Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : WINEX ---> half-life ---> gute winex config???

29.06.04, 00:49
jo hi leude.

ich bin noch noob in sachen linux

bräuchte von euch vielleicht ne gute config für winex

meine schaut so aus, aba da sind noch irgendwie fehler, bzw er führt half-life nicht richtig aus. und ist auch alles viel zu langsam.

opengl weiß ich nich ob das funzt, wegen suse 8.2 geforce 2 mx4000 probleme. weiß nich ob sax2 opengl aktiviert hat.

also opengl sollte schon in der config drinne sein. könnte mir einer ne gute config createn?

meine schaut momentan so aus, und es lagt viel, und opengl macht er nicht richtig

;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config

;; If you think it is necessary to show others your complete config for a
;; bug report, filter out empty lines and comments with
;; grep -v "^;" ~/.wine/config | grep '.'

[Drive C]
"Path" = "/home/Celine/c"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "Dos Drive"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

"Windows" = "c:\\windows"
"System" = "c:\\windows\\system"
"Temp" = "c:\\windows\\temp"
"Path" = "c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system"
"Profile" = "c:\\windows\\Profiles\\Administrator"
"GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
;"ShowDotFiles" = "1"
"ShellLinker" = "wineshelllink"


; Windows version to imitate (win95,win98,winme,nt351,nt40,win2k,winxp,win2k3,w in20,win30,win31)
;"Windows" = "win98"
; DOS version to imitate
;"DOS" = "6.22"

"DefaultLoadOrder" = "native, builtin, so"

"commdlg" = "builtin, native"
"comdlg32" = "builtin, native"
"ver" = "builtin, native"
"version" = "builtin, native"
"shell" = "builtin, native"
"shell32" = "builtin, native"
"shfolder" = "builtin, native"
"shlwapi" = "builtin, native"
"shdocvw" = "builtin, native"
"lzexpand" = "builtin, native"
"lz32" = "builtin, native"
"comctl32" = "builtin, native"
"commctrl" = "builtin, native"
"advapi32" = "builtin, native"
"crtdll" = "builtin, native"
"mpr" = "builtin, native"
"winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"
"d3d8" = "builtin, native"
"d3drm" = "builtin, native"
"ddraw" = "builtin, native"
"dinput" = "builtin, native"
"dinput8" = "builtin, native"
"dmusic" = "builtin, native"
"dsound" = "builtin, native"
"opengl32" = "builtin, native"
"msvcrt" = "native, builtin"
"rpcrt4" = "native, builtin"
"msvideo" = "builtin, native"
"msvfw32" = "builtin, native"
"mcicda.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciseq.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciwave.drv" = "builtin, native"
"mciavi.drv" = "native, builtin"
"mcianim.drv" = "native, builtin"
"msacm.drv" = "builtin, native"
"msacm" = "builtin, native"
"msacm32" = "builtin, native"
"midimap.drv" = "builtin, native"

; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
"AllocSystemColors" = "100"
; Number of colors to copy from the default palette
"CopyDefaultColors" = "0"
; Use a private color map
"PrivateColorMap" = "N"
; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
"PerfectGraphics" = "N"
; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
;;"ScreenDepth" = "16"
; Name of X11 display to use
;;"Display" = ":0.0"
; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
"Managed" = "Y"
; Use a desktop window of 640x480 for Wine
;"Desktop" = "800x600"
; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
; (make sure /dev/mem is accessible by you !)
"UseDGA" = "N"
; Use XShm extension if present
"UseXShm" = "Y"
; Enable DirectX mouse grab
"DXGrab" = "Y"
; Use XVidMode extension if present
"UseXVidMode" = "Y"
; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
; (useful to play OpenGL games)
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"
; Code page used for captions in managed mode
; 0 means default ANSI code page (CP_ACP == 0)
"TextCP" = "0"
; Use this if you have more than one port for video on your setup
; (Wine uses for now the first 'input image' it finds).
;; "XVideoPort" = "43"
; Use this to make your X server execute all commands
; sequentially rather than buffering commands. Will make
; everything really SLOW but can be nice for debugging.
;; "Synchronous" = "Y"
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"

;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
"Resolution" = "96"
"Default" = "-adobe-times-"

"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"
"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*" = "-misc-fixed*"

;; default TrueType fonts with russian koi8-r encoding
;"Default" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;"DefaultFixed" = "-monotype-courier new-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;"DefaultSerif" = "-monotype-times new roman-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;; default cyrillic bitmap X fonts
;"Default" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"
;"DefaultFixed" = "fixed"
;"DefaultSerif" = "-cronyx-times-"
;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"

