Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : postfix + amavis + nvc

29.03.04, 11:19

ich verzweifele gerade am den Problem den Mailserver und NVC (Norman Virus Control) zur Zusammenarbeit zu bewegen.
Nach der Installation und und Config von Postfix habe ich auch Amvis installiert. Der Virenscanner wurde auch installiert.

Nun bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung : virus_scan FAILED: NO VIRUS SCANNERS AVAILABLE (in reply to end of DATA command)

Leider kann ich die Config Datei von Amavis nicht finden.

Ich benutze Suse 9.

ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen.



29.03.04, 11:35
amavisd bzw amavisd-new lautet das Stichwort.
Default ist Antivir der Virenscanner.
Ich denke in dem Script /usr/sbin/amavisd (bzw amavis) kannst das ändern.
Suche mal nach amavisd nicht nach amavis.
In /etc liegt auch eine Config. (amavisd)


29.03.04, 13:18

ich habe jetzt die Conf gefunden und geändert.
Leider mit nicht so grossem Erfolg.

Anbei sende ich euch die amavis conf. :

# Section V - Per-recipient and per-sender handling, whitelisting, etc.

# %virus_lovers, @virus_lovers_acl and $virus_lovers_re lookup tables:
# (these should be considered policy options, they do not disable checks,
# see bypas*checks for that!)
# Exclude certain RECIPIENTS from virus filtering by adding their lower-cased
# envelope e-mail address (or domain only) to the hash %virus_lovers, or to
# the access list @virus_lovers_acl - see README.lookups and examples.
# Make sure the appropriate form (e.g. external/internal) of address
# is used in case of virtual domains, or when mapping external to internal
# addresses, etc. - this is MTA-specific.
# Notifications would still be generated however (see the overall
# picture above), and infected mail (if passed) gets additional header:
# X-AMaViS-Alert: INFECTED, message contains virus: ...
# (header not inserted with milter interface!)
# NOTE (milter interface only): in case of multiple recipients,
# it is only possible to drop or accept the message in its entirety - for all
# recipients. If all of them are virus lovers, we'll accept mail, but if
# at least one recipient is not a virus lover, we'll discard the message.

# %bypass_virus_checks, @bypass_virus_checks_acl and $bypass_virus_checks_re
# lookup tables:
# (this is mainly a time-saving option, unlike virus_lovers* !)
# Similar in concept to %virus_lovers, a hash %bypass_virus_checks,
# access list @bypass_virus_checks_acl and regexp list $bypass_virus_checks_re
# are used to skip entirely the decoding, unpacking and virus checking,
# but only if ALL recipients match the lookup.
# %bypass_virus_checks/@bypass_virus_checks_acl/$bypass_virus_checks_re
# do NOT GUARANTEE the message will NOT be checked for viruses - this may
# still happen when there is more than one recipient for a message, and
# not all of them match these lookup tables. To guarantee virus delivery,
# a recipient must also match %virus_lovers/@virus_lovers_acl lookups
# (but see milter limitations above),

# NOTE: it would not be clever to base virus checks on SENDER address,
# since there are no guarantees that it is genuine. Many viruses
# and spam messages fake sender address. To achieve selective filtering
# based on the source of the mail (e.g. IP address, MTA port number, ...),
# use mechanisms provided by MTA if available.

# Similar to lookup tables controlling virus checking, there exist
# spam scanning, banned names/types, and headers_checks control counterparts:
# %spam_lovers, @spam_lovers_acl, $spam_lovers_re
# %banned_files_lovers, @banned_files_lovers_acl, $banned_files_lovers_re
# %bad_header_lovers, @bad_header_lovers_acl, $bad_header_lovers_re
# and:
# %bypass_spam_checks/@bypass_spam_checks_acl/$bypass_spam_checks_re
# %bypass_banned_checks/@bypass_banned_checks_acl/$bypass_banned_checks_re
# %bypass_header_checks/@bypass_header_checks_acl/$bypass_header_checks_re
# See README.lookups for details about the syntax.

