Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Nicotine+ 1.2.6

21.10.06, 17:20

Heute wurde die neue Nicotine Plus Version 1.2.6 released. Nicotine ist ein Client für das Soulseek Netzwerk. Diese neue Version ist jedoch nicht vom eigentlichen Nicotine Programmierer Hyriand sondern von Daelstorm, deswegen gibt es diese Version nur auf der Homepage von Daelstorm[1] und nicht auf der eigentlichen Homepage von Nicotine[2]. Desweiteren wurde am 22.9. ein Guide[3] zu Nicotin+ released.

Release Name: 1.2.6


* Added a GUI for new built-in NowPlaying scripts and new /now command to use
them. Supported players: Amarok, Rhythmbox, BMPx, XMMS/Infopipe, MPD/mpc.
An 'other' player option also exists.
* Added /buddy, /rem, unbuddy commands to Private Chat and Chat Rooms.
* The Userinfo Picture file chooser now displays a preview of the image
* Private Chat does not allow you to send messages while offline. New
disconnected and reconnected messages appear in the chat log. Another new
message is displayed if you were sent messages while offline.
* Users' Shares lists can be saved to disk and then reloaded them, for ease
and speed. On *nix, these files will be stored in ~/.nicotine/usershares/
* Display shares-scanning errors in the Log Window
* Added Titlebar messages on Private Chat and nick mention in Chat Rooms
* Disabled: Urgency Hint on highlight (Titlebar flashes, or WM tries to get
your attention) Doesn't work very well, disabled for now.
* Popup a warning message if the Guide cannot be found
* Added 'Copy all' menu item to Room Status logs and the debug log
* Also added icons to the Clear log and the Remove Dislike menu items
* Enlarged number entry boxes in Transfer Settings
* Added thread protection to File/Directory Chooser (was getting freezes)

* Search's Close button also "ignores" the search, like the X button the tab.
* Fixed bug in "Download file(s) to..." causing the path to be corrupted.

* Use a safer method to save the config file. Create 'config.new', move old
'config' to 'config.old', rename 'config.new' to 'config' (from 1.1.0pre1)

* Added 4 nicotine-plus-??px.png icons 16px, 32px, 64px and 96px.
* nicotine.desktop and nicotine-plus-32px.png are installed to
$PREFIX/share/applications and $PREFIX/share/pixmaps

* Added elaborate Unicode filename-reading hack. This should allow
non-latin files/directories to be added to the shares. (Since this feature
breaks in Linux, Windows detection is used throughout the filescanner
converting strings to unicode and back.
* Always load dbhash module on Windows

* Re-enable Server Ping (120 sec) and Timeout for Connection Close (120 sec)
* Spoof warning now includes the IP and port of the user sending the message.

* Hacked apart Systraywin32 from Gajim to work with Nicotine+ on Windows
requires pywin32 which you can download from here:
* Fixed a bug with the Trayicon intially being icon-less

* Hungarian translation updated (djbaloo)
* Portuguese-Brazilian translation finished (SuicideSolution)
* Slovak Translation Updated (Jozef)

[1] http://thegraveyard.org/daelstorm/nicotine-plus.php
[2] http://nicotine.thegraveyard.org/
[3] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=171906&package_id=203973

Cyrus XIII
22.10.06, 10:22
Vielleicht sollte man in Zukunft einfach hierhin linken (http://www.nicotine-plus.org/), N+ scheint ja inzwischen ein sehr eigenständiges Projekt zu sein.

22.10.06, 10:41
Mhhh, dahin wird ja auch auf http://thegraveyard.org/daelstorm/nicotine-plus.php verlinkt. Nächstes mal werd ich aber beide Links hinzufügen... :)

22.10.06, 16:03
Gibts auch eine neue museek+? Hat die beste GUI von allen slsk-interfaces...

...nur schade, dass Nicotine Priorität zu haben scheint...ugh! :\

22.10.06, 16:05
Jupp, schau mal hier:
