Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Lighttpd liefert keine Daten aus...

19.02.06, 11:46
ich will meinen vserver auf Lighttpd umstellen. Habe Lighttpd installiert etc (unter Debain) und konfiguriert (Conf-Datei - siehe unten.) zZ habe ich den Server noch auf Port 81 laufen, um den Server mal zu testen. Rufe ich die URL auf, dann sagt mir Firefox, dass das Dokument keine Daten enthält. Habe den Server testweise auf Port 80 laufen lassen. Diesmal wurde die Verbindung zurückgesetzt. Ich habe im Moment einfach keinen Plan, warum :confused:

Jemand eine Idee?


# lighttpd configuration file
# use a it as base for lighttpd 1.0.0 and above
# $Id: lighttpd.conf,v 1.7 2004/11/03 22:26:05 weigon Exp $

############ Options you really have to take care of ####################

## modules to load
# at least mod_access and mod_accesslog should be loaded
# all other module should only be loaded if really neccesary
# - saves some time
# - saves memory
server.modules = (
# "mod_rewrite",
# "mod_redirect",
# "mod_auth",
# "mod_fastcgi",
# "mod_simple_vhost",
# "mod_evhost",
# "mod_cgi",
# "mod_compress",
# "mod_ssi",
# "mod_usertrack",
# "mod_rrdtool",
"mod_accesslog" )

## a static document-root, for virtual-hosting take look at the
## server.virtual-* options
server.document-root = "/var/www"

## where to send error-messages to
server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"

# files to check for if .../ is requested
server.indexfiles = ( "intro.php", "index.php", "index.html",
"index.htm", "default.htm" )

# mimetype mapping
mimetype.assign = (
".pdf" => "application/pdf",
".sig" => "application/pgp-signature",
".spl" => "application/futuresplash",
".class" => "application/octet-stream",
".ps" => "application/postscript",
".torrent" => "application/x-bittorrent",
".dvi" => "application/x-dvi",
".gz" => "application/x-gzip",
".pac" => "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig",
".swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz",
".tgz" => "application/x-tgz",
".tar" => "application/x-tar",
".zip" => "application/zip",
".mp3" => "audio/mpeg",
".m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl",
".wma" => "audio/x-ms-wma",
".wax" => "audio/x-ms-wax",
".ogg" => "audio/x-wav",
".wav" => "audio/x-wav",
".gif" => "image/gif",
".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
".png" => "image/png",
".xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap",
".xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap",
".xwd" => "image/x-xwindowdump",
".css" => "text/css",
".html" => "text/html",
".htm" => "text/html",
".js" => "text/javascript",
".asc" => "text/plain",
".c" => "text/plain",
".conf" => "text/plain",
".text" => "text/plain",
".txt" => "text/plain",
".dtd" => "text/xml",
".xml" => "text/xml",
".mpeg" => "video/mpeg",
".mpg" => "video/mpeg",
".mov" => "video/quicktime",
".qt" => "video/quicktime",
".avi" => "video/x-msvideo",
".asf" => "video/x-ms-asf",
".asx" => "video/x-ms-asf",
".wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv"

# Use the "Content-Type" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible
# mimetype.use-xattr = "enable"

#### accesslog module
accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/access.log"

## deny access the file-extensions
# ~ is for backupfiles from vi, emacs, joe, ...
# .inc is often used for code includes which should in general not be part
# of the document-root
url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc" )

######### Options that are good to be but not neccesary to be changed #######

## bind to port (default: 80)
server.port = 81

## bind to localhost (default: all interfaces)
#server.bind = ""

## error-handler for status 404
#server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.html"
#server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.php"

## to help the rc.scripts
server.pid-file = "/var/run/lighttpd.pid"

###### virtual hosts
## If you want name-based virtual hosting add the next three settings and load
## mod_simple_vhost
## document-root =
## virtual-server-root + virtual-server-default-host + virtual-server-docroot or
## virtual-server-root + http-host + virtual-server-docroot
#simple-vhost.server-root = "/home/weigon/wwwroot/servers/"
#simple-vhost.default-host = "grisu.home.kneschke.de"
#simple-vhost.document-root = "/pages/"

## Format: <errorfile-prefix><status>.html
## -> ..../status-404.html for 'File not found'
#server.errorfile-prefix = "/home/weigon/projects/lighttpd/doc/status-"

## virtual directory listings
server.dir-listing = "enable"

## send unhandled HTTP-header headers to error-log
#debug.dump-unknown-headers = "enable"

### only root can use these options
# chroot() to directory (default: no chroot() )
#server.chroot = "/"

## change uid to <uid> (default: don't care)
server.username = "www-data"

## change uid to <uid> (default: don't care)
server.groupname = "www-data"

#### compress module
#compress.cache-dir = "/var/tmp/lighttpd/cache/compress/"
#compress.filetype = ("text/plain", "text/html")

#### fastcgi module
## read fastcgi.txt for more info
#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# ( "localhost" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
# "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php"
# )
# )
# )

#### CGI module
#cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl",
# ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl" )

#### SSL engine
ssl.engine = "enable"
ssl.pemfile = "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem"

#### status module
status.status-url = "/server-status"
status.config-url = "/server-config"

#### auth module
## read authentification.txt for more info
# auth.backend = "plain"
# auth.backend.plain.userfile = "lighttpd.user"
# auth.backend.plain.groupfile = "lighttpd.group"

# auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "localhost"
# auth.backend.ldap.base-dn = "dc=my-domain,dc=com"
# auth.backend.ldap.filter = "(uid=$)"

# auth.require = ( "/server-status" =>
# (
# "method" => "digest",
# "realm" => "download archiv",
# "require" => "group=www|user=jan|host="
# ),
# "/server-info" =>
# (
# "method" => "digest",
# "realm" => "download archiv",
# "require" => "group=www|user=jan|host="
# )
# )

#### url handling modules (rewrite, redirect, access)
# url.rewrite = ( "^/$" => "/server-status" )
# url.redirect = ( "^/wishlist/(.+)" => "http://www.123.org/$1" )

# define a pattern for the host url finding
# %% => % sign
# %0 => domain name + tld
# %1 => tld
# %2 => domain name without tld
# %3 => subdomain 1 name
# %4 => subdomain 2 name
# evhost.path-pattern = "/home/storage/dev/www/%3/htdocs/"

#### expire module
# expire.url = ( "/buggy/" => "access 2 hours", "/asdhas/" => "access plus 1 seconds 2 minutes")

#### ssi
# ssi.extension = ( ".shtml" )

#### rrdtool
# rrdtool.binary = "/usr/bin/rrdtool"
# rrdtool.db-name = "/var/www/lighttpd.rrd"

Roger Wilco
19.02.06, 13:30
Lass lighty ein Debuglog schreiben: http://lighttpd.net/documentation/configuration.html#id3