Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : NFS Underground Debugger ?

04.03.04, 21:40
hab mir jetzt cvswinex drauf gemacht und wollte NFS Underground spielen, aber ich bekomm ne Meldung von wegen

Ein Debugger wurde entdeckt
entffernen sie den Debugger und versuchen sie es erneut

das steht im terminal

fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
fixme:ver:GetVersionExA OSVERSIONINFOA is too large (possibly OSVERSIONINFOEXA)
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_XRender_Finalize Free cached glyphsets
[darthcrawl@localhost cdrom]$ fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~e5d141.tmp,...): NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ignored
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Force selection of a TrueType font!
err:int:INSTR_IDT_Emulate Evil attempt to exploit win9x system security flaws detected
err:int:INSTR_IDT_Emulate UNIX system security is too strong, can't emulate properly
fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD SICE. Try --winver nt40 or win31 !
fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD SIWVID. Try --winver nt40 or win31 !
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10021 belongs to other process
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Using closest match instead (German keyboard layout without dead keys) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See the Wine User Guide, chapter "Keyboard" for more information.
err:dosfs:DOSFS_FindNextEx_OpenDir Unable to open the dir
err:dosfs:DOSFS_FindNextEx_OpenDir Unable to open the dir

Was für nen Debugger ? Meint der gcc ?

05.03.04, 14:35
Sorry, aber hättest du möglicherweise die Güte die winex log in
[CODE] Tags zu schließen?


Schonmal mit nem NoCd Crack versucht?

05.03.04, 14:50
Wie haste configure aufgerufen ? Holarse Anleitung gelesen ? Da steht ein parameter irgendwas mit -disable-debug oder so bei, vieleicht leigs daran.
www.holarse.de, da ma schaun