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Thema: Cups Drucker fuer user unsichtbar

  1. #1

    Cups Drucker fuer user unsichtbar


    habe folgendes Problem, aus heiterem Himmel,
    Ich kann als user A die in CUPS (Version 1.1.23) konfigurierten Drucker nicht mehr sehen, geschweige denn darauf drucken, im KDE frontend erhalten ich beim Versuch als root den cups neu zu starten die Meldung

    Neustart des Druckservers ist nicht möglich. Fehlermeldung des Verwaltungsprogramms:
    Unable to find a running CUPS server

    Unter yast (distri suse 9.3) sieht aber alles ganz normal aus
    auch ein ps -x sag mir, dass der cupsd läuft, und unter user B (selbe gruppenzugehörigkeit) funzt alles wie gehabt

    hat jemand eine Idee?


    hier meine cupsd.conf

    # CUPS configuration file, generated by CUPS configuration tool.
    # This tool is part of KDEPrint, the printing framework for KDE
    # since version 2.2.2 and is used by the CUPS supporting module
    # in KDEPrint. The predecessors to KDEPrint in former KDE releases
    # were KUPS and QtCUPS; they are deprecated and no longer maintained.
    # Author: Michael Goffioul
    # Web site:
    ################################################## ######################
    # #
    # This is the CUPS configuration file. If you are familiar with #
    # Apache or any of the other popular web servers, we've followed the #
    # same format. Any configuration variable used here has the same #
    # semantics as the corresponding variable in Apache. If we need #
    # different functionality then a different name is used to avoid #
    # confusion... #
    # #
    ################################################## ######################

    # Server

    # Server name (ServerName)
    # The hostname of your server, as advertised to the world.
    # By default CUPS will use the hostname of the system.
    # To set the default server used by clients, see the client.conf file.
    # ex:

    # Server administrator (ServerAdmin)
    # The email address to send all complaints or problems to.
    # By default CUPS will use "root@hostname".
    # ex:

    # Classification (Classification)
    # The classification level of the server. If set, this
    # classification is displayed on all pages, and raw printing is disabled.
    # The default is the empty string.
    # ex: confidential
    #Classification classified

    Classification none

    # Allow overrides (ClassifyOverride)
    # Whether to allow users to override the classification
    # on printouts. If enabled, users can limit banner pages to before or
    # after the job, and can change the classification of a job, but cannot
    # completely eliminate the classification or banners.
    # The default is off.
    #ClassifyOverride off

    # Default character set (DefaultCharset)
    # The default character set to use. If not specified,
    # defaults to utf-8. Note that this can also be overridden in
    # HTML documents...
    # ex: utf-8
    #DefaultCharset utf-8

    DefaultCharset UTF-8

    # Default language (DefaultLanguage)
    # The default language if not specified by the browser.
    # If not specified, the current locale is used.
    # ex: en
    #DefaultLanguage en

    DefaultLanguage en

    # Printcap file (Printcap)
    # The name of the printcap file. Default is no filename.
    # Leave blank to disable printcap file generation.
    # ex: /etc/printcap
    #Printcap /etc/printcap

    Printcap /etc/printcap

    PrintcapFormat BSD

    # Security

    # Remote root user (RemoteRoot)
    # The name of the user assigned to unauthenticated accesses
    # from remote systems. By default "remroot".
    # ex: remroot
    #RemoteRoot remroot

    RemoteRoot remroot

    # System group (SystemGroup)
    # The group name for "System" (printer administration)
    # access. The default varies depending on the operating system, but
    # will be sys, system, or root (checked for in that order).
    # ex: sys
    #SystemGroup sys

    SystemGroup sys

    # Encryption certificate (ServerCertificate)
    # The file to read containing the server's certificate.
    # Defaults to "/etc/cups/ssl/server.crt".
    # ex: /etc/cups/ssl/server.crt
    #ServerCertificate /etc/cups/ssl/server.crt

    ServerCertificate /etc/cups/ssl/server.crt

    # Encryption key (ServerKey)
    # The file to read containing the server's key.
    # Defaults to "/etc/cups/ssl/server.key".
    # ex: /etc/cups/ssl/server.key
    #ServerKey /etc/cups/ssl/server.key

