Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : cedegacvs Prob. Keyboard.c und X11DRV_XRENDER usw.

20.10.04, 14:37
Also ich habe folgendes Problem. Wenn ich Call of Duty mit winex/cedega CVS starten will kriege ich folgendes in der konsole ausgegeben.

err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/"
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
fixme:wave:ALSA_WaveInit -fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~fad052.tmp,...): NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ignored
err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/"
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
fixme:debug:FlushInstructionCache (0xffffffff,(nil),0x00000000): stub
fixme:debug:FlushInstructionCache (0xffffffff,(nil),0x00000000): stub
fixme:debug:FlushInstructionCache (0xffffffff,(nil),0x00000000): stub
fixme:debug:FlushInstructionCache (0xffffffff,(nil),0x00000000): stub
fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD Global\SecDrv. Try --winver nt40 or win31 !
fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD SecDrv. Try --winver nt40 or win31 !
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_XRender_Finalize Free cached glyphsets
speedyx@Tuxaner:~/cod$ fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Force selection of a TrueType font!
err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/"
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 20021 belongs to other process
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_XRender_Finalize Free cached glyphsets
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_XRender_Finalize Free cached glyphsets

Ich habe schon rausgefunden das das mit dem keyboard.c nicht so schlimm sein soll. Aber was bedeuten die letzten zwei Zeilen? Er bleibt dort einfach stehen und nix passiert. Hat einer eine Idee????