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24.01.05, 10:54
Hallo Leute,

bin absoluter Linux Newbee und brauche etwas Hilfe. Habe folgendes Problem:

Auf meinen Laptop nutze ich ein PCMCIA WLAN Karte von DLink (DWL-650+).
Habe es soweit geschafft, das ich die Karte sauber per Hand starten kann. Soweit funktioniert alles super. Nun möchte ich aber das die Karte automatisch beim hochfahren aktiviert wird.

Habe die Treiber in das Verzeichnis /WLAN-Treiber installiert. Das Startscript befindet sich im Verzeichnis /WLAN-Treiber/scripte.

Habe es mit einen Symbolischen Link (ln -s /WLAN-Treiber/scripte/start-net S101wlan) im Verzeichnis ...rc5.d versucht. Funktioniert aber nicht.

Was mache ich falsch und wie geht es richtig. Bin für jede Hilfe Dankbar.


Zsolt Hermann

24.01.05, 14:48
Nunja, sofern es sich um Treiber für den Kern handelt gehören diese in
/lib/modules/(Nummer des laufenden Kerns)/kernel/drivers/net/
/lib/modules/(Nummer des laufenden Kerns)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/

Steuerungsprogramme für den Anwender root gehören in
/bin oder /sbin

Anwenderprogramme gehören in
/usr/bin bzw. /usr/sbin

Das Startprogramm gehört in
und muß mit
chkconfig --add startprogrammname
mit dem System bekannt gemacht werden.

Die Karten spezifische Einrichtungsdatei, z.B. ifcfg-wlan0, gehört in

Der Schlüßel zur Verbindung mit einem AP gehört in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/keys-(name des gerätes)
z.b. keys-wlan0

In der Datei
muß eventuell noch ein Eintrag für die Karte, z.B.
alias wlan0 (Name des Treibermodules)

PCMCIA Steuerungsdateien gehören in

Hier einmal als Beispiel eine ifcfg-eth0 für die Netgear 401
# Please read /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt
# for the documentation of these parameters.
ESSID='garbage control'

Der dazu gehörenden Datei keys-eth0

und falls mehrere Karten eingebunden sind die Datei zur "Ruten"einstellung route-eth0

24.01.05, 17:57

woran erkennt man Kernel Treiber und wie heißen die????

Ich habe da ein Paar *.h im Verzeichnis ../include, ein paar *.o und *.c im Verzeichnis ../src und ein paar *.bin im Verzeichnis ../firmware Dateien.

Natürlich noch das start-net und stop-net script.

Laut Kurzanleitung sollte ich im start-net Script die Ip, Keys, ESSID usw. eintragen. Wie ich aber das ganze jetzt auseinander nehmen soll weis ich beim besten willen nicht.

Ich poste mal das start-net Script (P.S. habe aber meine KEY rausgenommen :-)))) )


# start_net script #
# acx100 project #
# acx100.sourceforge.net #
# edited by arnie <urnotwelcome@gmx.de> #
# with modifications by craig #
# summary at end of file #

# Please edit below

# syntax is: VARIABLENAME=VALUE, with _no_ spaces in between
# make sure to _preserve_ any double-quotes (")
# text beginning with the comment delimiter (#) is ignored
# make sure to _preserve_ at least one space before any
# comment delimiters (#) that do not begin a line
# "uncommenting" a line means to remove it's leading "#" character

ESSID="IE_Router" # THIS IS CASE SeNsItIvE!! any == associate to any ESSID
# Default rate configured as 11Mbps to not cause speed problems (while
# using auto rate) or connection problems (while not using auto rate)
# with non-22Mbps hardware...
AUTORATE=1 # only disable auto rate if you know what you're doing...
CHAN=9 # it's useful to try to stick to channels 1, 6 or 11 only, since these don't overlap with other channels
#SHORTPREAMBLE=1 # set a value of 1 in order to force "Short Preamble" (incompatible with very old WLAN hardware!) instead of peer autodetect
#TXPOWER=20 # 0..20 (dBm) (18dBm is firmware default) overly large setting might perhaps destroy your radio eventually!
MODE=Auto # Managed for infrastructure, Ad-hoc for peer-to-peer, or Auto to auto-select depending on environment
DEBUG=0xb # 0xffff for maximum debug info, 0 for none

