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25.01.05, 20:09

Hat von euch jemand eine Webcam und nutzt das Programm camE?

Meine Logitech QuickcamExpress funktioniert hier unter Gentoo ganz gut unter dem device /dev/video0 (kann momentan bilder zwar nur als root auslesen (weil permission denied für normale user), aber das ist momentan noch nebensächlich)

Die Webcam ist direkt am Webserver angeschlossen. Es ist kein FTP Server installiert. Wie konfiguriere ich das Ding so, das mir camE alle 5 Sekunden ein Bild von der Webcam in ein bestimmtes Verzeichnis am Rechner stellt. Will das am besten via camE lösen, weil man hier schöne logfiles hat, und die Bilder mit Datum und Uhrzeit versehen werden und man schön Schriftart und Farbe ändern kann. Sprich das Tool scheint super zu sein, nur leider gibt es nirgenstwo eine Doku dazu :(
Vielleicht hat ja jemand von euch schon einmal damit gearbeitet und kann mir helfen?

Aufgabe ist klar?
Webcam an Webserver und soll n' Bild im 5 Sekunden Takt in ein Verzeichnis schieben und das Bild mit Datum und Uhrzeit versehen :)

Hier ist eine mitgelieferte Beispiel Konfigurationsdatei:

$ cat /usr/share/doc/came-1.7/example.camErc
host = cam.super.tasty.men.com
user = giblet
dir = public_html/images
# where should the file end up? Also, this extension determines the file
# type the image is saved as. Try image.png for a png.
file = webcam.jpg
# camE uploads to a temp file, and moves it across when done
# this way people don't view half-uploaded images
tmp = uploading.jpg
# keep the connection open (1) or reopen it for each shot (0)
keepalive = 1
# do passive ftp?
passive = 1
#an interface to use for non-passive ftp. use "-" to let libcurl choose, or
#use a real interface name. (libcurl often chooses incorrectly)
interface = -
# ftp debugging? (noisy)
debug = 0
# Actually do the upload? If do = 0, just take and archive pics.
do = 1
# Some servers require us to explicitly delete the previous image
# In that case, enable this option
delete_first = 0
# Determines how many shots are taken before an image is uploaded.
# (1 == every picture is uploaded, 10 would be every 10th image)
# (Defaults to 1 if not present)
upload_every = 1

# you can set ftp->do to 0 above and use scp instead - you still need
# the dir, file and tmp settings in the ftp section for this to work.
# scp also honors the upload_every setting from the ftp section, and
# will also default to a value of 1 if not present.

# target = user@host

device = /dev/video0
# store temp image on local machine
temp_file = /tmp/webcam.jpg
# lag reduction, takes 5 shots, discards the first 4, thus clearing mmap
# buffers
lag_reduce = 5
# This goes at the bottom left, with the message from "infofile" appended.
# It is run through strftime, so date vars are expanded.
text = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M %Z -
width = 352
height = 288
# delay between uploading one shot and starting the next
delay = 10
# do we want to correct the delay for a slow connect?
# (keeps the perpetually updating clients in sync)
correct = 1
# scale image resolution dynamically based on bandwidth?
# percentage of the delay to spend uploading the image,
# 100 disables, useful values are < 40
percent = 100

################################################## ######
# PWC specific features (only for philps cams right now)

# framerate of cam capture, lower fps -> less grainy image, more chance or
# blurred motion
framerate = 5

# image settings (0-100)
colour = 50
brightness = 50
contrast = 50
hue = 50
whiteness = 50

# White balance mode
# can be "auto", "indoor", "outdoor", "fluorescent" or "manual"
pwc_wb_mode = auto
# if _mode is set to manual, these two controls affect the balance
# (0-100)
pwc_wb_red = 50
pwc_wb_blue = 50
################################################## ######

# where to log activity. comment out this line to disable logging
logfile = /home/gilbertt/.camlog
# gets the message text from here. one line allowed only. means you can do
# stuff like echo "sleeping and stuff" > ~/.caminfo
infofile = /home/gilbertt/.caminfo
# directory to archive pics in. They are datestamped and saved in here.
archive = /opt/images/webcam
# archive pics in datestamped subdirs
# (1 == with subdirs, 0 == without subdirs)
archive_subdirs = 0
# extension (determines type) of archived images.
archive_ext = jpg
# determines how many shots are taken before a pic is archived
# (1 == every pic, 0 == don't archive)
archive_shot_every = 1
# create archive thumbnails enable/disable flag and give width/height
archive_thumbnails_dir = /opt/images/webcam/thumbnails
archive_thumbnails_create = 1
archive_thumbnails_width = 120
archive_thumbnails_height = 90
# jpeg quality (you can save as png etc too, but then quality does squat)
quality = 80
input = 0
# 0 for PAL, 1 for NTSC
norm = 0
# Goes in the top right. strftime() is run on this too, so put date stuff in
# if you like
title_text = Giblet TV
# color/transparency of title text
title_r = 255
title_g = 255
title_b = 0
title_a = 255
# font for title text. fontname/size
title_font = arial/8
# fancy font styles
# title_style = /path/to/title.style
# color/transparency of message text
text_r = 255
text_g = 255
text_b = 0
text_a = 255
# font for message text. fontname/size
text_font = arial/8
# fancy font styles
# text_style = /path/to/text.style
# color/transparency of rectangle behind text
# make it 0,0,0,0 to disable.
bg_a = 0
bg_b = 0
bg_g = 0
bg_a = 100
# directory to look for ttf fonts in
ttf_dir = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
# file to check for before shooting. while this file exists, no shots will
# be taken.
blockfile = /home/gilbertt/BLOCKCAM
# image to upload when blockfile is first put in place
offline_image = /home/gilbertt/.block.jpg
# File to check before shotting, while this file exists, shots will be taken.
# but not uploaded. blockimage will not be uploaded if you set this.
uploadblockfile = /home/gilbertt/BLOCKUPLOAD
# Shots will only be taken/uploaded if the specified interface is active.
#watch_interface = ppp0
# image to overlay
overlay_image = /home/gilbertt/.lb.png
overlay_x = 5
overlay_y = 5
# do things. like play sounds or whatever. Each is a shell command.
# image processing
# crop = 1
# crop_width = 320
# crop_height = 240
# crop_x = 20
# crop_y = 20
# scaling is applied after cropping, so you can
# remove borders then stretch up the result
# scale = 1
# scale_width = 640
# scale_height = 480
# Flip the image horizontally or vertically.
# Horizontal flipping is useful for some Philips cams
# which give a mirrored image when used with the pwc module.
# flip_horizontal = 1
# flip_vertical = 1

falls ihr Ahnung habt warum ich nur als root die Webcam auslesen kann, hier mal ein Auszug wenn ich als normaler user xawtv starten will :)

$ xawtv -c /dev/video0
This is xawtv-3.94, running on Linux/i686 (2.6.10-gentoo-r6)
/dev/video0 [v4l]: no overlay support
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
v4l2: open /dev/video0: Keine Berechtigung
v4l2: open /dev/video0: Keine Berechtigung
v4l: open /dev/video0: Keine Berechtigung
no video grabber device available

als root funktioniert --> "$ xawtv -c /dev/video0" einwandfrei

27.01.05, 07:00
so ich hoffe ich darf nach 2 tagen einmal pushen :)

keiner weiss rat :(