Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : pwmanager_dump 1.0 Release

25.05.05, 22:44

pwmanager_dump ist ein plattformunabhängiges kommandozeilen Programm zum Auslesen von PwManager generierten .pwm dateien.
Offiziell unterstützte Plattformen sind derzeit GNU/Linux und Win32.
Einsatzbereiche sind z.B. Rechner wo es nicht möglich ist PwManager (KDE) zu installieren und die Windows Plattform.

Sourcecode Download:

Win32 binary Download:


Here comes the 1.0 release of pwmanager_dump, the
platform independent tool to dump PwManager .pwm files.

With this tool you can read the contents of your
.pwm database files on the commandline.
It is designed to be portable (a few issues are still left).
The platforms GNU/Linux and Win32 are currently officially
supported. Precompiled binaries for Win32 are available.

This tool does only a minimum of sanity checks for the
.pwm database data. So if you enter the wrong Master Password
(for example), you will _not_ see a message like "wrong password",
but you will see something like "Could not dump file body".
This is intentional to give a chance to recover broken .pwm files.
pwmanager_dump does its very best to dump every broken junk. :):)
You may also try the option "--dump x", which will do even
less sanity checks.

Sourcecode Download:

Win32 binary Download:

Thanks to all those who helped me via email with
great suggestions.

Greetings, Michael