    ServerKey /etc/cups/ssl/server.key

    # Access permissions
    # Access permissions for each directory served by the scheduler.
    # Locations are relative to DocumentRoot...
    # AuthType: the authorization to use:
    # None - Perform no authentication
    # Basic - Perform authentication using the HTTP Basic method.
    # Digest - Perform authentication using the HTTP Digest method.
    # (Note: local certificate authentication can be substituted by
    # the client for Basic or Digest when connecting to the
    # localhost interface)
    # AuthClass: the authorization class; currently only Anonymous, User,
    # System (valid user belonging to group SystemGroup), and Group
    # (valid user belonging to the specified group) are supported.
    # AuthGroupName: the group name for "Group" authorization.
    # Order: the order of Allow/Deny processing.
    # Allow: allows access from the specified hostname, domain, IP address, or
    # network.
    # Deny: denies access from the specified hostname, domain, IP address, or
    # network.
    # Both "Allow" and "Deny" accept the following notations for addresses:
    # All
    # None
    # *
    # nnn.*
    # nnn.nnn.*
    # nnn.nnn.nnn.*
    # nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
    # nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/mm
    # nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm
    # The host and domain address require that you enable hostname lookups
    # with "HostNameLookups On" above.
    # Encryption: whether or not to use encryption; this depends on having
    # the OpenSSL library linked into the CUPS library and scheduler.
    # Possible values:
    # Always - Always use encryption (SSL)
    # Never - Never use encryption
    # Required - Use TLS encryption upgrade
    # IfRequested - Use encryption if the server requests it
    # The default value is "IfRequested".
    #<Location [resource_name]>
    # You may wish to limit access to printers and classes, either with Allow
    # and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
    ## Anonymous access (default)
    #AuthType None
    ## Require a username and password (Basic authentication)
    #AuthType Basic
    #AuthClass User
    ## Require a username and password (Digest/MD5 authentication)
    #AuthType Digest
    #AuthClass User
    ## Restrict access to local domain
    #Order Deny,Allow
    #Deny From All
    #Allow From
    ## Use encryption if requested
    #Encryption IfRequested

    <Location />
    Encryption IfRequested
    Satisfy All
    Order deny,allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Allow From @LOCAL
    <Location /admin>
    AuthType Basic
    Require group sys
    Encryption IfRequested
    Satisfy All
    Order deny,allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From

    # Network

    # Hostname lookups (HostNameLookups)
    # Whether or not to do lookups on IP addresses to get a
    # fully-qualified hostname. This defaults to Off for performance reasons...
    # ex: On
    #HostNameLookups On

    HostnameLookups Off

    # Keep alive (KeepAlive)
    # Whether or not to support the Keep-Alive connection
    # option. Default is on.
    # ex: On
    #KeepAlive On

    KeepAlive On

    # Keep-alive timeout (KeepAliveTimeout)
    # The timeout (in seconds) before Keep-Alive connections are
    # automatically closed. Default is 60 seconds.
    # ex: 60
    #KeepAliveTimeout 60

    KeepAliveTimeout 60

    # Max clients (MaxClients)
    # Controls the maximum number of simultaneous clients that
    # will be handled. Defaults to 100.
    # ex: 100
    #MaxClients 100

    MaxClients 100

    # Max request size (MaxRequestSize)
    # Controls the maximum size of HTTP requests and print files.
    # Set to 0 to disable this feature (defaults to 0).
    # ex: 0
    #MaxRequestSize 0

    MaxRequestSize 0m

    # Client timeout (Timeout)
    # The timeout (in seconds) before requests time out. Default is 300 seconds.
    # ex: 300
    #Timeout 300

    Timeout 300

    # Listen to (Port/Listen)
    # Ports/addresses that are listened to. The default port 631 is reserved
    # for the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) and is what is used here.
    # You can have multiple Port/Listen lines to listen to more than one
    # port or address, or to restrict access.
    # Note: Unfortunately, most web browsers don't support TLS or HTTP Upgrades
    # for encryption. If you want to support web-based encryption you will
    # probably need to listen on port 443 (the "HTTPS" port...).
    # ex: 631, myhost:80,
    # Port 80
    # Port 631
    # Listen hostname
    # Listen hostname:80
    # Listen hostname:631
    # Listen
    # Listen
    #Port 631

