Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : mldonkey compilieren ??? Hilfe!

05.08.04, 11:31
Bekomme folgenden fehler was mache ich falsch????

nfig.status: creating Makefile.config.i486
config.status: creating Makefile.config.i586
config.status: creating Makefile.config.i686
config.status: creating mldonkey.rc
config.status: creating ../src/utils/lib/autoconf.ml.new
config.status: creating ../src/utils/lib/gAutoconf.ml.new
config.status: creating ../packages/rpm/mldonkey.spec
config.status: creating ../packages/rpm/Makefile
config.status: creating ../packages/windows/mlnet.nsi
config.status: creating config.h
Building dependencies
Building dependencies fails: try: 'make depend' or 'gmake depend'
The following modules will not be compiled: { donkey(no Zlib) audio_galaxy(obsolete) open_napster direct_connect gnutella gnutella2 bittorrent fileTP soulseek openFT(obsolete) FastTrack(devel) donkey_server donkey_client mldonkey_gui$(EXE) mldonkey_gui2$(EXE) mlchat$(EXE) }
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.19 # gmake depend
/test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/bin/ocamlc.opt -linkall -o ocamlpp.byte -custom unix.cma str.cma -I build tools/ocamlpp.cmo
Files tools/ocamlpp.cmo
and /test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/lib/ocaml/stdlib.cma(Sys)
make inconsistent assumptions over interface Sys
gmake: *** [ocamlpp.byte] Error 2

05.08.04, 11:51
Building dependencies fails: try: 'make depend' or 'gmake depend'
The following modules will not be compiled: { donkey(no Zlib) audio_galaxy(obsolete) open_napster direct_connect gnutella gnutella2 bittorrent fileTP soulseek openFT(obsolete) FastTrack(devel) donkey_server donkey_client mldonkey_gui$(EXE) mldonkey_gui2$(EXE) mlchat$(EXE) }
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.19 # gmake depend
/test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/bin/ocamlc.opt -linkall -o ocamlpp.byte -custom unix.cma str.cma -I build tools/ocamlpp.cmo
Files tools/ocamlpp.cmo
and /test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/lib/ocaml/stdlib.cma(Sys)
make inconsistent assumptions over interface Sys
gmake: *** [ocamlpp.byte] Error 2

Es fehlen die zlibs.
Und dann ist die Readme doch eindeutig:

You have now two options to compile mldonkey:
- Individually install Objective-Caml 3.06 and LablGTK 1.2.?. Then, you can
compile mldonkey. The instructions are given below at '1)'.
- If you want to install ocaml and lablgtk only to compile mldonkey. You must
have a good internet access (you want mldonkey after all :). You must have
"wget" installed. Then, run:

./configure -enable-batch


1) Installing required tools: Objective-Caml 3.06 and LablGTK 1.2.3 or 1.2.?


2) Compiling mldonkey:

~/tmp/mldonkey> ./configure
~/tmp/mldonkey> make depend
~/tmp/mldonkey> make

You should now have 'mldonkey' (the daemon with edonkey/overnet support),
'mlnet' (the daemon with all network support) and 'mldonkey_gui' (the
interface) No 'make install' is provided.

cu/2 iae

05.08.04, 12:11
zlib ist aber installiert. habe über yast jetzt noch zlib-devel und perl-compress-Zlib nachinstalliert OS:Suse 8.2 ocaml habe ich von wget laden lassen, da ich für suse 8.2 nur die ocaml.3.06 finden konnte, brauche aber min 3.07 oder 3.08 für die neue Versionen...

immer noch:

config.status: creating ../packages/windows/mlnet.nsi
config.status: creating config.h
Building dependencies
Building dependencies fails: try: 'make depend' or 'gmake depend'
The following modules will not be compiled: { audio_galaxy(obsolete) open_napster direct_connect gnutella gnutella2 bittorrent fileTP soulseek openFT(obsolete) FastTrack(devel) mldonkey_gui$(EXE) mldonkey_gui2$(EXE) mlchat$(EXE) }
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.19 # make depend
/test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/bin/ocamlc.opt -linkall -o ocamlpp.byte -custom unix.cma str.cma -cclib -lz -I build tools/ocamlpp.cmo
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.19 #
and /test/mldonkey-2.5.19/patches/local/lib/ocaml/stdlib.cma(Sys)
make inconsistent assumptions over interface Sys
make: *** [ocamlpp.byte] Error 2
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.19 #

05.08.04, 12:23
Was genau machst Du?
make clean
make depend

./configure -enable-batch

Erste Abfolge hat bei meinen Versuchen sporadisch auch Schwierigkeiten gemacht, ohne wirklich erkennbaren Grund, dann half immer der zweite Aufruf.

cu/2 iae

05.08.04, 12:35
habe jetzt deine 2.te Variante getestet -enable-batch
aber jetzt bekomme ich beim make anschliessend:

s/gnutella -I src/networks/gnutella2 -I src/networks/fasttrack -I src/networks/fileTP -I src/networks/bittorrent -I src/networks/donkey -c src/utils/lib/avifile.ml
/test/mldonkey-2.5.21/patches/local/bin/ocamlopt.opt -inline 10 -I src/utils/cdk -I src/daemon/chat -I src/utils/lib -I src/utils/net -I tools -I src/daemon/common -I src/daemon/driver -I src/utils/mp3tagui -I src/config/unix -I src/networks/gnutella -I src/networks/gnutella2 -I src/networks/fasttrack -I src/networks/fileTP -I src/networks/bittorrent -I src/networks/donkey -c src/utils/lib/http_lexer.ml
File "src/utils/lib/http_lexer.mll", line 3, characters 17-5089:
Some record field labels are undefined: lex_base_code lex_backtrk_code
lex_default_code lex_trans_code lex_check_code lex_code
make: *** [src/utils/lib/http_lexer.cmx] Error 2
VMSuse82:/test/mldonkey-2.5.21 # ls

und hab immer noch keine bins????

05.08.04, 12:51
welche version könnt ihr empfehlen???

05.08.04, 13:20
sehr hilfreich unbedingt anschauen
achtung 2.5.21 ist murks 2.5.16 ist im moment ok