Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : hlstats /skill Funktioniert nicht?

04.05.06, 14:58

wir haben einen Root Server, mit cs 1.6 drauf, und habe hlstats draufgemacht, es wird auch Protokoliert, nur wenn ich auf dem Server /skill eingebe kommt leider nix, woran kann das liegen? kann mir da einer mal bitte helfen?

ich poste mal die configs rein vieleicht ist jemand dabei der mir helfen kann
## HLstats Configuration File
# This file is used by hlstats.pl, hlstats-awards.pl and hlstats-resolve.pl.
# Note that many options can be overridden on the command line; try running with
# the --help switch for details of available command line options.

## Database Settings

# DBHost - Database server "address" or "address:port". Address can be an IP or
# a hostname. The default MySQL port is 3306 (tcp).
DBHost "localhost"

# DBUsername - User to connect to the database as.
DBUsername "root"

# DBPassword - Password for the database user.
DBPassword "xxxxxxxx"

# DBName - Name of the database to use.
DBName "hlstats"

# DBLowPriority - Use INSERT DELAYED and DELETE LOW_PRIORITY for some queries.
# This can give better performance, but may make statistics less
# "real time". 1=on 0=off
DBLowPriority 1

## UDP Socket Settings (should match "logaddress ip port" on the game servers)

# BindIP - IP address to bind to (leave empty to use all interfaces).
BindIP ""

# Port - Port to listen on for log data from the game servers.
Port 27500

## DNS Settings

# DNSResolveIP - Resolve player IP addresses to hostnames. Requires a working
# DNS setup (on the box running hlstats.pl). 1=on 0=off
DNSResolveIP 1

# DNSTimeout - Time in seconds to wait for DNS queries to complete before
# cancelling. You may need to increase this if on a slow connection
# or if you find a lot of IPs are not being resolved. However,
# while hlstats.pl is waiting for an IP to resolve it cannot be
# parsing log data.
DNSTimeout 5

## Rcon Settings

# Rcon - Allow HLstats to send Rcon commands to the game servers. 1=on 0=off
Rcon 1

# RconIgnoreSelf - Ignore (do not log) Rcon commands originating from the same
# IP as the server being Rcon'd. (Useful if you run any kind of
# monitoring script which polls the server regularly by Rcon.)
# 1=on 0=off
RconIgnoreSelf 0

# RconRecord - Sets whether to record Rcon commands to the Admin event table.
# This can be useful to see what your admins are doing. But if you
# run programs like PB it can also fill your database up with a lot
# of useless junk.
# 1=on 0=off
RconRecord 1

## General Settings

# MailTo - E-mail address to mail database errors to. (See also MailPath.)
MailTo ""

# MailPath - Path to the 'mail' program -- usually /bin/mail
MailPath "/bin/mail"

# Mode - EXPERIMENTAL: Sets the player-tracking mode.
# Possible values:
# Normal - Recommended for public Internet server use.
# Players will be tracked by WON ID.
# NameTrack - Useful for shared-PC environments, such as
# Internet cafes, etc. Players will be tracked
# by nickname. EXPERIMENTAL!
# LAN - Useful for LAN servers where players do not
# have a real WON ID. Players will be tracked
# by IP Address. EXPERIMENTAL!
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of MODE at the top of
# hlstats.php, as well.
Mode Normal

# MinPlayers - Specifies the minimum number of players required in the server
# for most player events (objectives, frags, etc.) to be recorded.
# This prevents players from hopping on an empty server and
# boosting their skill rating by capturing the flag, etc., with no
# opposition. (Default is 2 players required on the server.)
MinPlayers 2

# SkillMaxChange - Specifies the maximum number of skill points a player can
# gain at one time through frags. Because players with low
# skill ratings gain more for killing players with high skill
# ratings, this cap is needed to prevent e.g. a player with a
# skill rating of '100' killing a player with a skill rating of
# '2000' and therefore gaining several hundred or thousand
# skill points. Instead they cannot gain more than the value
# specified here. (Default is 100 skill points maximum change.)
SkillMaxChange 100