; the TrueType font dirs you want to make accessible to wine
"dir1" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype"
"dir2" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
"dir3" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TT"

;; key: io-base of the emulated port
;; value : parport-device{,timeout}
;; timeout for auto closing an open device ( not yet implemented)
;"378" = "/dev/parport0"
;"278" = "/dev/parport1"
;"3bc" = "/dev/parport2"

"FILE:" = "tmp.ps"
"LPT1:" = "|lpr"
"LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
"LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"

;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
;"write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

;"RelayExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
;"RelayInclude" = "user32.CreateWindowA"
;"RelayFromExclude" = "user32;x11drv"
;"RelayFromInclude" = "sol.exe"
;"SnoopExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
;"SpyExclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"

;These are all booleans. Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
;Defaults are read all, write to Home
; Where to find the global registries
;"GlobalRegistryDir" = "/etc";
; Global registries (stored in /etc)
"LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
"LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
; Save only modified keys
"SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"

"ClearAllSelections" = "0"
"PersistentSelection" = "1"
"UsePrimary" = "0"

; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files
"1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"
"2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"
"3" = "/usr/share/enscript"
"4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"

"Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"
"WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
"MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"

;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to mix in new buffers.
;"HELmargin" = "5"
;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to queue to driver.
;"HELqueue" = "5"
;; Max number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMax" = "28"
;; Min number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMin" = "12"
;; Forces emulation mode (using wave api)
;"HardwareAcceleration" = "Emulation"
;; Sets default playback device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "0" ; use first device (/dev/dsp)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "1" ; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "2" ; use third device (/dev/dsp2)
;; Sets default capture device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultCapture" = "0" ; use first device (/dev/dsp)
;"DefaultCapture" = "1" ; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
;"DefaultCapture" = "2" ; use third device (/dev/dsp2)

;; Use the DNS (Unix) host name always as NetBIOS "ComputerName" (boolean, default "Y").
;; Set to N if you need a persistent NetBIOS ComputerName that possibly differs
;; from the Unix host name. You'll need to set ComputerName in
;; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\ComputerName\ComputerName, too.
;"UseDnsComputerName" = "N"

"UseMMap" = "Y"
"FullDuplex" = "N"

;; sample AppDefaults entries
;"shlwapi" = "native"
;"rpcrt4" = "native"
;"ole32" = "native"
;"shdocvw" = "native"
;"wininet" = "native"
;"shfolder" = "native"
;"shell32" = "native"
;"shell" = "native"
;"comctl32" = "native"
;"Desktop" = "800x600"

"Drivers" = "xterm"
;"Drivers" = "tty"
"XtermProg" = "konsole"
;"InitialRows" = "25"
;"InitialColumns" = "80"
;"TerminalType" = "nxterm"

;"shlwapi" = "native"
;"rpcrt4" = "native"
;"ole32" = "native"
;"shdocvw" = "native"
;"wininet" = "native"
;"shfolder" = "native"
;"shell32" = "native"
;"shell" = "native"
;"comctl32" = "native"
;"Desktop" = "800x600"
;"Windows" = "nt40"
;; Some games (Quake 2, UT) refuse to accept emulated dsound devices.
;; You can add an AppDefault entry like this for such cases.
;"EmulDriver" = "N"


big thx im voraus
die bierd0se

29.06.04, 13:52
Die Standardconfig sollte genügen. Vieleicht noch DGA, DX Mousegrab und Managed auf "Y" stellen, aber ansonsten sollte da nicht viel einzustellen sein.

Hast du denn überhaupt die Nvidia Treiber korrekt installiert und konfiguriert ?

29.06.04, 13:58
hi, erstma, thx

ja naja, da gibts noch n paar probleme, mit den treibern, bin aba schon dabei die richtig zu konfigirieren.

aber könnte mir denn vlt trotzdem jemand eine herstellten??

also bei drive c muss nur folgendes stehn ;)

[Drive C]
"Path" = "/home/Celine/c"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "Dos Drive"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

und halt. das opengl gut läuft?? ;)

bis danna
die bierd0se

29.06.04, 14:16
Ich sagte dir bereits das die Standardconfig dies schon erfüllt. Das Laufwerk muss natürlich angepasst werden und die oben genannten Optionen sind meist sinnvoll zu setzen. Darüber hinaus sollte das Spiel dann damit laufen. Habe es selbst ein oder zwei mal mit einer solchen Config durchgespielt.

Wichtig ist das der Nvidia Treiber korrekt arbeitet und Wine mit OpenGL Support compiliert wurde.