# WEP Key(s)
# ascii keys (passphrase) should look like this: KEY="s:asciikey"
# hex keys should look like this: KEY="4378c2f43a"

# most wep users will want to use this line

# [ *** NOTE ***: WEP still doesn't work with acx111 cards yet! ]

# alternatively, you can uncomment and use these lines to
# set all 4 possible WEP keys
KEY1="1234567890" #WEP128
# you must select which of the 4 keys above to use here:
#KEY="[1]" # for KEY1, "[2]" for KEY2, etc

ALG=restricted # open == Open System, restricted == Shared Key

#IP address

USE_DHCP=0 # set to 1 for auto configuration instead of fixed IP setting

IP= # set this if you did not set USE_DHCP=1
NETMASK= # set this if you did not set USE_DHCP=1
GATEWAY= # set this if you did not set USE_DHCP=1

LED_OFF=0 # set to 1 to turn off the power LED to save power

MTU_576=0 # set to 1 if you have buffer management problems

################################################## ################

if test "$UID" != "0"; then echo "You are not root. To insert the module into your kernel, you need to be root. Enter su and try again. Bailing..."; exit 1; fi

SYNC=`which sync`
INSMOD=`which insmod`
IFCONF=`which ifconfig`
IWCONF=`which iwconfig`
IWPRIV=`which iwpriv`
ROUTE=`which route`
SCRIPT_AT=`dirname $0`

# while we check for all 3, we run them in this
# "preferred" order: dhcpcd, pump, dhclient
# so if more than one exists it's ok

which dhcpcd &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then DHCPCD=`which dhcpcd`; fi

which pump &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then PUMP=`which pump`; fi

which dhclient &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then DHCLIENT=`which dhclient`; fi

if test -z "$SYNC"; then echo "sync not found. Go get a sane Linux system. Bailing..."; exit 1; fi
if test -z "$INSMOD"; then echo "insmod not found. Go get a sane Linux system. Bailing..."; exit 1; fi
if test -z "$IFCONF"; then echo "ifconfig not found. I can insert the module for you, but you won't be able to configure your interface."; CONTINUE=ASK; fi
if test -z "$IWCONF"; then echo "iwconfig not found. Make sure it is installed. The interface might work without, though."; CONTINUE=ASK; fi

if test -n "$CONTINUE"; then echo -n "Problems encountered. Do you want to continue? [n] "; read ANSWER
case $ANSWER in ( y | Y | Yes | YES | yes | j | J | ja | Ja | JA ) ;;
( * ) exit 1 ;;

case "`uname -r`" in

if test ! -r "$MODULE_AT"; then echo "Module not found or not readable.
Have you built it? This script expects it to be at ../src/acx_pci.[k]o, relative to the script's location. Bailing..."; exit 1; fi

# check whether any file name of the required main firmware file is
# available in the acx100/firmware or global firmware directory

# FIRMWARE_AT has to be given as an absolute path!!
for FIRMWARE_AT in "${SCRIPT_AT}/../firmware" "/usr/share/acx"; do
for FW_FILE in WLANGEN.BIN TIACX111.BIN FwRad16.bin FW1130.BIN; do
if test -r "$FIRMWARE_AT/$FW_FILE"; then
#echo A firmware file has been found at "$FIRMWARE_AT/$FW_FILE"
break 2

if test "$FW_FOUND" != "1"; then
echo "Firmware not found or not readable. Have you placed it in the firmware directory or run make extract_firmware once? This script expects it to be either at ../firmware/WLANGEN.BIN (or ../firmware/TIACX111.BIN for the ACX111 chip), relative to the script's location, OR have you placed it in the default directory:/usr/share/acx?. Bailing...";
exit 1;

if test $AUTORATE != "1"; then
if test "$RATE" != "11M"; then echo "Transfer rate is not set to 11
Mbps, but $RATE (and not using auto rate either). If something doesn't work, try 11 Mbps or auto rate."; fi

test "$AUTORATE" = "1" && AUTO=auto || AUTO=

# for better debugging
# set -x
#echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk

# just in case ;)

sleep 1

DEV=wlan0 # this may become wlan1, wlan2, etc depending on if any other wlanX devices are found

if test -n "`lsmod | grep acx_pci`"; then ${SCRIPT_AT}/stop_net;fi

# now that the interface is "down", let's also check for and remove
# those *really* old modules that might be supplied with some distributions

lsmod | grep acx100_pci &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then
rmmod acx100_pci;
echo "NOTICE: Found a very old version of the driver loaded (acx100_pci), removing."
# we could also add the old module's name to the blacklist, though this
# only benefits hotplug devices and might be considered invasive
# echo acx100_pci >> /etc/hotplug/blacklist