# DeleteDays - HLstats will automatically delete history events from the
# events tables when they are over this many days old.
# This is important for performance reasons. Set lower if you
# are logging a large number of game servers or find the load on
# the MySQL server is too high. Don't forget to also change the
# DELETEDAYS define at the top of hlstats.php.
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of DELETEDAYS at the
# top of hlstats.php, as well.
DeleteDays 5

# UseTimestamp - Set to 0 (the default) to use the current time on the database
# server for the timestamp when recording events. Set to 1 to use
# the timestamp provided on the log data. Unless you are
# processing old log files on STDIN, you probably want to set
# this to 0; otherwise you will need to ensure that the clocks on
# your game servers are accurate. 1=on 0=off
UseTimestamp 0

# DebugLevel - Set this to 1 to have debugging information printed on stdout.
# Set higher for even more debugging information. Set to 0 for
# quiet operation. It is recommended that you set this to 1 when
# first configuring HLstats, to help diagnose any problems.
DebugLevel 1
* HLstats - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/hlstats/
* Copyright (C) 2001 Simon Garner
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

/// Database Settings

// DB_NAME - The name of the database
define("DB_NAME", "hlstats");

// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("DB_USER", "root");

// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("DB_PASS", "xxxxxxxx");

// DB_ADDR - The address of the database server, in host:port format.
// (You might also try setting this to e.g. ":/tmp/mysql.sock" to
// use a Unix domain socket, if your mysqld is on the same box as
// your web server.)
define("DB_ADDR", "localhost");

// DB_TYPE - The database server type. Only "mysql" is supported currently
define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

// DB_PCONNECT - Set to 1 to use persistent database connections. Persistent
// connections can give better performance, but may overload
// the database server. Set to 0 to use non-persistent
// connections.
define("DB_PCONNECT", 0);

/// General Settings

// INCLUDE_PATH - Filesystem path to the hlstatsinc directory. This path can
// be specified relative to hlstats.php by prepending ./ or
// ../ If the path begins with a / then it is taken as a
// full absolute filesystem path. However if the path begins
// with none of these constructs, PHP will search your
// include_path (as set in php.ini) (probably NOT the current
// directory as might be expected!).
// Example paths:
// 1) /usr/local/apache/hlstatsinc
// (absolute path)
// 2) ../hlstatsinc
// -) ./hlstatsinc
// (paths relative to hlstats.php)
// 3) hlstats/include
// (path relative to include_path)
// Under Windows, make sure you use forward slash (/) instead
// of back slash (\).
define("INCLUDE_PATH", "/root/hlstats-1.34/hlstatsinc");

// DELETEDAYS - How many days the Event History covers. Must match the value
// of DeleteDays in hlstats.conf.
define("DELETEDAYS", 5);

// MODE - Sets the player-tracking mode. Must match the value of Mode in
// hlstats.conf. Possible values:
// 1) "Normal" - Recommended for public Internet server use.
// Players will be tracked by Unique ID.
// 2) "NameTrack" - Useful for shared-PC environments, such as
// Internet cafes, etc. Players will be tracked
// by nickname. EXPERIMENTAL!
// 3) "LAN" - Useful for LAN servers where players do not
// have a real Unique ID. Players will be tracked
// by IP Address. EXPERIMENTAL!
define("MODE", "Normal");

// PLATFORM - Sets the operating system being used. Recognised values:
// "POSIX" - Any variant of Linux or Unix.
// "Windows" - Any variant of Microsoft Windows.
// Most parts of HLstats should work on any platform, but this
// setting allows for some OS-specific workarounds etc.
define("PLATFORM", "POSIX");


// Allows HLstats to work with register_globals Off
if ( function_exists('ini_get') ) {
$globals = ini_get('register_globals');
} else {
$globals = get_cfg_var('register_globals');
if ($globals != 1) {
@extract($_SERVER, EXTR_SKIP);
@extract($_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP);
@extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);
@extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);
@extract($_ENV, EXTR_SKIP);