# The following example disables spam checking altogether,
# since it matches any recipient e-mail address (any address
# is a subdomain of the top-level root DNS domain):
# @bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( . );

# @bypass_header_checks_acl = qw( user@example.com );
# @bad_header_lovers_acl = qw( user@example.com );

# See README.lookups for further detail, and examples below.

# $virus_lovers{lc("postmaster\@$mydomain")} = 1;
# $virus_lovers{lc('postmaster@example.com')} = 1;
# $virus_lovers{lc('abuse@example.com')} = 1;
# $virus_lovers{lc('some.user@')} = 1; # this recipient, regardless of domain
# $virus_lovers{lc('boss@example.com')} = 0; # never, even if domain matches
# $virus_lovers{lc('example.com')} = 1; # this domain, but not its subdomains
# $virus_lovers{lc('.example.com')}= 1; # this domain, including its subdomains
# @virus_lovers_acl = qw( me@lab.xxx.com !lab.xxx.com .xxx.com yyy.org );
# $bypass_virus_checks{lc('some.user2@butnot.example .com')} = 1;
# @bypass_virus_checks_acl = qw( some.ddd !butnot.example.com .example.com );

# @virus_lovers_acl = qw( postmaster@example.com );
# $virus_lovers_re = new_RE( qr'(helpdesk|postmaster)@example\.com$'i );

# $spam_lovers{lc("postmaster\@$mydomain")} = 1;
# $spam_lovers{lc('postmaster@example.com')} = 1;
# $spam_lovers{lc('abuse@example.com')} = 1;
# @spam_lovers_acl = qw( !.example.com );
# $spam_lovers_re = new_RE( qr'^user@example\.com$'i );

# don't run spam check for these RECIPIENT domains:
# @bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( d1.com .d2.com a.d3.com );
# or the other way around (bypass check for all BUT these):
# @bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( !d1.com !.d2.com !a.d3.com . );
# a practical application: don't check outgoing mail for spam:
# @bypass_spam_checks_acl = ( "!.$mydomain", "." );
# (a downside of which is that such mail will not count as ham in SA bayes db)

# Where to find SQL server(s) and database to support SQL lookups?
# A list of triples: (dsn,user,passw). (dsn = data source name)
# Specify more than one for multiple (backup) SQL servers.
# See 'man DBI', 'man DBD::mysql', 'DBD::Pg', ... for details.
# @lookup_sql_dsn =
# ( ['DBI:mysql:mail:host1', 'some-username1', 'some-password1'],
# ['DBI:mysql:mail:host2', 'some-username2', 'some-password2'] );
# ('mail' in the example is the database name, choose what you like)
# With PostgreSQL the dsn (first element of the triple) may look like:
# 'DBI:Pg:host=host1;dbname=mail'

# The SQL select clause to fetch per-recipient policy settings.
# The %k will be replaced by a comma-separated list of query addresses
# (e.g. full address, domain only, catchall). Use ORDER, if there
# is a chance that multiple records will match - the first match wins.
# If field names are not unique (e.g. 'id'), the later field overwrites the
# earlier in a hash returned by lookup, which is why we use '*,users.id'.
# No need to uncomment the following assignment if the default is ok.
# $sql_select_policy = 'SELECT *,users.id FROM users,policy'.
# ' WHERE (users.policy_id=policy.id) AND (users.email IN (%k))'.
# ' ORDER BY users.priority DESC';
# The SQL select clause to check sender in per-recipient whitelist/blacklist
# The first SELECT argument '?' will be users.id from recipient SQL lookup,
# the %k will be sender addresses (e.g. full address, domain only, catchall).
# The default value is:
# $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM wblist,mailaddr'.
# ' WHERE (rid=?) AND (sid=mailaddr.id) AND (mailaddr.email IN (%k))'.
# ' ORDER BY mailaddr.priority DESC';
# To disable SQL white/black list, set to undef (otherwise comment-out
# the following statement, leaving it at the default value):
$sql_select_white_black_list = undef; # undef disables SQL white/blacklisting

# If you decide to pass viruses (or spam) to certain recipients using the
# above lookup tables or using $final_virus_destiny=1, you can set
# the variable $addr_extension_virus ($addr_extension_spam) to some
# string, and the recipient address will have this string appended
# as an address extension to the local-part of the address. This extension
# can be used by final local delivery agent to place such mail in different
# folders. Leave these two variables undefined or empty strings to prevent
# appending address extensions. Setting has no effect on recipient which will
# not be receiving viruses/spam. Recipients who do not match lookup tables
# local_domains* are not affected.
# LDAs usually default to stripping away address extension if no special
# handling is specified, so having this option enabled normally does no harm,
# provided the $recipients_delimiter matches the setting on the final
# MTA's LDA.

