Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Apache/1.3.27(Linux/SuSE) mit frontpage

07.04.04, 15:24
ich will das ich bei frontpage einfach auf weböffnen gehen kann dan die adresse von meinem server(Server version: Apache/1.3.27 (Linux/SuSE)) eingebe und das web öffnet sich....kent wer ein gutes howto(bitte deutsch), wie ich apache richtig konfiguriere!?!
oder kann mir so wer helfen
mfg flo

07.04.04, 15:38
ok ich hab schon was gefunden das hab ich mir bei M$ runtergeladen...

was hab ich da falsch gemacht?

Server:/home # ./fp_install.sh

Step 1. Setting Up Installation Environment

Setting umask 002
Logged in as root.


Revision: 1.1
Date: 1998/12/02 21:58:21

This script will step the user through upgrading existing and installing
new servers and webs. As with any software installation, a backup should be
done before continuing. It is recommended that the FrontPage installation
directory, server configuration file directory, and all web content be
backed up before continuing with this installation.

Are you satisfied with your backup of the system (y/n) [N]? y

Directory /usr/local exists.
Root has necessary access to /usr/local.

Where would you like to install the FrontPage Extensions. If you
select a location other than /usr/local/frontpage/ then a symbolic
link will be created from /usr/local/frontpage/ to the location that
is chosen.

FrontPage Extensions directory [/usr/local/frontpage/]:
WARNING: Directory /usr/local/frontpage already exists.
Installation will overwrite existing files.

Continue the installation (y/n) [N]? y

Step 2. Untarring the Extensions and Checking Protections

Version 4.0 FrontPage Server Extensions found.
Would you like to overwrite? (y/n) [Y]? y

Looking for tar file...
Platform is linux.
Uncompressing/Untarring file /home/fp40.linux.tar.Z into /usr/local...
echo Step 3. Upgrading/Installing the extensions

Checking for existing web servers to upgrade...
No existing web servers found to upgrade.

Note: If you have not installed the root web then you need to do it now.

Do you want to install a root web (y/n) [Y]? y

Installing the root web...

Server config filename: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
FrontPage Administrator's user name: root
] x user name of the owner of this new web:[wwwrun

] x group of this new web:[nogroup

1. ncsa
2. apache
3. apache-fp
4. netscape-fasttrack
5. netscape-enterprise
6. stronghold
What type of Server is this: 2

...talling root web into port 80

installing server / on port 80

as part of install.wrun
as part of install.group
/usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/bin/fpsrvadm.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: / installation failed.
Hit enter to continue

Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.