// Check PHP configuration

if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<"))
error("HLstats requires PHP version 4.1.0 or newer (you are running PHP version " . phpversion() . ").");

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
error("HLstats requires <b>magic_quotes_gpc</b> to be <i>enabled</i>. Check your php.ini or refer to the PHP manual for more information.");

if (get_magic_quotes_runtime())
error("HLstats requires <b>magic_quotes_runtime</b> to be <i>disabled</i>. Check your php.ini or refer to the PHP manual for more information.");

// this doesn't work with php 4.0.3+
/*if (!ini_get("track_vars"))
error("HLstats requires <b>track_vars</b> to be <i>enabled</i>. Check your php.ini or refer to the PHP manual for more information.");

// do not report NOTICE warnings
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

/// Classes

// Load database classes
require(INCLUDE_PATH . "/db.inc");

// Table
// Generates an HTML table from a DB result.

class Table
var $columns;
var $keycol;
var $sort;
var $sortorder;
var $sort2;
var $page;
var $showranking;
var $numperpage;
var $var_page;
var $var_sort;
var $var_sortorder;
var $sorthash;

var $columnlist;
var $startitem;

var $maxpagenumbers = 20;

function Table ($columns, $keycol, $sort_default, $sort_default2,
$showranking=false, $numperpage=50, $var_page="page",
$var_sort="sort", $var_sortorder="sortorder", $sorthash="",
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;

$this->columns = $columns;
$this->keycol = $keycol;
$this->showranking = $showranking;
$this->numperpage = $numperpage;
$this->var_page = $var_page;
$this->var_sort = $var_sort;
$this->var_sortorder = $var_sortorder;
$this->sorthash = $sorthash;
$this->sort_default_order = $sort_default_order;

$this->page = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS[$var_page]);
$this->sort = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$var_sort];
$this->sortorder = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$var_sortorder];

if ($this->page < 1) $this->page = 1;
$this->startitem = ($this->page - 1) * $this->numperpage;

foreach ($columns as $col)
if ($col->sort != "no")
$this->columnlist[] = $col->name;

if (!is_array($this->columnlist) || !in_array($this->sort, $this->columnlist))
$this->sort = $sort_default;

if ($this->sortorder != "asc" && $this->sortorder != "desc")
$this->sortorder = $this->sort_default_order;

if ($this->sort == $sort_default2)
$this->sort2 = $sort_default;
$this->sort2 = $sort_default2;

function draw ($result, $numitems, $width=100, $align="center")
global $g_options, $game, $db;

$numpages = ceil($numitems / $this->numperpage);

<table width="<?php echo $width; ?>%" align="<?php echo $align; ?>" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="<?php echo $g_options["table_border"]; ?>">

<td><table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4>

<tr valign="bottom" bgcolor="<?php echo $g_options["table_head_bgcolor"]; ?>">
$totalwidth = 0;

if ($this->showranking)
$totalwidth += 5;

echo "<td width=\"5%\" align=\"right\">"
. "<font color=\"" . $g_options["table_head_text"] . "\">"
. $g_options["font_small"] . "Rank" . "</font>"
. $g_options["fontend_small"] . "</td>\n";

foreach ($this->columns as $col)
$totalwidth += $col->width;

echo "<td width=\"" . $col->width . "%\" align=\"$col->align\">";

if ($col->sort != "no")
echo getSortArrow($this->sort, $this->sortorder, $col->name,
$col->title, $this->var_sort, $this->var_sortorder,
echo $g_options["font_small"];
echo "<font color=\"" . $g_options["table_head_text"] . "\">";
echo $col->title;
echo "</font>";
echo $g_options["fontend_small"];
echo "</td>\n";

if ($totalwidth != 100)
error("Warning: Column widths do not add to 100%! (=$totalwidth%)", false);

