Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : lspci findet onboard sound nicht - anderer befehl?

09.07.04, 12:18

Wenn ich lspci eingebe kommt alles mögliche nur nicht mein onboardsound. Kann das sein das das eine isa karte ist, kenn mich nicht so gut aus?! Mit welchem Befehl kann ich den Soundchip ermitteln? Unter Knoppix funktoniert die Musik und im Bios ist der Sound auch aktiviert.


09.07.04, 12:21
Joh, wenn die Karte nicht auftaucht, wird es wohl eine ISA-Karte sein.
Installier Dir mal die isapnptools und fuehr mal ein pnpdump aus. Wenn
die Karte PNP-faehig ist (was ich mal stark annehme), sollte sie eigentlich
dabei auftauchen.


09.07.04, 12:29
geht den unter knoppix lspci? was sagt den
more /proc/pci

09.07.04, 12:34
Warum sollte unter knoppix kein lspci gehen?


09.07.04, 12:38
vielleicht hast du auch nur eine veraltete hardware datenbank (pci.ids ist dafür zuständig)

09.07.04, 12:42
Zum einen ist ja der Rechner schon ziemlich alt und zum anderen
muessten dann trotzdem die Vendor- und Product-IDs angezeigt


09.07.04, 13:10

Also ich habe hier ein frisches Debian Sid. Kann es das ganze vielleicht mit dem 2.4.18 Kernel zusammenhaengen. also leider kann ich mit dillo keine anhaenge machen also muss ich die ausgabe von pnpdump leider hier posten. ich werde aus ihr leider nicht schlau.
# $Id: pnpdump_main.c,v 1.27 2001/04/30 21:54:53 fox Exp $
# Release isapnptools-1.26
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of the output file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information and FAQ on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/
# Trying port address 0273
# Board 1 has serial identifier 24 ff ff ff ff 35 f2 63 0e

(READPORT 0x0273)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 24 ff ff ff ff 35 f2 63 0e)
# Vendor Id CSCf235, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x24.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.4
# ANSI string -->Crystal CS4236B-104<--
# Logical device id CSC0000
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3e
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string -->WSS/SB<--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
# First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type A
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
# Next DMA channel 0 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type A
# (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 0))
# IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0534
# Maximum IO base address 0x0534
# IO base alignment 4 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0534))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 1 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0220
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 2 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))

# Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
# First DMA channel 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type A
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
# Next DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type A
# (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 0))
# IRQ 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0534
# Maximum IO base address 0x0ffc
# IO base alignment 4 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0534))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 1 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0260
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 2 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))

# Start dependent functions: priority functional
# First DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type A
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))
# IRQ 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0534
# Maximum IO base address 0x0ffc
# IO base alignment 4 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0534))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x03f8
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 1 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0300
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 2 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))

# End dependent functions
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[0]{WSS/SB }")
# (ACT Y)
# Logical device id CSC0001
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3e
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string -->GAME<--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0200
# Maximum IO base address 0x0200
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
# (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0200))

# Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0208
# Maximum IO base address 0x0208
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
# (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0208))

# End dependent functions
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[1]{GAME }")
# (ACT Y)
# Logical device id CSC0010
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3e
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string -->CTRL<--
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0120
# Maximum IO base address 0x0ff8
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
# (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0120))
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[2]{CTRL }")
# (ACT Y)
# Logical device id CSC0003
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3e
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string -->MPU<--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0330
# Maximum IO base address 0x0330
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
# (IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))

# Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
# IRQ 9, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))
# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0300
# Maximum IO base address 0x03f0
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
# (IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0300))

# End dependent functions
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[3]{MPU }")
# (ACT Y)
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)

# Returns all cards to the "Wait for Key" state

Ich weiss es ist uebertrieben aber vielleicht ist ja jemand so unglaublich nett und hilft mir ueber ssh. wenn ihr mir sagt was ich dazu apt getten muss. Ich weiss es ist viel verlangt aber ich verzweifle schon an meinen sound. bei einer alten Debian istallation habe ich es auch nicht geschafft. gebt einen 13 jaehrige auch eine Chance.
So genug gebettelt. Es hilft auch wenn mir jemand ueber das forum hilft.
Surfen mit Dillo ist eine Qual. Wer so was erfinden kann.

mfg. Wally

09.07.04, 13:19
Schreib mal folgendes in Deine /etc/isapnp.conf und fuehre dann
ein isapnp aus. Dann sollten ein paar Zeilen auf dem Bildschirm
kommen, die auf den Erfolg (oder Miserfolg) schliessen lassen.
Wenn alles erfolgreich erkannt wurde, kannst Du die # vor den
(ACT Y)-Zeilen entfernen und die entsprechenden Module fuer
die Soundkarte laden.

# $Id: pnpdump_main.c,v 1.27 2001/04/30 21:54:53 fox Exp $
# Release isapnptools-1.26
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of the output file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information and FAQ on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/
# Trying port address 0273
# Board 1 has serial identifier 24 ff ff ff ff 35 f2 63 0e

(READPORT 0x0273)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 24 ff ff ff ff 35 f2 63 0e)
# Vendor Id CSCf235, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x24.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.4
# ANSI string -->Crystal CS4236B-104<--
# Logical device id CSC0000
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3e
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string -->WSS/SB<--

(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
(IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0534))
(IO 1 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
(IO 2 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
# End dependent functions
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[0]{WSS/SB }")
# (ACT Y)

# ANSI string -->GAME<--
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0200))
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[1]{GAME }")
# (ACT Y)

# ANSI string -->CTRL<--
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0120))
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[2]{CTRL }")
# (ACT Y)

# ANSI string -->MPU<--
# (IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
(INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))
# (IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0300))

# End dependent functions
(NAME "CSCf235/-1[3]{MPU }")
# (ACT Y)
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)

# Returns all cards to the "Wait for Key" state



09.07.04, 13:34

Wenn ich isapnp ausfuehre kommt nur so ein Hilfetext. So als wuerde ich ein programm ohne parameter starten und er sagt mir welche es gibt.

mfg. Wally

09.07.04, 13:35
Dann guck mal, mit welchem Parameter Du die Konfigurationsdatei angeben
kannst (vermutlich -c) und dann machst Du isapnp <parameter> /etc/isapnp.conf.


09.07.04, 13:40

Da sagt er mir on or around line 17 fatal error occurrd prasing config file.

mfg. Wally

09.07.04, 13:48

also wenn ich das mit isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf starte kommt das ein fehler in oder um der zeile 17 ein fehler ist.

mfg. Wally