    Listen *:631

    # Log

    # Access log (AccessLog)
    # The access log file; if this does not start with a leading /
    # then it is assumed to be relative to ServerRoot. By default set to
    # "/var/log/cups/access_log".
    # You can also use the special name syslog to send the output to the
    # syslog file or daemon.
    # ex: /var/log/cups/access_log
    #AccessLog /var/log/cups/access_log

    AccessLog /var/log/cups/access_log

    # Error log (ErrorLog)
    # The error log file; if this does not start with a leading /
    # then it is assumed to be relative to ServerRoot. By default set to
    # "/var/log/cups/error_log".
    # You can also use the special name syslog to send the output to the
    # syslog file or daemon.
    # ex: /var/log/cups/error_log
    #ErrorLog /var/log/cups/error_log

    ErrorLog /var/log/cups/error_log

    # Page log (PageLog)
    # The page log file; if this does not start with a leading /
    # then it is assumed to be relative to ServerRoot. By default set to
    # "/var/log/cups/page_log".
    # You can also use the special name syslog to send the output to the
    # syslog file or daemon.
    # ex: /var/log/cups/page_log
    #PageLog /var/log/cups/page_log

    PageLog /var/log/cups/page_log

    # Max log size (MaxLogSize)
    # Controls the maximum size of each log file before they are
    # rotated. Defaults to 1048576 (1MB). Set to 0 to disable log rotating.
    # ex: 1048576
    #MaxLogSize 0

    MaxLogSize 1m

    # Log level (LogLevel)
    # Controls the number of messages logged to the ErrorLog
    # file and can be one of the following:
    # debug2: Log everything.
    # debug: Log almost everything.
    # info: Log all requests and state changes.
    # warn: Log errors and warnings.
    # error: Log only errors.
    # none: Log nothing.
    # ex: info
    #LogLevel info

    LogLevel debug

    # Jobs

    # Preserve job history (PreserveJobHistory)
    # Whether or not to preserve the job history after a
    # job is completed, canceled, or stopped. Default is Yes.
    # ex: Yes
    #PreserveJobHistory Yes

    PreserveJobHistory On

    # Preserve job files (PreserveJobFiles)
    # Whether or not to preserve the job files after a
    # job is completed, canceled, or stopped. Default is No.
    # ex: No
    #PreserveJobFiles No

    PreserveJobFiles Off

    # Auto purge jobs (AutoPurgeJobs)
    # Automatically purge jobs when not needed for quotas.
    # Default is No.
    #AutoPurgeJobs No

    AutoPurgeJobs No

    # Max jobs (MaxJobs)
    # Maximum number of jobs to keep in memory (active and completed).
    # Default is 0 (no limit).
    #MaxJobs 0

    MaxJobs 0

    # Max jobs per printer (MaxJobsPerPrinter)
    # The MaxJobsPerPrinter directive controls the maximum number of active
    # jobs that are allowed for each printer or class. Once a printer or class
    # reaches the limit, new jobs will be rejected until one of the active jobs
    # is completed, stopped, aborted, or canceled.
    # Setting the maximum to 0 disables this functionality.
    # Default is 0 (no limit).
    #MaxJobsPerPrinter 0

    MaxJobsPerPrinter 0

    # Max jobs per user (MaxJobsPerUser)
    # The MaxJobsPerUser directive controls the maximum number of active
    # jobs that are allowed for each user. Once a user reaches the limit, new
    # jobs will be rejected until one of the active jobs is completed, stopped,
    # aborted, or canceled.
    # Setting the maximum to 0 disables this functionality.
    # Default is 0 (no limit).
    #MaxJobsPerUser 0

    MaxJobsPerUser 0

    # Filter

    # User (User)
    # The user the server runs under. Normally this
    # must be lp, however you can configure things for another user
    # as needed.
    # Note: the server must be run initially as root to support the
    # default IPP port of 631. It changes users whenever an external
    # program is run...
    # ex: lp
    #User lp

    User lp

    # Group (Group)
    # The group the server runs under. Normally this
    # must be sys, however you can configure things for another
    # group as needed.
    # ex: sys
    #Group sys