# $addr_extension_virus = 'virus'; # (default is undef, same as empty)
# $addr_extension_spam = 'spam'; # (default is undef, same as empty)
# $addr_extension_banned = 'banned'; # (default is undef, same as empty)

# Delimiter between local part of the recipient address and address extension
# (which can optionally be added, see variables $addr_extension_virus and
# $addr_extension_spam). E.g. recipient address <user@example.com> gets changed
# to <user+virus@example.com>.
# Delimiter should match equivalent (final) MTA delimiter setting.
# (e.g. for Postfix add 'recipient_delimiter = +' to main.cf)
# Setting it to an empty string or to undef disables this feature
# regardless of $addr_extension_virus and $addr_extension_spam settings.

$recipient_delimiter = '+'; # (default is '+')

# true: replace extension; false: append extension
# $replace_existing_extension = 1; # (default is false)

# Affects matching of localpart of e-mail addresses (left of '@')
# in lookups: true = case sensitive, false = case insensitive
$localpart_is_case_sensitive = 0; # (default is false)


# senders even if the message is recognized as spam. Effectively, for the
# specified senders, message RECIPIENTS temporarily become 'spam_lovers', with
# further processing being the same as otherwise specified for spam lovers.
# It does not turn off inserting spam-related headers, if they are enabled.
# BLACKLISTING: messages from specified SENDERS are DECLARED SPAM.
# Effectively, for messages from blacklisted senders, spam level
# is artificially pushed high, and the normal spam processing applies,
# resulting in 'X-Spam-Flag: YES', high 'X-Spam-Level' bar and other usual
# reactions to spam, including possible rejection. If the message nevertheless
# still passes (e.g. for spam loving recipients), it is tagged as BLACKLISTED
# in the 'X-Spam-Status' header field, but the reported spam value and
# set of tests in this report header field (if available from SpamAssassin,
# which may have not been called) is not adjusted.
# A sender may be both white- and blacklisted at the same time,
# settings are independent. For example, being both white- and blacklisted,
# message is delivered to recipients, but is tagged as spam.
# If ALL recipients of the message either white- or blacklist the sender,
# spam scanning (calling the SpamAssassin) is bypassed, saving on time.
# The following variables (lookup tables) are available, with the semantics
# and syntax as specified in README.lookups:
# %whitelist_sender, @whitelist_sender_acl, $whitelist_sender_re
# %blacklist_sender, @blacklist_sender_acl, $blacklist_sender_re

# @whitelist_sender_acl = qw( .example.com );
# @whitelist_sender_acl = ( ".$mydomain" ); # $mydomain and its subdomains
# NOTE: This is not a reliable way of turning off spam checks for
# locally-originating mail, as sender address can easily be faked.
# To reliably avoid spam-scanning outgoing mail,
# use @bypass_spam_checks_acl .

# $whitelist_sender_re = new_RE(
# qr'^postmaster@.*\bexample\.com$'i,
# qr'^owner-[^@]*@'i, qr'-request@'i,
# qr'\.example\.com$'i );
$blacklist_sender_re = new_RE(
qr'^(bulkmail|offers|cheapbenefits|earnmoney|foryo u|greatcasino)@'i,
qr'^(investments|lose_weight_today|market.alert|mo ney2you|MyGreenCard)@'i,
qr'^(specialoffer|specialoffers|stockalert|stopsno ring|wantsome)@'i,
qr'^(workathome|yesitsfree|your_friend|greatoffers )@'i,

#HASH lookup variant:
# NOTE: Perl operator qw splits its argument string by whitespace
# and produces a list. This means that addresses can not contain
# whitespace, and there is no provision for comments within the string.
# You can use the normal Perl list syntax if you have special requirements,
# e.g. map {...} ('one user@bla', '.second.com'), or use read_hash to read
# addresses from a file.

# a hash lookup table can be read from a file,
# one address per line, comments and empty lines are permitted:
# read_hash(\%whitelist_sender, '/var/amavis/whitelist_sender');

# ... or set directly:

# $whitelist_sender{''} = 1; # don't spam-check MTA bounces

map { $whitelist_sender{lc($_)}=1 } (qw(


# The same semantics as for global white/blacklisting applies, but this
# time each recipient (or its domain, or subdomain, ...) can be given
# an individual lookup table for matching senders. The per-recipient lookups
# override the global lookups, which serve as a fallback default.