$rank = ($this->page - 1) * $this->numperpage + 1;

while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>\n";
$i = 0;

if ($this->showranking)
$c = ($i % 2) + 1;

echo "<td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\""
. $g_options["table_bgcolor$c"] . "\">"
. $g_options["font_normal"] . "$rank."
. $g_options["fontend_normal"] . "</td>\n";

foreach ($this->columns as $col)
$c = ($i % 2) + 1;

$cellbody = "";
$colval = $rowdata[$col->name];

if ($col->align != "left")
$colalign = " align=\"$col->align\"";
$colalign = "";

$bgcolor = $g_options["table_bgcolor$c"];

if ($col->icon)
$cellbody = "&nbsp;";

if ($col->link)
$link = ereg_replace("%k", urlencode($rowdata[$this->keycol]), $col->link);
$cellbody .= "<a href=\"" . $g_options["scripturl"] . "?$link\">";

if ($col->icon)
$cellbody .= "<img src=\"" . $g_options["imgdir"]
. "/$col->icon.gif\" width=16 height=16 hspace=4 "
. "border=0 align=\"middle\" alt=\"$col->icon.gif\">";

switch ($col->type)
case "weaponimg":
$colval = strtolower(ereg_replace("[ \r\n\t]*", "", $colval));

$bgcolor = $g_options["table_wpnbgcolor"];

$image = getImage("/weapons/$game/$colval");

// check if image exists
if ($image)
$cellbody .= "<img src=\"" . $image["url"] . "\" " . $image["size"] . " border=0 alt=\"" . strToUpper($colval) . "\">";
$cellbody .= $g_options["font_small"];
$cellbody .= "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"weapon\"><b>";
$cellbody .= strToUpper($colval);
$cellbody .= "</b></font>";
$cellbody .= $g_options["fontend_small"];


case "bargraph":
$cellbody .= "<img src=\"" . $g_options["imgdir"] . "/bar";

if ($colval > 40)
$cellbody .= "6";
elseif ($colval > 30)
$cellbody .= "5";
elseif ($colval > 20)
$cellbody .= "4";
elseif ($colval > 10)
$cellbody .= "3";
elseif ($colval > 5)
$cellbody .= "2";
$cellbody .= "1";

$cellbody .= ".gif\" width=\"";

if ($colval < 1)
$cellbody .= "1%";
elseif ($colval > 100)
$cellbody .= "100%";
$cellbody .= sprintf("%d%%", $colval + 0.5);

$cellbody .= "\" height=10 border=0 alt=\"$colval%\">";


if ($this->showranking && $rank == 1 && $i == 1)
$cellbody .= "<b>";

$colval = nl2br(htmlentities($colval, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"));

if ($col->embedlink == "yes")
$colval = ereg_replace("%A%([^ %]+)%", "<a href=\"\\1\">", $colval);
$colval = ereg_replace("%/A%", "</a>", $colval);

$cellbody .= $colval;

if ($this->showranking && $rank == 1 && $i == 1)
$cellbody .= "</b>";


if ($col->link)
$cellbody .= "</a>";

if ($col->append)
$cellbody .= $col->append;

echo "<td$colalign bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">"
. $g_options["font_normal"]
. $cellbody
. $g_options["fontend_normal"] . "</td>\n";


echo "</tr>\n\n";


if ($numpages > 1)
<table width="<?php echo $width; ?>%" align="<?php echo $align; ?>" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>

<tr valign="top">
<td width="100%" align="right"><?php
echo $g_options["font_normal"];
echo "Page: ";

$start = $this->page - intval($this->maxpagenumbers / 2);
if ($start < 1) $start=1;

