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Thema: Grafikfehler bei Halflife2+Counter-strike source

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005

    Grafikfehler bei Halflife2+Counter-strike source

    Ich habe Steam unter cedega 4.4.1 installiert ging auch alles ohne Probleme.Halflife2+Counter strike source runtergeladen und gestartet doch beide Spiele habe Grafikprobleme.Das heißt es fehlen Texturen und wenn ich ein Spiel gestartet habe und Esc drücke kann ich das Menü nicht sehen.Außerdem beschwert er sich immer wenn ich Hl2 starte das er die Grafikkarte nicht kenne.Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie ich das Problem aus der Welt schaffen kann?

    Ich häng mal n Screenshot an:
    Geändert von Bladeking (11.09.05 um 09:32 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    wenn du eine ati grafikkarte hast, ist es empfohlen die pixel shader unterstützung in cedega auszuschalten!
    das er die graka nich erkennt is laut transgaming support bei steam normal und beeinflusst die spielleistung in keinster weise!

    ich hab aber im mom das problem das steam jedes mal einfriert (bzw mein ganzer pc) wenn ich bei dieser graka meldung auf "trotzdem spielen" klicke...
    naja mal sehen...

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    Wie schalte ich den Pixelshader aus?Ich finde in der Cedega config keinen eintrag.

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    Ich häng mal meine Config an.(Hab das mit dem Pixelshader wie man sieht probiert funzt aber trotzdem net)

    WINE REGISTRY Version 2
    ;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config

    ;; MS-DOS drives configuration
    ;; Each section has the following format:
    ;; [Drive X]
    ;; "Path"="xxx" (Unix path for drive root)
    ;; "Type"="xxx" (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network')
    ;; "Label"="xxx" (drive label, at most 11 characters)
    ;; "Serial"="xxx" (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number)
    ;; "Filesystem"="xxx" (supported types are 'msdos'/'dos'/'fat', 'win95'/'vfat', 'unix')
    ;; This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain
    ;; directory structure.
    ;; Recommended:
    ;; - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32
    ;; - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended)
    ;; DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib !
    ;; "Device"="/dev/xx" (only if you want to allow raw device access)
    [Drive C]
    "Path" = "/root/.transgaming/c_drive"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "Dos Drive"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"

    [Drive D]
    "Path" = "${HOME}"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "My Home"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"

    [Drive E]
    "Path" = "/tmp"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "tmp"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"

    [Drive G]
    "Path" = "/"
    "Type" = "hd"
    "Label" = "root"
    "Filesystem" = "win95"

    "Windows" = "c:\\windows"
    "System" = "c:\\windows\\system32\\"
    "Temp" = "e:\\"
    "Path" = "c:\\windows\\;c:\\windows\\system32\\"
    "GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
    ; Wine doesn't pass directory symlinks to Windows programs by default.
    ; Enabling this may crash some programs that do recursive lookups of a whole
    ; subdir tree in case of a symlink pointing back to itself.
    ; Note: The WINESHELLLINK Environment variable will override this setting.
    ; (which is set in the winex startup script)
    ;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
    "ShellLinker" = "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/winex/bin/wineshelllink"
    ; Browser to be used by winebrowserlink.
    ; Note: The WINEBROWSER Environment variable will override this setting.
    ;"Browser" = "/usr/bin/konqueror"
    ; Use the mozilla control as the IE control where available
    ;"MozillaControl" = "Y"

    # <wineconf>

    "DefaultLoadOrder" = "native, builtin, so"

    "commdlg" = "builtin, native"
    "comdlg32" = "builtin, native"
    "oleaut32" = "builtin, native"
    "ver" = "builtin, native"
    "version" = "builtin, native"
    "shell" = "builtin, native"
    "shell32" = "builtin, native"
    "shfolder" = "builtin, native"
    "shlwapi" = "builtin, native"
    "lzexpand" = "builtin, native"
    "lz32" = "builtin, native"
    "comctl32" = "builtin, native"
    "commctrl" = "builtin, native"
    "advapi32" = "builtin, native"
    "crtdll" = "builtin, native"
    "mpr" = "builtin, native"
    "winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "d3d8" = "builtin, native"
    "d3d9" = "builtin, native"
    "d3drm" = "builtin, native"
    "ddraw" = "builtin, native"
    "dinput" = "builtin, native"
    "dinput8" = "builtin, native"
    "dmusic" = "builtin, native"
    "dsound" = "builtin, native"
    "opengl32" = "builtin, native"
    "msvcrt" = "native, builtin"
    "rpcrt4" = "native, builtin"
    "msvideo" = "builtin, native"
    "msvfw32" = "builtin, native"
    "mcicda.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "mciseq.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "mciwave.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "mciavi.drv" = "native, builtin"
    "mcianim.drv" = "native, builtin"
    "msacm.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "msacm" = "builtin, native"
    "msacm32" = "builtin, native"
    "midimap.drv" = "builtin, native"
    "wininet" = "builtin, native"

    ; Windows version to imitate. Valid versions are: 'win20', 'win30', 'win31', 'win95', 'win98', 'winme', 'nt351', 'nt40', 'win2000', 'winxp'
    "Windows" = "win98"
    ; DOS version to imitate
    ;"DOS" = "6.22"

    ; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
    "AllocSystemColors" = "100"
    ; Number of colors to copy from the default palette
    "CopyDefaultColors" = "0"
    ; Use a private color map
    "PrivateColorMap" = "N"
    ; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
    "PerfectGraphics" = "N"
    ; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
    ;;"ScreenDepth" = "16"
    ; Name of X11 display to use
    ;;"Display" = ":0.0"
    ; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
    "Managed" = "Y"
    ; Use a desktop window of the given size
    ;"Desktop" = "800x600"
    ; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
    ; (make sure /dev/mem is accessible by you !)
    "UseDGA" = "N"
    ; Use XShm extension if present
    "UseXShm" = "Y"
    ; Enable DirectX mouse grab
    "DXGrab" = "Y"
    ; Use XVidMode extension if present
    "UseXVidMode" = "Y"
    ; Use XRandR extension if present
    "UseXRandR" = "N"
    ; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
    ; (useful to play OpenGL games)
    "DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"
    ; Code page used for captions in managed mode
    ; 0 means default ANSI code page (CP_ACP == 0)
    "TextCP" = "0"
    ; Use this if you have more than one port for video on your setup
    ; (Wine uses for now the first 'input image' it finds).
    ;; "XVideoPort" = "43"
    ; Use this to make your X server execute all commands
    ; sequentially rather than buffering commands. Will make
    ; everything really SLOW but can be nice for debugging.
    ;; "Synchronous" = "Y"
    ; Enable the FPS count on the TransGaming HUD (also activates the HUD)
    ;; "ShowFPS" = "Y"
    ; Enable memory statistics on the TransGaming HUD (must have ShowFPS activated)
    ;; "ShowMem" = "Y"
    ; How much Video RAM does your card have?
    "VideoRam" = "32"
    ; How much AGP memory should be used for vertex data (about 1/2 your AGP aperature size)
    "AGPVertexRam" = "32"
    ; Use NV_VAR (enabled by default)
    ;;"NV_VAR" = "Y"
    ; Use ARB_VBO (enabled by default, NV_VAR takes precendence)
    ;;"ARB_VBO" = "Y"

    "AnisotropicTextureFiltering" = "N"
    "VertexShaders" = "Y"
    ; type of vertex shaders to use (Hardware/Software/Auto)
    ; hardware will use whatever the opengl drivers make available
    ; software will use winex software emulation (will be slow!)
    ; (has not been implemented yet!)
    ;; "VertexShaderMode" = "Auto"
    "PixelShaders" = "Y"
    ; Which version of pixel shaders to attempt to use, if available
    ;;"PixelShadersLevel" = "1.1"
    "ClipSpaceFix" = "Y"
    ; enable software vertex blend weight support (Yes/No/Auto)
    ; provide software blending fallback if hardware support not available
    ; (has not been implemented yet!)
    ;; "SoftwareVertexBlending" = "Auto"
    ; (dev-only) Maximum number of texture stages that WineX should attempt to use (1-8)
    ;; "MaxTextureStages" = "8"
    ; (dev-only) Identify polygons under the mouse cursor
    ;; "InterceptMode" = "N"
    ; (dev-only) apply fragment translation in vertex program (No/Tex/Auto/Pos)
    ;;"FragmentOffset" = "Auto"
    ; use the fixed function over vertex shader pipeline (Yes/No/Auto)
    ;;"FixedProgram" = "Auto"
    ; (dev-only) Provide non power of two texture support using rectangle textures (Yes/No/Auto)
    ;;"RectangleTextures" = "Auto"

    ; Report a truncated list of OpenGL extensions to the application
    ;;"FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "N"
    ; list of additions (+) or deletions (-) to the list of extensions
    ; reported when FixedGLExtensionBuffer is enabled. Note that extensions
    ; cannot be enabled if they are not supported by your video card/drivers
    ;;"GLExtensionBuffer" = "+GL_ARB_imaging,-GL_ARB_depth_texture"

    ; dead zone for joystick input from 0 to 10000. 1000 is 10% of range.
    "DefaultDeadZone" = "1000"

    ;; Configuration of the function of joystick axes
    ;; The joystick name and axis functions can be determined with jstest.
    ;; The available axis types are:
    ;; "none", "X", "Y", "Z", "RX", "RY", "RZ",
    ;; "slider", "hat", "POV", and "ball"
    ;; "hat" and "POV" are synonymous. Hats use two axes.

    "Logitech Inc. WingMan RumblePad" = "X,Y,slider,Z,RZ,hat,none"

    ;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
    "Resolution" = "96"
    "Default" = "-adobe-times-"
    ; Use new improved fonts (uses FreeType and XRender libraries) at user request.
    ; Defaults to "Y".
    ;"FreeType" = "Y"

    "Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
    "Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
    "Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
    "Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"


    ;; Add font aliases here. On the left put the name of the windows font family
    ;; that you want to fake, on the right put the a similar font family that you
    ;; have installed. These will override the fontconfig and the WineX builtin fallbacks,
    ;; but may look better (if you choose them correctly).
    ;; Alias' may refer to other alias' that have been defined above them.
    ;; These alias' are the first that WineX loads.
    ;; Serif Fonts
    ;"Times New Roman"="Times"
    "MS Serif"="Times New Roman"
    ;; Sans Serif Fonts
    "MS Sans Serif"="Arial"
    ;; Mono Space Fonts
    ;"Courier New"="Courier"

    ;; Attempt to make memory allocation more windows like.
    ;; Not for use with all applications. Best used in app default section.
    ; "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"

    "Com1" = "/dev/ttyS0"
    "Com2" = "/dev/ttyS1"
    "Com3" = "/dev/ttyS2"
    "Com4" = "/dev/modem"

    "Lpt1" = "/dev/lp0"

    "LPT1:" = "|lpr"
    "LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
    "LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"

    ;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
    ; "write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

    "Exclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"

    ;These are all booleans. Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
    ;Defaults are read all, write to Home
    ; Global registries (stored in /etc)
    "LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "n"
    ; Home registries (stored in ~user/.wine/)
    "LoadHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
    "LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "n"
    ; TRY to write all changes to home registries
    "WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
    ; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
    ; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
    ; Save only modified keys
    "SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"

    ;; supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98'
    "WineLook" = "Win98"

    "Drivers" = "xterm"
    ;"Drivers" = "tty"
    "XtermProg" = "konsole"
    ;"InitialRows" = "25"
    ;"InitialColumns" = "80"
    ;"TerminalType" = "nxterm"

    "ClearAllSelections" = "0"
    "PersistentSelection" = "1"

    ; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files
    ;"1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"
    ;"2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"
    ;"3" = "/usr/share/enscript"
    ;"4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"

    "SHMWineserver" = "Y"

    "Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"
    "WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
    "MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"

    "UseMMap" = "N"
    "FullDuplex" = "N"
    ;; Specify a mapping for what digital audio devices to use
    ;"dsp0" = "/dev/dsp0"
    ;"mixer0" = "/dev/mixer0"

    "UseMMap" = "Y"
    ;"pcm0" = "hw"
    ;"ctl0" = "hw"

    ;; App default settings

    ;; Battle Field 1942 settings
    "ClipSpaceFix" = "N"

    ;; Medal Of Honor settings
    "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"
    "FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "Y"
    "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"
    "FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "Y"

    "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"
    "FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "Y"
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "MemoryLayoutOverride" = "0x10000000"
    "FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "Y"

    "FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "Y"
    "windows" = "win2k"

    ;; SimCity 4 settings
    [AppDefaults\\SimCity 4.exe\\Version]
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    [AppDefaults\\SimCity 4.exe\\transgaming]
    "cmdlineadd" = "-d:software"
    [AppDefaults\\SimCity 4.exe\\Wineserver]
    "SHMWineserver" = "N"

    ;; Civ 3
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "Windows" = "win2k"

    ;; Call of Duty
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "Windows" = "win2k"

    ;; City of Heros
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "CursorAlphaAlwaysOn" = "Y"
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "CursorAlphaAlwaysOn" = "Y"
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "CursorAlphaAlwaysOn" = "Y"

    ;; Command & Conquer: Generals
    "Windows" = "win2k"

    ;; Painkiller
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "ClipSpaceFix" = "N"

    ;; EverQuest
    "ClipSpaceFix" = "N"
    "ForceMaxVertexBlendMatrices" = "2"
    "ClipSpaceFix" = "N"
    "ForceMaxVertexBlendMatrices" = "2"

    ;; Half-life 2
    "ForceMaxVertexBlendMatrices" = "2"
    "PixelShaders" = "N"
    "Windows" = "win98"

    ;; Need for Speed Underground
    "PixelShaders" = "N"

    ;; Max Payne 2
    "PixelShaders" = "N"

    ;; Doom 3
    "Windows" = "win2k"

    ;; Far Cry
    "Windows" = "win2k"
    "PretendGeforceTwoForFixedFunction" = "Y"

    ;; Sid Meier's Pirates!
    "ForceMaxTextureBlendStages" = "8"

    ;; Diablo II
    [AppDefaults\\Diablo II.exe\\Version]
    "Windows" = "win2k"

    # </wineconf>
    Geändert von Bladeking (11.09.05 um 09:48 Uhr)

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    stells doch einfach mit point2play um oder hast du das nich installen!!??
    oder du wendest dich an den offziellen transgaming support!

  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    Ich benutz die Version von nem Bekannten mit.Das heißt kein Point2play und kein Support.

  7. #7
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2005
    Hab eben einen eigenen Account bei Transgaming beantragt.Werde den support nutzen brauche wahrscheinlich keine Hilfe mehr.

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