# Specify a two-level lookup table: the key for the outer table is recipient,
# and the result should be an inner lookup table (hash or ACL or RE),
# where the key used will be the sender.
#$per_recip_blacklist_sender_lookup_tables = {
# 'user1@my.example.com'=>new_RE(qr'^(inkjetplanet|marketopt|MakeMoney)\d*@' i),
# 'user2@my.example.com'=>[qw( spammer@d1.example,org .d2.example,org )],
#$per_recip_whitelist_sender_lookup_tables = {
# 'user@my.example.com' => [qw( friend@example.org .other.example.org )],
# '.my1.example.com' => [qw( !foe.other.example,org .other.example,org )],
# '.my2.example.com' => read_hash('/var/amavis/my2-wl.dat'),
# 'abuse@' => { 'postmaster@'=>1,
# 'cert-advisory-owner@cert.org'=>1, 'owner-alert@iss.net'=>1 },

# Section VI - Resource limits

# Sanity limit to the number of allowed recipients per SMTP transaction
# $smtpd_recipient_limit = 1000; # (default is 1000)

# Resource limitations to protect against mail bombs (e.g. 42.zip)

# Maximum recursion level for extraction/decoding (0 or undef disables limit)
$MAXLEVELS = 14; # (default is undef, no limit)

# Maximum number of extracted files (0 or undef disables the limit)
$MAXFILES = 1500; # (default is undef, no limit)

# For the cumulative total of all decoded mail parts we set max storage size
# to defend against mail bombs. Even though parts may be deleted (replaced
# by decoded text) during decoding, the size they occupied is _not_ returned
# to the quota pool.
# Parameters to storage quota formula for unpacking/decoding/decompressing
# Formula:
# quota = max($MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA,
# In plain words (later condition overrules previous ones):
# allow MAX_EXPANSION_FACTOR times initial mail size,
# but not more than MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA,
# but not less than MIN_EXPANSION_FACTOR times initial mail size,
# but never less than MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA
$MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 100*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced)
$MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 300*1024*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced)
$MIN_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 5; # times original mail size (must be specified)
$MAX_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 500; # times original mail size (must be specified)

# Section VII - External programs, virus scanners

# Specify a path string, which is a colon-separated string of directories
# (no trailing slashes!) to be assigned to the environment variable PATH
# and to serve for locating external programs below.

# NOTE: if $daemon_chroot_dir is nonempty, the directories will be
# relative to the chroot directory specified;

$path = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin';

# Specify one string or a search list of strings (first match wins).
# The string (or: each string in a list) may be an absolute path,
# or just a program name, to be located via $path;
# Empty string or undef (=default) disables the use of that external program.
# Optionally command arguments may be specified - only the first substring
# up to the whitespace is used for file searching.

$file = 'file'; # file(1) utility; use 3.41 or later to avoid vulnerability

$gzip = 'gzip';
$bzip2 = 'bzip2';
$lzop = 'lzop';
$uncompress = ['uncompress', 'gzip -d', 'zcat'];
$unfreeze = ['unfreeze', 'freeze -d', 'melt', 'fcat'];
$arc = ['nomarch', 'arc'];
$unarj = ['arj', 'unarj']; # both can extract, same options
$unrar = ['rar', 'unrar']; # both can extract, same options
$zoo = 'zoo';
$lha = 'lha';
$cpio = 'cpio'; # comment out if cpio does not support GNU options

# SpamAssassin settings

# $sa_local_tests_only is passed to Mail::SpamAssassin::new as a value
# of the option local_tests_only. See Mail::SpamAssassin man page.
# If set to 1, no tests that require internet access will be performed.
$sa_local_tests_only = 1; # (default: false)
#$sa_auto_whitelist = 1; # turn on AWL (default: false)

$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 64*1024; # don't waste time on SA if mail is larger
# (less than 1% of spam is > 64k)
# default: undef, no limitations

# default values, can be overridden by more specific lookups, e.g. SQL
$sa_tag_level_deflt = 3.0; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level
$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0;
$sa_kill_level_deflt = $sa_tag2_level_deflt; # triggers spam evasive actions
# at or above that level: bounce/reject/drop,
# quarantine, and adding mail address extension
# The $sa_tag_level_deflt, $sa_tag2_level_deflt and $sa_kill_level_deflt
# may also be hashrefs to hash lookup tables, to make static per-recipient
# settings possible without having to resort to SQL or LDAP lookups.