$end = $numpages;
if ($end > $this->maxpagenumbers + $start-1)
$end = $this->maxpagenumbers + $start-1;

if ($end - $start + 1 < $this->maxpagenumbers)
$start = $end - $this->maxpagenumbers + 1;

if ($start < 1) $start=1;

if ($start > 1)
if ($start > 2)
$this->_echoPageNumber(1, "First page", "", " ...");
$this->_echoPageNumber(1, 1);

for ($i=$start; $i <= $end; $i++)
if ($i == $this->page)
echo "<b>$i</b> ";
$this->_echoPageNumber($i, $i);

if ($i == $end && $i < $numpages)
if ($i < $numpages - 1)
$this->_echoPageNumber($numpages, "Last page", "... ");
$this->_echoPageNumber($numpages, 10);
echo $g_options["fontend_normal"];


function _echoPageNumber ($number, $label, $prefix="", $postfix="")
global $g_options;

echo "$prefix<a href=\"" . $g_options["scripturl"] . "?"
. makeQueryString($this->var_page, $number);
if ($this->sorthash)
echo "#$this->sorthash";
echo "\">$label</a>$postfix ";

// TableColumn
// Data structure for the properties of a column in a Table

class TableColumn
var $name;
var $title;

var $align = "left";
var $width = 20;
var $icon;
var $link;
var $sort = "yes";
var $type = "text";
var $embedlink = "no";

function TableColumn ($name, $title, $attrs="")
$this->name = $name;
$this->title= $title;

$allowed_attrs = array(


foreach ($allowed_attrs as $a)
if (isset($$a))
$this->$a = $$a;

/// Functions

// void error (string message, [boolean exit])
// Formats and outputs the given error message. Optionally terminates script
// processing.

function error ($message, $exit=true)
global $g_options;
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<td bgcolor="#CC0000"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2 color="#FFFFFF"><b>ERROR</b></font></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2 color="#000000"><?php echo $message; ?></font></td>
<?php if ($exit) exit;

// string makeQueryString (string key, string value, [array notkeys])
// Generates an HTTP GET query string from the current HTTP GET variables,
// plus the given 'key' and 'value' pair. Any current HTTP GET variables
// whose keys appear in the 'notkeys' array, or are the same as 'key', will
// be excluded from the returned query string.

function makeQueryString($key, $value, $notkeys = array())
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;

if (!is_array($notkeys))
$notkeys = array();

foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $k=>$v)
if ($k && $k != $key && !in_array($k, $notkeys))
$querystring .= urlencode($k) . "=" . urlencode($v) . "&amp;";

$querystring .= urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($value);

return $querystring;

// array getOptions (void)
// Retrieves HLstats option and style settings from the database.

function getOptions()
global $db;

$result = $db->query("SELECT keyname, value FROM hlstats_Options");
$numrows = $db->num_rows($result);

if ($numrows)
while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result))
$options[$rowdata[0]] = $rowdata[1];
return $options;
error("Warning: Could not find any options in table " .
"<b>hlstats_Options</b>, database <b>" . DB_NAME . "</b>. Check HLstats configuration.");
return array();

// void pageHeader (array title, array location)
// Prints the page heading.

function pageHeader($title, $location)
global $g_options, $HTTP_GET_VARS;
include(INCLUDE_PATH . "/header.inc");

// void pageFooter (void)
// Prints the page footer.

function pageFooter()
global $g_options;
include(INCLUDE_PATH . "/footer.inc");

// void getSortArrow (string sort, string sortorder, string name,
// string longname, [string var_sort,
// string var_sortorder, string sorthash])
// Returns the HTML code for a sort arrow <IMG> tag.

function getSortArrow ($sort, $sortorder, $name, $longname,
$var_sort="sort", $var_sortorder="sortorder",
global $g_options;

if ($sortorder == "asc")
$sortimg = "sort-ascending.gif";
$othersortorder = "desc";
$sortimg = "sort-descending.gif";
$othersortorder = "asc";

$arrowstring = $g_options["font_small"]
. "<a href=\"" . $g_options["scripturl"] . "?"
. makeQueryString($var_sort, $name, array($var_sortorder));

if ($sort == $name)
$arrowstring .= "&amp;$var_sortorder=$othersortorder";
$arrowstring .= "&amp;$var_sortorder=$sortorder";

if ($sorthash)
$arrowstring .= "#$sorthash";