# before inserting the module, let's check for the presence of existing wlan devices
# and if necessary, adjust our $DEV variable to be wlan1, wlan2, etc.
# these could be other wireless drivers' devs, or the device created by acx_usb

MAX_WLANS=9 # failsafe break counter
while true
# at this point $DEV is always "wlan0"
$IFCONF $DEV &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then
echo -n "$DEV exists, "
DIGIT=`echo $DEV | cut -d 'n' -f 2`
DIGIT=`expr $DIGIT + 1`
echo -n "trying $DEV..."
echo "using $DEV."

# failsafe break
if test $MAX_WLANS -eq 0; then break;fi

if test "$?" = "0"; then echo "Module successfully inserted."; else echo "Error while inserting module! Bailing..."; exit 1; fi

# before we get too involved in trying to setup $DEV, let's verify that it exists
$IFCONF $DEV &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then # $DEV exists

if test -n "$IWCONF"; then

if test -n "$RATE"; then
echo Setting rate to $RATE $AUTO.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.
if test -n "$CHAN"; then
echo Setting channel $CHAN.
$IWCONF $DEV channel $CHAN
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.
if test -n "$SHORTPREAMBLE"; then
echo Setting short preamble to $SHORTPREAMBLE.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.
sleep 1
if test -n "$TXPOWER"; then
echo Setting Tx power level to $TXPOWER dBm.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.
sleep 1

echo Going to try to join or setup ESSID $ESSID.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

if test -n "$MODE"; then
echo Setting mode to $MODE.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

if test -n "$KEY1"; then
echo Setting key 1 to $KEY1, algorithm $ALG.
$IWCONF $DEV key $ALG "$KEY1" [1]
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

if test -n "$KEY2"; then
echo Setting key 2 to $KEY2, algorithm $ALG.
$IWCONF $DEV key $ALG "$KEY2" [2]
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

if test -n "$KEY3"; then
echo Setting key 3 to $KEY3, algorithm $ALG.
$IWCONF $DEV key $ALG "$KEY3" [3]
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

if test -n "$KEY4"; then
echo Setting key 4 to $KEY4, algorithm $ALG.
$IWCONF $DEV key $ALG "$KEY4" [4]
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

# this is now placed after the "KEY%D" stuff
# to support the "KEY=[1]" option

if test -n "$KEY"; then
echo Setting key to $KEY, algorithm $ALG.
test "$?" != "0" && echo Failed.

fi # end "if found(iwconfig)"

# for notebook use - a power LED is sooo useless anyway ;-))
if test "$LED_OFF" -eq 1; then
test -n "$IWPRIV" && "$IWPRIV" $DEV SetLEDPower 0
echo Setting power LED to off.

# It shouldn't hurt to bring the device up, and dhcp seems to like it that way
sleep 1

# if they want dhcp or they've set to managed mode, then we
# take up to 10 seconds to wait for something to show up
# in iwconfig besides zeros, we don't want to give the user
# the wrong impression re: success/failure and mainly we don't
# want to bother with a dhcp attempt without association
# we could also use /proc/driver/acx_$DEV instead ??

# check MODE for some form of the word "managed", case-insensitive
echo $MODE | grep -ic managed &> /dev/null

if test "$?" = "0" -o $USE_DHCP -eq 1; then # begin test for association
echo -n "Waiting for association..."

while true
echo -n "$WAIT_ASSOC "

if test "`$IWCONF $DEV | grep -c 00:00:00:00:00:00`" = "0"; then
echo "OK."