# a quick reference:
# tag_level controls adding the X-Spam-Status and X-Spam-Level headers,
# tag2_level controls adding 'X-Spam-Flag: YES', and editing Subject,
# kill_level controls 'evasive actions' (reject, quarantine, extensions);
# it only makes sense to maintain the relationship:
# tag_level <= tag2_level <= kill_level

# string to prepend to Subject header field when message exceeds tag2 level
#$sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** '; # (defaults to undef, disables)
# (only seen when spam is not to be rejected
# and recipient is in local_domains*)

#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1; # may be a ref to a lookup table, default is true

# Example: modify Subject for all local recipients except user@example.com
#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = [qw( !user@example.com . )];

# @av_scanners is a list of n-tuples, where fields semantics is:
# 1. av scanner plain name, to be used in log and reports;
# 2. scanner program name; this string will be submitted to subroutine
# find_external_programs(), which will try to find the full program
# path name; if program is not found, this scanner is disabled.
# Besides a simple string (full program path name or just the basename
# to be looked for in PATH), this may be an array ref of alternative
# program names or full paths - the first match in the list will be used;
# As a special case for more complex scanners, this field may be
# a subroutine reference, and the whole n-tuple is passed to it as args.
# 3. command arguments to be given to the scanner program;
# a substring {} will be replaced by the directory name to be scanned,
# i.e. "$tempdir/parts"
# 4. an array ref of av scanner exit status values, or a regexp (to be
# matched against scanner output), indicating NO VIRUSES found;
# 5. an array ref of av scanner exit status values, or a regexp (to be
# matched against scanner output), indicating VIRUSES WERE FOUND;
# Note: the virus match prevails over a 'not found' match, so it is safe
# even if 4. matches for viruses too;
# 6. a regexp (to be matched against scanner output), returning a list
# of virus names found.
# 7. and 8.: (optional) subroutines to be executed before and after scanner
# (e.g. to set environment or current directory);
# see examples for these at KasperskyLab AVP and Sophos sweep.

# - NOT DEFINING @av_scanners (e.g. setting it to empty list, or deleting the
# (which can be handy if all you want to do is spam scanning);
# - the order matters: although _all_ available entries from the list are
# always tried regardless of their verdict, scanners are run in the order
# specified: the report from the first one detecting a virus will be used
# (providing virus names and scanner output); REARRANGE THE ORDER TO WILL;
# - it doesn't hurt to keep an unused command line scanner entry in the list
# if the program can not be found; the path search is only performed once
# during the program startup;
# CORROLARY: to disable a scanner that _does_ exist on your system,
# comment out its entry or use undef or '' as its program name/path
# (second parameter). An example where this is almost a must: disable
# Sophos 'sweep' if you have its daemonized version Sophie or SAVI-Perl
# (same for Trophie/vscan, and clamd/clamscan), or if another unrelated
# program happens to have a name matching one of the entries ('sweep'
# again comes to mind);
# - it DOES HURT to keep unwanted entries which use INTERNAL SUBROUTINES
# for interfacing (where the second parameter starts with \&).
# Keeping such entry and not having a corresponding virus scanner daemon
# causes an unnecessary connection attempt (which eventually times out,
# but it wastes precious time). For this reason the daemonized entries
# are commented in the distribution - just remove the '#' where needed.

@av_scanners = (

# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/sophie/
# ['Sophie',
# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/sophie'],
# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],

# ### http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/www/projects/SAVI-Perl/
# ['Sophos SAVI', \&sophos_savi ],

# ### http://clamav.elektrapro.com/
# ['Clam Antivirus-clamd',
# \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", '/var/amavis/clamd'],
# qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
# qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
# # NOTE: run clamd under the same user as amavisd,
# # match the socket name in clamav.conf to the socket name in this entry

# ### http://www.openantivirus.org/
# ['OpenAntiVirus ScannerDaemon (OAV)',
# \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
# qr/^OK/, qr/^FOUND: /, qr/^FOUND: (.+)/ ],

# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/trophie/
# ['Trophie',
# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/trophie'],
# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],

# ### http://www.f-prot.com/
# ['FRISK F-Prot Daemon',
# \&ask_daemon,
# ["GET {}/*?-dumb%20-archive HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
# ['','',' 02',
# '',''] ],
# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>clean<\/summary>/,
# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>infected<\/summary>/,
# qr/(?i)<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ],

# ['KasperskyLab AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)', ['avp','kavscanner'],
# '-* -P -B -Y -O- {}', [0,3,8], [2,4], # any use for -A -K ?
# qr/infected: (.+)/,
# sub {chdir('/opt/AVP') or die "Can't chdir to AVP: $!"},
# sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
# ],

