Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Was genau ist Procmail?

24.03.05, 15:22
Hallo zusammen,

Was genau ist Procmail und welchen Zweck erfüllt es?


:ugly: Kernel-Error :ugly:

24.03.05, 15:50
Google "Procmail" --> Procmail-FAQ

What is Procmail?
Description, availability, and installation

Procmail is a mail processing utility, which can help you filter your mail; sort incoming mail according to sender, Subject line, length of message, keywords in the message, etc; implement an ftp-by-mail server, and much more.

Procmail is also a complete drop-in replacement for your MDA. (If this doesn't mean anything to you, you don't want to know.)

Ist dem MTA (z.B. Postfix) nachgeschaltet.