit der Zeit ergeben.

Dir nochmal herzlichen Dank für die Hilfe.