# NOTE: not sure which entry suits which kavscanner version
# ['KasperskyLab kavscanner 4.5', ['/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner','kavscanner'],
# '-i1 -xp {}', [0], [5,20,21,25],
# sub {chdir('/opt/kav/bin') or die "Can't chdir to kav: $!"},
# sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
# ],

# ['KasperskyLab AVPDaemonClient',
# [ '/opt/AVP/kavdaemon', 'kavdaemon',
# '/opt/AVP/AvpDaemonClient', 'AvpDaemonClient',
# '/opt/AVP/AvpTeamDream', 'AvpTeamDream',
# '/opt/AVP/avpdc', 'avpdc' ],
# '{}', [0,8], [3,4,5,6], qr/infected: ([^\r\n]+)/ ],
# change the startup-script in /etc/init.d/kavd to:
# DPARMS="-I0 -Y -* /var/amavis"
# adjusting /var/amavis above to match your $TEMPBASE.
# NOTE: cd /opt/AVP/DaemonClients; configure; cd Sample; make
# cp AvpDaemonClient /opt/AVP/

### http://www.hbedv.com/ or http://www.centralcommand.com/
# ['H+BEDV AntiVir or CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus',
# ['antivir','vexira'],
# '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s -z {}', [0], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,
# qr/(?x)^\s* (?: ALERT: \s* (?: \[ | [^']* ' ) |
# (?i) VIRUS:\ .*?\ virus\ '?) ( [^\]\s']+ )/ ],
# NOTE: remove the -z if you only have a demo version

### http://www.commandsoftware.com/
# ['Command AntiVirus for Linux', 'csav',
# '-all -archive -packed {}', [50], [51,52,53],
# qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],

### http://www.symantec.com/
# ['Symantec CarrierScan via Symantec CommandLineScanner',
# ['cscmdline','savsecls'],
# '-a scan -i 1 -v -s {}',
# qr/Files Infected: 0/, qr/^Infected: /,
# qr/Info:\s+(.+)/ ],

### http://drweb.imshop.de/
# ['DrWeb Antivirus for Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris', 'drweb',
# '-al -ar -fm -go -ha -ml -ot -sd -up {}',
# [0], [1], sub {('no-name')} ],

### http://www.f-secure.com/products/anti-virus/#
# ['F-Secure Antivirus', 'fsav',
# '--dumb --archive {}', [0], [3,8],
# qr/(?:infection|Infected): (.+)/ ],

# ['CAI InoculateIT', 'inocucmd',
# '-sec -nex {}', [0], [100],
# qr/was infected by virus (.+)/ ],

# ['MkS_Vir for Linux (beta)', ['mks32','mks'],
# '-s {}/*', [0], [1,2],
# qr/--[ \t]*(.+)/ ],

['MkS_Vir daemon',
# 'mksscan', '-s -q {}', [0], [1..7],
# qr/^... (\S+)/ ],

### http://www.nod32.com/
# ['ESET Software NOD32', 'nod32',
# '-all -subdir+ {}', [0], [1,2],
# qr/^.+? - (.+?)\s*(?:backdoor|joke|trojan|virus|worm)/ ],

### http://www.nod32.com/
# ['ESET Software NOD32 - Client/Server Version', 'nod32cli',
# '-a -r -d recurse --heur standard {}', [0], [10,11],
# qr/^\S+\s+infected:\s+(.+)/ ],

### http://www.norman.com/products_nvc.shtml
['Norman Virus Control v5 / Linux', 'nvccmd',
'-c -l:0 -s -u {}', [0], [1],
qr/(?i).* virus in .* -> \'(.+)\'/ ],

### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
# ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
# '-aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
# qr/Number of files infected[ \.]*: 0(?!\d)/,
# qr/Number of files infected[ \.]*: 0*[1-9]/,
# qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ],

# Check your RAV license terms before fiddling with the following two lines!
# ['GeCAD RAV AntiVirus 8', 'ravav',
# '--all --archive --mail {}', [1], [2,3,4,5], qr/Infected: (.+)/ ],
# # NOTE: the command line switches changed with scan engine 8.5 !
# # (btw, assigning stdin to /dev/null causes RAV to fail)

### http://www.nai.com/
# ['NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)', 'uvscan',
# '--secure -rv --summary --noboot {}', [0], [13],
# qr/(?x) Found (?:
# \ the\ (.+)\ (?:virus|trojan) |
# \ (?:virus|trojan)\ or\ variant\ ([^ ]+) |
# :\ (.+)\ NOT\ a\ virus)/,
# sub {$ENV{LD_PRELOAD}='/lib/libc.so.6'},
# NOTE with RH9: force the dynamic linker to look at /lib/libc.so.6 before
# anything else by setting environment variable LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libc.so.6

### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
['VirusBuster', ['vbuster', 'vbengcl'],
# VirusBuster Ltd. does not support the daemon version for the workstation
# engine (vbuster-eng-1.12-linux-i386-libc6.tgz) any longer. The names of
# binaries, some parameters AND return codes (from 3 to 1) changed.
"{} -ss -i '*' -log=$MYHOME/vbuster.log", [0], [1],
qr/: '(.*)' - Virus/ ],

# ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
# ['VirusBuster (Client + Daemon)', 'vbengd',
# # HINT: for an infected file it returns always 3,
# # although the man-page tells a different story
# '-f -log scandir {}', [0], [3],
# qr/Virus found = (.*);/ ],

### http://www.cyber.com/
['CyberSoft VFind', 'vfind',
'--vexit {}', [0], [23], qr/##==>>>> VIRUS ID: CVDL (.+)/,
# sub {$ENV{VSTK_HOME}='/usr/lib/vstk'},

### http://www.ikarus-software.com/
['Ikarus AntiVirus for Linux', 'ikarus',
'{}', [0], [40], qr/Signature (.+) found/ ],

### http://www.bitdefender.com/
['BitDefender', 'bdc',
'--all --arc {}', qr/^Infected files *:0(?!\d)/,
qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files) *:0*[1-9]/,
qr/(?:suspected|infected): (.*)\033/ ],


# If no virus scanners from the @av_scanners list produce 'clean' nor
# 'infected' status (e.g. they all fail to run or the list is empty),
# then _all_ scanners from the @av_scanners_backup list are tried.
# When there are both daemonized and command-line scanners available,
# it is customary to place slower command-line scanners in the
# @av_scanners_backup list. The default choice is somewhat arbitrary,
# move entries from one list to another as desired.

@av_scanners_backup = (

### http://clamav.elektrapro.com/
['Clam Antivirus - clamscan', 'clamscan',
'--stdout --disable-summary -r {}', [0], [1],
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],

### http://www.f-prot.com/
['FRISK F-Prot Antivirus', ['f-prot','f-prot.sh'],
'-dumb -archive -packed {}', [0,8], [3,6],
qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],

### http://www.trendmicro.com/
['Trend Micro FileScanner', ['/etc/iscan/vscan','vscan'],
'-a {}', [0], qr/Found virus/, qr/Found virus (.+) in/ ],

# Commented out because the name 'sweep' clashes with the Debian package of
# the same name. Make sure the correct sweep is found in the path when enabling
# ### http://www.sophos.com/
# ['Sophos Anti Virus (sweep)', 'sweep',
# '-nb -f -all -rec -ss -sc -archive {}',
# [0,2], qr/Virus .*? found/,
# qr/^>>> Virus(?:(?: fragment)? '?(.+?)'? found)/,
# # sub {$ENV{SAV_IDE}='/usr/local/sav'},
# ],


# Section VIII - Debugging

# The most useful debugging tool is to run amavisd-new non-detached
# from a terminal window: # amavisd debug

# Some more refined approaches:

# If sender matches ACL, turn debugging fully up, just for this one message
#@debug_sender_acl = ( "test-sender\@$mydomain" );
#@debug_sender_acl = qw( debug@example.com );

# May be useful along with @debug_sender_acl:
# Prevent all decoded originals being deleted (replaced by decoded part)
#$keep_decoded_original_re = new_RE( qr/.*/ );

# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd debug')
#$sa_debug = 1; # defaults to false

1; # insure a defined return

Ebenfalls füge ich eine Teil des Maillogs an.

Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/smtpd[4680]: connect from localhost[]
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/smtpd[4680]: 4D5C91AA6D: client=localhost[]
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/cleanup[4682]: 4D5C91AA6D: message-id=<200403291341.41060.Ulf Lange <>>
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/qmgr[4660]: 4D5C91AA6D: from=<>, size=484, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) lookup_ip_acl: key="" matches "", result=1
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) prolong_timer after new request - timer reset: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) SMTP> 220 [] ESMTP amavisd-new service ready
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) prolong_timer after reading SMTP command: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) SMTP< EHLO linux.local\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP> 250-[]
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP> 250-PIPELINING
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP> 250-SIZE
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP> 250-8BITMIME
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP> 250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) prolong_timer after reading SMTP command: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) ESMTP< MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=484\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-02) prolong_timer after MAIL FROM received - timer reset: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_acl: key="", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after reading SMTP command: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP< RCPT TO:<u303208@>\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP> 250 2.1.5 Recipient u303208@ OK
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after reading SMTP command: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP< DATA\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after DATA received - timer reset: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP::10024 /var/spool/amavis/amavis-20040329T134144-03509: <> -> <u303208@> Received: SIZE=484 from linux.local ([]) by localhost (linux []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id 03509-03 for <u303208@>; Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:41:44 +0200 (CEST)
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/smtpd[4680]: disconnect from localhost[]
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP< .\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) body hash: 3d4fd7c3133fc5c7210848c495227de2
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Original mail size: 467; quota set to: 233500 bytes
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Checking: <> -> <u303208@>
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_acl: key="u303208@", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_acl: key="u303208@", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Extracting mime components
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Issued a new file name: part-00001
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) mime_decode: Content-type: text/plain, name:
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Charging 11 bytes to remaining quota 233500 (out of 233500, (0%)) - by mime_decode
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after mime_decode-1: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Checking for banned MIME types and names
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) check_for_banned - mime-type: text/plain
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_RE: key="text/plain", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_acl: key="u303208@", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) decode_parts: level=1, #parts=1 : part-00001
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) run_command: [4683] /usr/bin/file /var/spool/amavis/amavis-20040329T134144-03509/parts/part-00001 </dev/null 2>/dev/null
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) File-type of part-00001: ASCII text; (.asc)
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_acl: key="u303208@", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) Checking for banned (contents-based) file types, 1 parts
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) check_for_banned (part-00001) - file type: .asc
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_RE: key=".asc", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) check_for_banned (part-00001) - file type: ASCII text
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) lookup_RE: key="ASCII text", no match
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) do_ascii: Decoding part part-00001 (0 items)
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) decompose_part: part-00001 - atomic
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after decoding: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) WARN: all primary virus scanners failed, considering backups
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after virus_scan: remaining time = 300 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) TROUBLE in check_mail: virus_scan FAILED: NO VIRUS SCANNERS AVAILABLE
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) sending SMTP response: "451 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=03509-03, virus_scan FAILED: NO VIRUS SCANNERS AVAILABLE"
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) timer stopped after DATA end
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) PRESERVING EVIDENCE in /var/spool/amavis/amavis-20040329T134144-03509
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) TIMING [total 78 ms] - SMTP EHLO: 3 (3%), SMTP pre-MAIL: 1 (2%), mkdir tempdir: 1 (1%), create email.txt: 1 (1%), SMTP pre-DATA-flush: 5 (6%), SMTP DATA: 36 (47%), body hash: 0 (1%), mkdir parts: 1 (1%), mime_decode: 14 (18%), get-file-type: 11 (14%), decompose_part: 2 (3%), parts: 0 (0%), rundown: 2 (3%)
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP> 451 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=03509-03, virus_scan FAILED: NO VIRUS SCANNERS AVAILABLE
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) prolong_timer after reading SMTP command: remaining time = 0 s
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP< QUIT\r\n
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux amavis[3509]: (03509-03) ESMTP> 221 2.0.0 [] (amavisd) closing transmission channel
Mar 29 13:41:44 linux postfix/smtp[4665]: 4D5C91AA6D: to=<u303208@>, relay=localhost[], delay=0, status=deferred (host localhost[] said: 451 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=03509-03, virus_scan FAILED: NO VIRUS SCANNERS AVAILABLE (in reply to end of DATA command))

Vielleicht seht Ihr ja mehr als ich.



29.03.04, 15:03
Funktioniert es mit Antivir?????????????
Ist der Default-Antivirus.

Falls ja, dann wird wohl der Virenscanner Norman Virus Control nicht richtig angesprochen bzw. der Virenscanner selber funktioniert nicht.
Ist NVC ein Kommandlinescanner (wie Antivir) oder ein Daemon.
Falls letzteres, ist die Einbindung wohl ohne Amavis zu erledigen.


29.03.04, 16:03
Bitte Configdateien in Zukunft innerhalb eines code-Tags benutzen.

Funktioniert denn der Aufruf des Antivirenprogramms auf der Commandozeile?

Gib mal ein:

nvccmd --help

wenn er sagt, dass er das Programm nicht findet ist es nicht installiert oder nicht im Suchpfad