    Group lp

    # RIP cache (RIPCache)
    # The amount of memory that each RIP should use to cache
    # bitmaps. The value can be any real number followed by "k" for
    # kilobytes, "m" for megabytes, "g" for gigabytes, or "t" for tiles
    # (1 tile = 256x256 pixels). Defaults to "8m" (8 megabytes).
    # ex: 8m
    #RIPCache 8m

    RIPCache 8m

    # Filter limit (FilterLimit)
    # Sets the maximum cost of all job filters that can be run
    # at the same time. A limit of 0 means no limit. A typical job may need
    # a filter limit of at least 200; limits less than the minimum required
    # by a job force a single job to be printed at any time.
    # The default limit is 0 (unlimited).
    # ex: 200
    #FilterLimit 0

    FilterLimit 0

    # Directories

    # Data directory (DataDir)
    # The root directory for the CUPS data files.
    # By default /usr/share/cups.
    # ex: /usr/share/cups
    #DataDir /usr/share/cups

    DataDir /usr/share/cups

    # Document directory (DocumentRoot)
    # The root directory for HTTP documents that are served.
    # By default the compiled-in directory.
    # ex: /usr/share/cups/doc
    #DocumentRoot /usr/share/cups/doc

    DocumentRoot /usr/share/cups/doc

    # Font path (FontPath)
    # The path to locate all font files (currently only for pstoraster).
    # By default /usr/share/cups/fonts.
    # ex: /usr/share/cups/fonts
    #FontPath /usr/share/cups/fonts

    # Request directory (RequestRoot)
    # The directory where request files are stored.
    # By default /var/spool/cups.
    # ex: /var/spool/cups
    #RequestRoot /var/spool/cups

    RequestRoot /var/spool/cups

    # Server binaries (ServerBin)
    # The root directory for the scheduler executables.
    # By default /usr/lib/cups or /usr/lib32/cups (IRIX 6.5).
    # ex: /usr/lib/cups
    #ServerBin /usr/lib/cups

    ServerBin /usr/lib/cups

    # Server files (ServerRoot)
    # The root directory for the scheduler.
    # By default /etc/cups.
    # ex: /etc/cups
    #ServerRoot /etc/cups

    ServerRoot /etc/cups

    # Temporary files (TempDir)
    # The directory to put temporary files in. This directory must be
    # writable by the user defined above! Defaults to "/var/spool/cups/tmp" or
    # the value of the TMPDIR environment variable.
    # ex: /var/spool/cups/tmp
    #TempDir /var/spool/cups/tmp

    TempDir /var/spool/cups/tmp

    # Browsing

    # Use browsing (Browsing)
    # Whether or not to listen to printer
    # information from other CUPS servers.
    # Enabled by default.
    # Note: to enable the sending of browsing
    # information from this CUPS server to the LAN,
    # specify a valid BrowseAddress.
    # ex: On
    #Browsing On

    Browsing On

    # Browse protocols (BrowseProtocols)
    # Which protocols to use for browsing. Can be
    # any of the following separated by whitespace and/or commas:
    # all - Use all supported protocols.
    # cups - Use the CUPS browse protocol.
    # slp - Use the SLPv2 protocol.
    # The default is cups.
    # Note: If you choose to use SLPv2, it is strongly recommended that
    # you have at least one SLP Directory Agent (DA) on your
    # network. Otherwise, browse updates can take several seconds,
    # during which the scheduler will not response to client
    # requests.
    #BrowseProtocols cups

    BrowseProtocols CUPS

    # Browse port (BrowsePort)
    # The port used for UDP broadcasts. By default this is
    # the IPP port; if you change this you need to do it on all servers.
    # Only one BrowsePort is recognized.
    # ex: 631
    #BrowsePort 631

    BrowsePort 631

    # Browse interval (BrowseInterval)
    # The time between browsing updates in seconds. Default
    # is 30 seconds.
    # Note that browsing information is sent whenever a printer's state changes
    # as well, so this represents the maximum time between updates.
    # Set this to 0 to disable outgoing broadcasts so your local printers are
    # not advertised but you can still see printers on other hosts.
    # ex: 30
    #BrowseInterval 30