$arrowstring .= "\" style=\"color: " . $g_options["table_head_text"]
. "\" title=\"Change sorting order\">"
. "<font color=\"" . $g_options["table_head_text"] . "\">"
. "$longname</font></a>";

if ($sort == $name)
$arrowstring .= "&nbsp;<img src=\"" . $g_options["imgdir"] . "/$sortimg\""
. "width=7 height=7 hspace=4 border=0 align=\"middle\" alt=\"$sortimg\">";

$arrowstring .= $g_options["fontend_small"];

return $arrowstring;

// string getSelect (string name, array values, [string currentvalue])
// Returns the HTML for a SELECT box, generated using the 'values' array.
// Each key in the array should be a OPTION VALUE, while each value in the
// array should be a corresponding descriptive name for the OPTION.
// The 'currentvalue' will be given the SELECTED attribute.

function getSelect ($name, $values, $currentvalue="")
$select = "<select name=\"$name\">\n";

$gotcval = false;

foreach ($values as $k=>$v)
$select .= "\t<option value=\"$k\"";

if ($k == $currentvalue)
$select .= " selected";
$gotcval = true;

$select .= ">$v\n";

if ($currentvalue && !$gotcval)
$select .= "\t<option value=\"$currentvalue\" selected>$currentvalue\n";

$select .= "</select>";

return $select;

// string getLink (string url[, int maxlength[, string type[, string target]]])

function getLink ($url, $maxlength=40, $type="http://", $target="_blank")
if ($url && $url != $type)
if (ereg("^$type(.+)", $url, $regs))
$url = $type . $regs[1];
$url = $type . $url;

if (strlen($url) > $maxlength)
$url_title = substr($url, 0, $maxlength-3) . "...";
$url_title = $url;

$url = str_replace("\"", urlencode("\""), $url);
$url = str_replace("<", urlencode("<"), $url);
$url = str_replace(">", urlencode(">"), $url);

return "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"$target\">"
. htmlentities($url_title, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
return "";

// string getEmailLink (string email[, int maxlength])

function getEmailLink ($email, $maxlength=40)
if (ereg("(.+)@(.+)", $email, $regs))
if (strlen($email) > $maxlength)
$email_title = substr($email, 0, $maxlength-3) . "...";
$email_title = $email;

$email = str_replace("\"", urlencode("\""), $email);
$email = str_replace("<", urlencode("<"), $email);
$email = str_replace(">", urlencode(">"), $email);

return "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">"
. htmlentities($email_title, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
return "";

// array getImage (string filename)

function getImage ($filename)
global $g_options;

$url = $g_options["imgdir"] . $filename;

if ($g_options["imgpath"])
$path = $g_options["imgpath"] . $filename;
// figure out absolute path of image

if (!ereg("^/", $g_options["imgdir"]))
ereg("(.+)/[^/]+$", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], $regs);
$path = $regs[1] . "/" . $url;
$path = $url;

$path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path;

// check if image exists
if (file_exists($path . ".gif"))
$ext = "gif";
elseif (file_exists($path . ".jpg"))
$ext = "jpg";
$ext = "";

if ($ext)
$size = getImageSize("$path.$ext");

return array(
return false;

//// Initialisation

define("VERSION", "1.34");

$db_classname = "DB_" . DB_TYPE;
$db = new $db_classname;

$g_options = getOptions();

if (!$g_options["scripturl"])
$g_options["scripturl"] = $PHP_SELF;

//// Main

$mode = $HTTP_GET_VARS["mode"];

$modes = array(

if (!in_array($mode, $modes))
$mode = "contents";

include(INCLUDE_PATH . "/$mode.inc");



unter game settings sind ip rcon drin, ich weis nimmer weiter,


04.05.06, 16:32

Dazu brauchst du das Addon hier:


welches aber für HLstats 1.32 geschrieben wurde. Ich schätze mal du hast die HLstats Version 1.34, deswegen solltest du dich mal an den Thread hier anhängen:


Für alle Fragen zu HLstats wäre das Forum hier der bessere Platz:
