Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : [Point2Play] Erkennt Cedega Installation nicht

21.11.04, 07:10
vor einem Monat is meine Transgaming Mitgliedschaft zu Ende gegangen,
hab mir die rpm pakete in Abständen immer gesichert. Nun musste ich die Festplatte formatieren. Wenn ich nun Cedega manuell und Point2Play installiere, erkennt Point2Play die Cedega installation nicht. Kann man Point2Play irgendwie mit manuell installiertem Cedega benutzen??

22.11.04, 18:57
Du hast sie also als .rpm installiert, oder?

P2P erkennt so eine Installation nicht an. Macht aber nix, Du kannst die Games trotz dieses Problemes starten.

Gib einfach in die Konsole "cedega der_ort_wo_die_game_exe_liegt" ein, dann startet das Game...

Alternativ kannst Du Dir auch einen Button auf dem Desktop erstellen, mit dem das Game dann gestartet wird. Rechtsklick auf Desktop; Datei; Neu erstellen; Verknüpfung zu Programm

Unter "Programme" und "Befehl" gib einfach das gleiche wie für die Konsole ein. Fertig...

22.11.04, 22:18
Auszug aus der fuer jeden zugaenglichen README! ;)

1) Set up a global RC file

Using this method you can set up versions of Cedega that are accessible by an
user on your machine that uses Point2Play.

Create a file, as root, called /usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/Point2PlayRC,
and set it up as follows:

<version number>=<path to installed cedega>:<cedega start script>

Versions of Cedega 4.0 or later require the addition of a special identifier
called a version credential, which lets Point2Play know about the
particular features supported by that version of Cedega. This is required
because although you are recommended to fill in the space "<version number>"
above with the actual version number you are trying to use, you can actually
put almost anything you want as the version number (in case for example you want
several versions installed for testing)

Unlike previous versions of Point2Play, you only need to include the HIGHEST
version number credential that applies. If you wish to be compatible with
an older version of Point2Play you need to include a 4.0 and 4.0.1 credential
together. Also older versions of Point2Play will not react nicely to newer

The credentials that currently exist are:
<40f> = Cedega version 4.0 (and > ) features
<401f> = Cedega version 4.0.1 (and > ) features

For example, in 4.0:

And in 4.0.1 (and later):

There is a line for each version of Cedega installed.

You can also set a default version of Cedega for all users by adding an entry:
(This can be overridden on a user by user basis)

An example /usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/Point2PlayRC file:

2) Add an entry to your local RC file

Inside ~/.point2playrc, add a line in the following format:

<version number>=<path to installed cedega>:<cedega script>

Versions of Cedega 4.0 or later require the addition of version credential to unlock
the special configuration options and other features only supported in the newer versions
of Cedega. Unlike previous versions of Point2Play, you only need to include the HIGHEST
version number credential that applies. If you wish to be compatible with
an older version of Point2Play you need to include a 4.0 and 4.0.1 credential
together. Also older versions of Point2Play will not react nicely to newer

The credentials that currently exist are:
<40f> = Cedega version 4.0 (and > ) features
<401f> = Cedega version 4.0.1 (and > ) features

For example:


25.11.04, 14:35
alternativ kannst du auch grapevine verwenden