    BrowseInterval 30

    # Browse timeout (BrowseTimeout)
    # The timeout (in seconds) for network printers - if we don't
    # get an update within this time the printer will be removed
    # from the printer list. This number definitely should not be
    # less the BrowseInterval value for obvious reasons. Defaults
    # to 300 seconds.
    # ex: 300
    #BrowseTimeout 300

    BrowseTimeout 300

    # Browse addresses (BrowseAddress)
    # Specifies a broadcast address to be used. By
    # default browsing information is broadcast to all active interfaces.
    # Note: HP-UX 10.20 and earlier do not properly handle broadcast unless
    # you have a Class A, B, C, or D netmask (i.e. no CIDR support).
    # ex: x.y.z.255, x.y.255.255
    #BrowseAddress x.y.z.255
    #BrowseAddress x.y.255.255
    #BrowseAddress x.255.255.255

    BrowseAllow @LOCAL
    BrowseDeny All
    BrowseAddress @LOCAL

    # Browse order (BrowseOrder)
    # Specifies the order of BrowseAllow/BrowseDeny comparisons.
    # ex: allow,deny
    #BrowseOrder allow,deny
    #BrowseOrder deny,allow

    BrowseOrder allow,deny

    # Implicit classes (ImplicitClasses)
    # Whether or not to use implicit classes.
    # Printer classes can be specified explicitly in the classes.conf
    # file, implicitly based upon the printers available on the LAN, or
    # both.
    # When ImplicitClasses is On, printers on the LAN with the same name
    # (e.g. Acme-LaserPrint-1000) will be put into a class with the same
    # name. This allows you to setup multiple redundant queues on a LAN
    # without a lot of administrative difficulties. If a user sends a
    # job to Acme-LaserPrint-1000, the job will go to the first available
    # queue.
    # Enabled by default.
    #ImplicitClasses Off

    ImplicitClasses On

    # Use &quot;any&quot; classes (ImplicitAnyClasses)
    # Whether or not to create AnyPrinter implicit
    # classes.
    # When ImplicitAnyClasses is On and a local queue of the same name
    # exists, e.g. "printer", "printer@server1", "printer@server1", then
    # an implicit class called "Anyprinter" is created instead.
    # When ImplicitAnyClasses is Off, implicit classes are not created
    # when there is a local queue of the same name.
    # Disabled by default.
    #ImplicitAnyCLasses Off

    ImplicitAnyClasses Off

    # Hide implicit members (HideImplicitMembers)
    # Whether or not to show the members of an
    # implicit class.
    # When HideImplicitMembers is On, any remote printers that are
    # part of an implicit class are hidden from the user, who will
    # then only see a single queue even though many queues will be
    # supporting the implicit class.
    # Enabled by default.
    #HideImplicitMembers On

    HideImplicitMembers Yes

    # Use short names (BrowseShortNames)
    # Whether or not to use "short" names for remote printers
    # when possible (e.g. "printer" instead of "printer@host"). Enabled by
    # default.
    # ex: Yes
    #BrowseShortNames Yes

    BrowseShortNames Yes

    # Unknown
    runasuser No

  2. #2

    scheint KDE Problem zu sein

    unter OpenOffice / Firefox etc. kann ich drucken, möglicherweise habe ich das Problem schon länger und es ist nur aufgefallen, weil ich heute mal was aus kwrite ausdrucken wollte....

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2003
    kann aber auch an den jeweiligen clients liegen.

    cups sendet drucker infos über braodcast. wird broadcastverkehr gefiltert oder von der firewall gedropped, siehst du den drucker nie, kannst ihn aber manuell einrichte und verwenden.

    wenn du willst, das auf andere cups-server gelauscht werden soll, musst du braodcast verkehr erlauben und bei neueren cups versionen braodcast extra in der cupsd.conf freigeben.
    Geändert von sysop (11.11.06 um 12:59 Uhr)
    gruss sys;-)

  4. #4
    hab das Problem gefunden
    broadcast war es nicht, das war eingestellt, viel simpler ....,

    in der KDE Druckerverwaltung war für den user nicht eingestellt, das KDE ueber CUPS drucken soll, sondern das aktuelle Drucksystem stand auf
    "über ein externes Programm drucken" !!!

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