# ok, have association, now verify that the card associated with
# the desired AP, it could easily have found a stray linksys instead ;^}
if test -n "$ESSID"; then
echo "$ESSID" | grep -ic any &> /dev/null # don't bother checking "essid=any"
if test "$?" = "0" -a "`$IWCONF $DEV | grep -c $ESSID`" = "0"; then
echo "NOTICE: $DEV associated, but NOT with $ESSID!"


if test "$WAIT_ASSOC" = "0"; then
echo FAILED.
# if they wanted dhcp, tell them the bad news
if test $USE_DHCP -eq 1; then
echo "Error: $DEV failed to associate, can't use DHCP for IP address."

# we *could* issue an iwconfig here at the end of each loop:
# I'm not sure if it would help or hinder...it isn't necessary w/my hardware

sleep 1 # give it a second
fi # end test for association, if mode=managed or USE_DHCP=1

if test $USE_DHCP -eq 1; then
# now we fetch an IP address from DHCP
# first, try dhcpcd:
if test -n "$DHCPCD"; then
echo -n "Attempting to use $DHCPCD for DHCP, this may take a moment..."
rm -f /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$DEV.pid > /dev/null
$DHCPCD -d $DEV -t 5 &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then
echo "OK."
echo "Interface has been set up successfully.";
else echo "FAILED"
# no dhcpcd was found, next we try pump:
elif test -n "$PUMP"; then
echo -n "Attempting to use $PUMP for DHCP, this may take a moment..."
$PUMP -i $DEV &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then
echo "OK."
echo "Interface has been set up successfully.";
else echo "FAILED"
# no dhcpcd or pump was found, finally we try dhclient;
elif test -n "$DHCLIENT"; then
echo -n "Attempting to use $DHCLIENT for DHCP, this may take a moment..."
rm -f /var/run/dhclient.pid
$DHCLIENT $DEV &> /dev/null
if test "$?" = "0"; then
echo "OK."
echo "Interface has been set up successfully.";
else echo "FAILED"
else # dhcpcd, pump, and dhclient not found, inform user and bail
echo "ERROR: USE_DHCP=1 , but no dhcp clients could be found"
echo "Bailing..."
exit 1;
fi #end check for usable dhcp client
else # wants manual config
# Hehe, this can be done after iwconfigs now :)
if test "$?" != "0"; then
echo "Error in \"$IFCONF $DEV $IP netmask $NETMASK\". Bailing..."; exit 1;
echo "Interface has been set up successfully.";
test -n "$GATEWAY" && $ROUTE add default gw $GATEWAY $DEV
fi # end if USE_DHCP=1

# ugly workaround for buffer management problems
if test "$MTU_576" -eq 1; then
echo "Setting mtu down to 576. NOTE that e.g. IPv6 would need >= 1280, so make sure you're doing the right thing here!"
test -n "$IFCONF" && "$IFCONF" $DEV mtu 576
if test "$?" != "0"; then echo "Error in \"$IFCONF $DEV mtu 576\". Bailing..."; exit 1; fi

else # $DEV is not found by ifconfig
echo "Error: Failed to create device: $DEV...bailing."
exit 1;
fi # end test for $DEV exists

# just in case ;)

################################################## ############
# summary of craig's changes to pf33's start_net:

# added SET_LED and MTU_576 vars, moved DEV below the do-not-edit line
# changed KEY0-KEY3 vars to KEY1-KEY4 to match iwconfig's scheme
# added a line for selecting a numbered key eg: "KEY=[1]"
# moved setting wep key to last in the order for above to work
# added attempt to automagically find/use a dhcp client
# added checking for firmware in /usr/share/acx before bailing
# check for and unload the old acx100_pci module if present
# don't assume $DEV is going to always be wlan0 (needs more work)
# don't assume that $DEV exists, even after a successful module load
# if MODE=managed || USE_DHCP=1, wait for association
# upon assoc, test for correct SSID if one was specified
# added $DEV to route add default gw command
################################################## ############

# end of file

24.01.05, 20:19
Ich hatte mal nen ähnlichen treiber mit startscript. Das mit dem autostart hab ich so gelöst:
Einfach nen eintrag in /etc/rc.d/rc.local machen in dem du auf das script verweist.


Wenn du das script per hand ausführen kannst dürfte es damit keine Probleme geben.